So it’s been over a week since When the Stars Gossip premiered on tvN for the Sat-Sun time slot with a simul-stream on global platform Netflix. The ratings on tvN started off low-ish around 3% range and dropped to 2% range in the second week, portending a major flop for the network. Unfortunately it’s viewership on Netflix won’t be anything to write home about either, during the week of Jan 6-12th the first full week after the show premiered, it entered the top 10 at the #8 spot but behind three other K-dramas. Squid Game 2 was of course going to be #1 and no one expected Stars to even contend with but the OG Squid Game season 1 even three years after airing is back in #3 and the surprise is the little drama that could When the Phone Rings coming in at #7. I think the concept of Stars is great but the script is just trash and the a big name cast isn’t enough to overcome unappealing characters and inexplicably assembled together plot elements.
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I guess that's good news. I checked a few days back and it wasn't in top 10. So from the 2nd week it is appearing in top 10 so getting better views. Also Squid Games is a giant, we can't expect any show to take over that but it has done wonders for Korean dramas, making their mark in the international market. Before SG hardly any Korean show made it to global top 10 and now there's almost always a Korean show there.