When the Stars Gossip Sits at #8 in the Netflix Global Non-English Language Shows Behind Three Other K-dramas in the First Full Week of Airing
So it’s been over a week since When the Stars Gossip premiered on tvN for the Sat-Sun time slot with a simul-stream on global platform Netflix. The ratings on tvN started off low-ish around 3% range and dropped to 2% range in the second week, portending a major flop for the network. Unfortunately it’s viewership on Netflix won’t be anything to write home about either, during the week of Jan 6-12th the first full week after the show premiered, it entered the top 10 at the #8 spot but behind three other K-dramas. Squid Game 2 was of course going to be #1 and no one expected Stars to even contend with but the OG Squid Game season 1 even three years after airing is back in #3 and the surprise is the little drama that could When the Phone Rings coming in at #7. I think the concept of Stars is great but the script is just trash and the a big name cast isn’t enough to overcome unappealing characters and inexplicably assembled together plot elements.

I guess that’s good news. I checked a few days back and it wasn’t in top 10. So from the 2nd week it is appearing in top 10 so getting better views. Also Squid Games is a giant, we can’t expect any show to take over that but it has done wonders for Korean dramas, making their mark in the international market. Before SG hardly any Korean show made it to global top 10 and now there’s almost always a Korean show there.
Really? I thought CLOY ranked very high back then.
Really? I thought CLOY was big back then. If not mistaken, CLOY aired before Squid Game.
Yes, that’s right, CLOY is considered the K-drama with the longest legs on Netflix, meaning it was in the Global top 10 for the longest time. After CLOY, there was SG, All of us are dead, etc.
Some commenter claimed “Netflix is the target” here a few days ago too LOL.
I know this is not a WTPR post but I just want to say it’s so deserving of all the love. It ranked #2 in Netflix almost throughout its entire run. And still ranked in the top 10 after ending. Baring that wtfery of the first 30 min of ep 12, it’s truly been a magnificent drama. Amazing acting, tight writing, great handling of suspense and some of the most intense chemistry I’ve seen in years. So happy for YYS and CSB and I hope they get amazing project offers from here on out. They’re the reason I loved WTPR as much as I did.
We all know the netflix ranking will flop since the drama didn’t make any buzz. Most of popular kdramas on netflix always make it in the ranking in the first week when the drama air like QOT, WTPR, LND, my demon but WTSG only can make it in the second week of airing. Only the delusional fans think the netflix ranking is high enough to make WTSG as succesfull drama.
Here to also give my love to WTPR – the best kdrama of 2024. It warmed my cold, Wattpad loving heart.
The drama is a bonafide hit in China. YYS’s IG comments are being overrun by c-netz hopping over the firewall and screaming “DADDY” at him. He should really do a China fan visit because his new fanbase is ready to throw their wallets at him.
This ranking is old, it is currently No.14 globally and No.5 in Korea, below other simu-streaming dramas currently airing and also getting good ratings on TV. Wonder if they’ll cut episodes if it goes down to 1%, CJ ENM stock price is plummeting because this is flopping hard.
This is the official weekly ranking and you’re talking about the daily one so this is up to date.
Also, why would they ever consider cutting episodes for a drama that was fully shot 2 years prior? Even if it gets to 1%, they already sold the full drama to Netflix… what possible financial benefit (or otherwise) would they have to randomly cut episodes from a pre produced drama? That’s not how tv works…
TvN has cut episodes in the past due to low ratings. One of Jung Hae In’s drama was cut 4 episodes during broadcast when it went down to 1% territory. I suppose it is not possible for WTSG to be cut given it is already licensed to Netflix as 16 episodes.
I am very aware of not just tvN, but also terrestrial channels cutting down episodes. That is quite common in live filmed dramas.
This however is literally not just about the licensing. It’s the fact that this is a pre filmed drama. As in the filming was done years ago. They can’t cut down because they aren’t live shooting. The money is already spent. There is literally *no benefit* in cutting a drama down.
It’s under performing across all boards and CJ ENM stock price is tanking, cutting episodes and moving on to potentially better performing dramas would be the benefit.
Umm, yea no. That’s not how investments work. Even if the drama drops to 1%, the chances of them cutting down already filmed episodes is nil. Happy to call myself wrong if it were to happen tho. But it won’t.
I’m still pissed for A Piece of Your Mind, this drama was so good! It didn’t deserve to be cut. I wished it was JTBC aired it instead.
The target was obviously always netflix as South Korea has one of the largest netflix subscribers hence watching Cable is irrelevant compared to on Netflix you can watch it on Ultra HD on Netflix why bother going to TV at all but mostly the true target was the International audience because if it was not they wouldn´t have make it space drama but rather a low-key rom-com which is the right genre for the larger Korean audience.
Normally Unique genres interest the international audience like Zombie action, or something like Squid game that is death or live kind of game and mostly fantasy like unrealistic fantasy example like the hound or All of us are dead, Squid game etc etc. They will also eat up Korean gangster series like they did with Bloodhounds the one with Woo Do Hwan because it was extremely violent and wild it meets the criteria of the International audience.
The Space drama was another unique attempt to cater to the International audience as for the weekly views I think it´s gonna improve slowly and pass when the phone rings and other shows because it is 16 episodes it´s gonna be a marathon and also some viewers like to wait until the show is finished to bingewatch and it will remain on the library collecting views
All the dramas you listed are Netflix originals, WTSG is not. WTSG was always meant to be a TV-OTT simulcast from the very beginning. For the longest time the broadcasting network and OTT platform were not confirmed because the production studio was trying to sell it at a higher price, but there were no bites.
Hype is always highest while the drama is airing, not when it is over. When the Phone Rings got low tv ratings but shot up to No.2 globally on Netflix. Now that is it over, the views are less and the rankings are lower.
All the dramas you listed are Netflix originals, WTSG is not, it was always meant to be a TV-OTT simulcast. The broadcasting network and OTT platform were not even confirmed for the longest time because the production studio was trying to sell it at a higher price but there were no bites.
Hype is always the highest during the broadcast and it only goes down after it finish airing. When the Phones Rings got low TV ratings but shot up to No.2 on Netflix. Now that it’s over, the views are less and the rankings are lower.
Lee Minho still has a lot of global fans. But the story is meh.
Anyways, how is Flourished Peony doing in China? I really love that show, but no update. Where to read about them?
I had a gut feeling 4 years ago that WTSG would not do well domestically as knetz never warmed up to space based dramas even for a romcom. Expected it to do well internationally via Netflix but the long gap in between with GHJ getting married just killed the immersion factor fo fans who love to ship OTPs. When the two stars were doing promo interviews and GHJ gushing about her husband, I knew there wouldn’t be any buzz or excitement surrounding their pairing or onscreen love story. Writing is weak atm but may change after short finishes.
On the other hand, full praise and credit to WTPR’s writer,PD & King Kong CEO for convincing YYS to play BSE and casting CSB as HHJ. Nobody really care about this drama with bare minimum promo from MBC but it reignited my love for old school kdramas. In an interview, the writer said she met the two individually and together before casting them.
When she saw them together, she immediately noticed the pair’s evident chemistry and her mood lifted in real time according to the director who saw her reaction. This practice should be the kdrama industry standard practice when casting leads. Best drama of 2024 for me.
I doubt that GHJ marriage has any impact on WTSG. I mean, she and LMH doesn’t even have chemistry to begin with.
I am here to say that Yoo Yeon Seok is HOT. And his acting adds 50 points to his attractiveness. may he stay away from Korean noodles so he won’t swell and blow up. In God we trust. Amen.😂
God bless SBS and Netflix too. They signed a deal to screen more SBS dramas and content in mid 2025. So you can see YYS again in Aug when his SBS drama God and Law Firm with Esom come out and his reality show Whenever Possible with Yoo Jae Suk. Highly recommended. YYS normally drops tidbits about himself in the reality show. He cannot keep secrets. Lol.
He never blew up anyway. He was always like this, gets the hype from Reply, Hospital Playlist, even in Mr Sunshine but cannot be a mega star despite of excellent acting skills. Wonder why as its easy for men to be a superstar like how BWS became one after one drama.
Like him as an actor but his facial features is probably a hinder as he is sort of ugly and not handsome with those filler looking cheekbones. However, yeah he is old enough in 40s to blow up. WTPR made noise internationally but was quiet in Korea anyhow
Lol. Your handle name says it all. So much bitterness 😄
Right????? I never thought of YYS as super good looking, but GODDAYUM his Baek Saeon is the hottest male kdrama character I’ve ever laid my eyes on. That’s plastic surgery levels of acting right there. I’ll watch all his dramas religiously from now on. In good acting we trust. Amen.
I’m glad he’s gaining new fans. Funny thing is when new anti fans dragged his acting skills considering he made his acting debut at age 19 in Park Chan Wook’s acclaimed cult classic Oldboy. For his very first scene, Director Park said he left him alone with Yoon Seo Jin to act out a highly intimate scene after showing them the script and storyboard but he performed well and worked hard. Park regretted not shooting more closed up shots of YYS then considering how well he’s doing now in his acting. He was also nominated for Baeksang best actor tv category for his role as a serial killer in Bloody Lucky Day last year.
I did not realize there are folks who argue YYS is not a good actor. He was nominated several times for Baeksang – not just for Bloody Lucky Day but also Mr Sunshine and in the movie category for Royal Tailor. I think he also has nominations in Blue Dragon and Grand bell. Obviously with fame comes haters, but YYS has always been lauded as being a fantastic actor. Even when he played second lead roles in Reply and Mr Sunshine, he was the one the majority were rooting for. He has chemistry with just about all his female leads and has been popular in Korea for many years.
International fans tend to get jealous and territorial when someone gets really popular outside the known Hallyu bunch. Which whatever but to question his acting is crazy talk. I’m looking forward to him taking on different roles like he always does (and CSB too who is just as great!)
@Butterfly, not on this blog but on other platforms, some jealous anti fans started dragging his age and looks when they couldn’t argue against his acting,filmography & nominations. He already acknowledged early on in his career that he neither has the pretty boy good looks nor strong charismatic masculinity compared to popular actors so his route to career longevity is being a character actor thru nuanced acting. His project choices indicate he wants to hone his craft, acting alongside veterans like Lee Sung Min, Han Suk Kyu, Ha Jung Woo, Hwang Jung Min etc. Whichever direction he takes later, atm I will just enjoy his current recognition, be happy for him & CSB while it lasts and also anticipating his next drama, stage play, musical, variety show or film.
LOL. This is cool.
The idea of the spatial station was good but the story and characters are meh…
When the Phone Rings was so intense, even if the events didn’t make sense, it wasn’t important because the couple had a great chemistry. In WTSG, the romance is bad. It feels forced and they don’t have chemistry.
I have a different viewpoint regarding whether a drama is a success or not. From a business standpoint, a product is a success as long as it reaps profits. Given that WTSG is claimed to be a big ticket, what does matter isn’t the rating ranking on the streaming platforms which fans may care about and is a relative measure compared with other shows, but the final commercial revenues will define the success of a drama from Netflix management’s perspectives. Netflix surely hopes the commercial profits offset the costs for acquiring streaming license. If Netflix already signed the contract to pay for the broadcasting right to the WTSG producer before the drama premiered, it’s a done deal regardless of the unsatisfactory ratings. I believe the investors of WTSG production have already made money out of the deal. For investors of WTSG
production, the drama isn’t a failure. WTSG isn’t a runaway hit. But it’s still too early to deliver a “failure” verdict on WTSG. It’s not appealing to domestic fans. So far, I haven’t yet seen the sign of “flop” on Netflix given how many shows the streaming site is housing right now and WTSG is ranking top 20??? That’s not bad considering commercial revenues LOL.
I’m not defending WTSG though. The drama isn’t appealing to me either and I dropped after ep2. Nonetheless, fans need some education regarding how business works before dismissing WTSG as a tumble.
I agree with you. Totally, except of course I’m defending the drama and my baby boy
Good are you a fan of LMH? WTSG actually motivated me to check his dramas again. Faith and City Hunter were the two last and the only dramas of his I watched and then I took a hiatus from dramaland. I just found the Eternal King starring him and Kim Go Eun. I’m hooked and have been enjoying TEK tremendously. ETK, IMO, is one of better written and directed and acted fantasy dramas. The plot is cohesive and logical from the beginning through the eps I’ve watched so far. The acting is very convincing. I have to say LMH is charismatic and nailed the role. I always laughed when ppl dismissed LMH and got exhilarated to see his dramas flop. LOL. I’m not his fan but I think he is tremendously charismatic and that’s why he is so successful. I may continue to look for other dramas to watch him after the Eternal King.
I am quite surprise this blog doesn’t mention anything about WTPR being a surprise runaway hit.
The drama is so underrated, barely given promo and yet exploded out of nowhere. Ofc, it couldn’t be compared with the behemoth that is Squid Game but the drama is buzzing like crazy esp on X and ranked in the top 3 of the Netflix non-English speaking shows during its entire run. Despite the ridiculous plot halfway into its broadcast, I must say there’s just something about the drama, that unexplainable crack factor that made it so popular and so beloved. Also the phenomenal chemistry between Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin really the one holding the viewers. I would say this pair is one of the best K-drama OTP in years. And yeah, Yoo Yeon Seok is smoldering hot in WTPR. I was like “Where has this hot guy been all this time?” LOL
WTSG is just a dud. Completely not appealing. The plot sounds ridiculous and there’s completely no chemistry between the leads. I can’t blame the 2 years back-logged because I am certain it won’t make any difference. The drama is just a massive let down.
I’m just here for the appreciation of When the Phone Rings.. I only ever watch less than a handful of Kdramas a year since the pandemic and I rarely live-watch any dramas but WTPR messed me up. Hhhhhhh~ Closed my 2024 with a bang and opened my 2025 with so much energy!
YYS & CSB have solid acting chops since before pandemic and were/are underrated so I’m glad they’re getting the spotlight. Srsly well-deserved. Reminds me of Park Eunbin finally getting love after Attorney Woo..
More power to YYS&CSB and the shippers who want them as the next BinJin haahhaa~ they have to wait in line after Byun Wooseok-Kim Hyeyoon, Kim Soohyun-Kim Jiwon, Jung Haein-Jung Somin shippers lmaooooo
Idk why my comment cannot be uploaded. Sigh!
I am actually surprised that there’s no mention in this blog abt When The Phone Ring being a surprise runaway hit.
With barely any promo, WTPR becomes a global sensation. Ofc, there’s no comparison to the behemoth that is Squid Game but WTPR stayed in Top 4 of the most watched non English language shows on Netflix during its entire run. I checked it out only because it exploded on my X feed and on Dramabeans.
While the second half of the story is ridiculous in all senses, I still believe there’s something done right and that unexplainable crack factor that made it so beloved and addictive. And ofc, its the pairing of YYS and CSB, who I never would have imagined having that sizzling off the chart chemistry that is one of the main reasons holding on the viewers. And I agree, YYS is so smoldering hot as BSE that I even asked myself “Where has this hot guy been all this while?” LOL.
Anyway, I don’t think the 2 years push back in broadcasting of WTSG actually made any difference. First, the plot is absurd and secondly, there’s completely zilt chemistry between the leads and while i know LMH is so popular among overseas fan, idk how relevant and popular he is among k-viewers.
Same with me, I have watched less than 5 kdramas since 2020, but I found myself watching WTPR since I read the synopsis and found it intriguing enough. After each episode i found myself on X with the # for each episode regularly, things i missed etc I even found link to read the novel too. When it was postponed I was soooo angry.
No other drama has put me in a chokehold like WTPR I genuinely drop everything to watch the latest episode immediately it drops on Netflix. My X fyp became a WTPR stan account at a point.
I saw this post had so many comments and came to see what people were saying about the drama and it’s performance but turns out about 75% of the comments are about WTPR. I think that says so much about how little interest WTSTG has generated 🤣
and yet there’s no article on it in this blog, never has been. I think that says a lot too. It reeks of desperation.
Reeks of what desperation exactly? The need for people to talk about a drama that is actually viral and beloved amongst fans everywhere over an absolute flop one that’s getting no interest?
Because yeah, despite koala not writing about it, WTPR is mentioned in so many articles here and talked about. That does in fact say a lot. Otoh, despite koala writing so many articles on WTSG, no one’s praising it for anything other than the PD if even. The only trending articles you’ll see on TQ etc for this drama are ones talking about just how crap it is. Not even LMH’s desperate fangirls can convince themselves this is salvageable. Now that – that says even more. In fact, it says everything.
So even if you say the drama is a flop, it’s a global flop. Lee min ho is associated with global. Even if the ratings or what not drops to -12, it will still be talked about by even you! Don’t you see it, no Matter how you guys try so hard you just prove the point. Koala couldn’t be bothered with wtpr because you can’t force these things. So go ahead rally round and prove the point. One way or another this drama is already global because baby boy is in it.
Awwweeee I see. You’re baby boy’s fangirl who is taking Koala’s lack of articles on WTPR as “proof” that… what? WTPR is not a global flop like WTSG? Oh yea, fangirl, i think we can all agree to that, because WTPR happens to be a rather huge hit internationally with its actor being nominated for MBC Daesang last year. It’s rather ironic too, considering I am contributing to the meagre 25% talking about the global flop while 75% is talking about a hit drama that’s hardly relevant to this article. You can however count on me continuing in the same reign, just like I did for LND. At least for that, you tried to argue it wasn’t a flop. Looks like you gave on up this one and expect it to be “-12” in ratings. Damn 🤣
“Global Flop” is now a flex for baby boy’s fans 🤣🤣 – my have you guys dropped to a new low. The bar is in hell and it’s utterly amusing.
@Jennilee I’m sorry but whaaaa?! L O L. You would pick your oppa to star in a global flop that’s getting the attention of the blogger and no one else, over a global hit that’s getting the attention of all the commenters on said blog other than the blogger? You think that highly of Koala’s opinions?? L O L. @Sunny’s whole point is HARDLY ANYONE is talking about your oppa’s drama other than Koala and everyone is finding an excuse to talk about WTPR instead. And ur argument is that thats a-okay bcz your global oppa is being a global flop?? Whaaaaa??? HAHAHAHAHA LMH stans level of delulu-ing themselves and altering perceived reality is other level L O L
@Jennilee LMFAO Bragging about you’re fave’s drama being a “global flop” is crazy 😂
But at least we all can agree it’s flopping hard 😂😂😂
You and that clown LMH stan Adyluvslmh/Adyluvsjunjihyun can be delulu together for our entertainment 😂
@jennilee huh? your argument is STUPID lol. “Koala didn’t post about a drama therefore the drama is a flop” Like what? is being posted on this blog the new metric for drama success? i guess we ought to inform Koreans about this new metric, then 😂
koala literally only posts about dramas she likes, dramas that she’s interested in, or dramas of her favorite actors/actresses. so her not posting about wtpr just means she’s either not interested in it, isn’t watching it therefore can’t comment on it, or the leads are just not her cup of tea. conversely, her posting about your baby boy’s flop drama doesn’t change the fact that it’s a big, fat flop. oh sorry, I mean “global flop” 🤡
So, think about it please. Who are those talking about wtpr? Those that have seen it, and yes I know you call me delusional, but not everyone or even almost everyone have seen it, just some people have seen it.
Now think about those talking about when the stars gossip, those that are seeing it, those that saw just one episode, that should know it’s hardly enough to even have an informed opinion, those that are not seeing it and are first fo shout that they can’t see it because it’s this or that, those that read up on comments about it because they cannot stand not having an opinion about the drama. That’s everyone I dare say. Do you see it now? Even you are making my point. Your 75% made me laugh but okay. You cannot force these things, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. See I’m not saying it’s a flop, like someone said, if the investors made their money it’s already a success. What more could you ask for? For the actors to be more recognized? Maybe. But that wish doesn’t apply to my baby boy, we’re global already, that’s pinnacle whether you like it or not, doesn’t really change much for him. Yep, I can’t thank koala enough for never posting any article despite y’all shenanigans 🤣, the woman is my absolute hero for now. I truly hope I can count on you to be consistently trying hard to push this project as a failure, we need you.
Remember when koala posted something and some folks said she was just trying to get traffic on her blog, cause they thought she should stop at that time. Now I agreed it wouldn’t be out of place if a blogger wanted a bit of traffic. So when I saw some of you guys day in and day out saying’koala you should cover wtpr” practically begging her, and yet zilch!! My world🤣🤣. I mean the desperation was palpable. If truly everyone was talking about it every where, why didn’t you guys have you fill there, talk your heart out instead subtle beggings and even glaring ones? I mean koala doesn’t even need to watch the drama to put up an article. She could say,they say this is hot now, I haven’t seen it but will try to. And voila give you guys some needed attention that you so desperately needed. But nothing, I mean your beggings and her silence revolutionized desperation!!! 😂😂 but of course I am the new low, my standards are in hell? I truly understand why this 75% of you we’re talking about the drama, I mean you’ve bottled it inside for so long, no blog probably gave you the light of day so you needed this outlet. So nope, we’re not the desperate ones, you might want to look closer. Millie aren’t you one of those who came imploring koala to cover the drama? Ouch😂😂
@baby boy’s delulu fangirl – I don’t base my judgement of drama’s global popularity on Koala’s coverage. The fact that you do just exposes your IQ 🤣 and I know just how much you’re “bottling” up your anger over knowing WTPR is getting the attention you can only dream WTSG would – both here and in, let’s see now, Twitter, Insta, TikTok, Insti, DC, YouTube shorts… those are just as start. But ofc, I do see why you would be stuck up on Koala’s little blog. It’s the ONLY place you can even talk about the global flop and you’re getting DESPERATE. Yet commenters here are still stealing it to talk about the drama that everyone else is already talking about everywhere else. And that too in an article for your baby boy’s global flop. Ouch 🤣
Btw, I DARE you to link me ONE comment of mine where I “begged” Koala to write about WTPR. Go on. I’m waiting. Take all the time you need in the world. Go on, look hard. No don’t seem the type who’d be busy with anything. Search her blog and give her more engagement while you’re at it 😉
@???? Think about when say qot was airing, I know a lot of you liked it, did you need an excuse to talk about it despite how huge it was, on another unrelated article? Nope. The articles were pouring right left and centre that you didn’t need an excuse, you talked so much about it under its many designated articles everywhere. Now read what you said, that my oppa’s drama is so bad that everyone is basically saying ‘lets talk about this drama that we’ve never been allowed to talk about. Do you get it? If it was huge, you wouldn’t have to squeeze it in. Y’all are the problem of wtpr drama, draining it’s steeze.
@Jennilee once again, whaaaa?? First off, I didn’t like QOT. Second off, there were a LOT of QOT mentions in unrelated articles which was tiring in and off itself. If you are suffering from short term memory, it doesn’t take much to look at articles during that time period. But to circle back to your point, the reason many QOT discussions were in designated articles is because it had those. Tons of them. And shocker, the reason for that wasn’t due to its huge hit status. Koala had it everywhere in this blog because she is a KSH fan. Simple.
I don’t need to think about it. Your oppa’s drama is so unpopular that even in the few designated articles for WTSG, no one’s talking about it. Conversely, because there are no designated articles, WTPR is being mentioned in random articles and blowing out to full on discussions because that’s just how popular it is. To LMH fans, this is a first L O L. Usually no matter how hated his drama is, or how low the ratings are, at least it has hype outside sk. But as he grows old and starts to lose his pretty boy face and his acting remains as crap and stagnant as ever, it’s slowly becoming evident he was always a 1 trick pony. That explains the lack of interest in koala’s blog itself. Back in even the Eternal king days, the defence for him was fierce here. Now you’re amongst the few lone soldier remaining. At least King had buzz, but WTSG can’t even get his own fans to care. Eeeeeps.
But back to the original topic, I am tickled by the idea that you think this highly of Koala’s opinion that the # of posts here is somehow a measure of success to you. That was not LMH fans previous view on her. HAHAHAHAHA I vividly recall her calling out King’s poor performance and the way his fan girls called her an anti. How the tables have turned L O L. If you do not see the irony and don’t realize this is the absolute epitome of the desperation you accuse WTPR fans of, I suggest you brush up on your vocabulary. Girl, you ain’t using the right word to express your pain over your oppa’s yet-another-failure and another drama’s success concurrently. This must feel like Secret vs Heirs all over again except this time, they aren’t even airing during the same time. Or year. L O L. I feel ya.
Very surprised this blog has no post of WTPR at all after it aired. Huge hit internationally and lots of buzz in Korea even if the ratings did not hit 10s.
I was one of the many worldwide truly invested in the drama and the OTP, runaway best drama of 2024 for me just by how many rewatch I had even while the drama was airing .
As for WTSG,I kinda liked how wacky it is? But other than the wackiness, it kinda mid for me. Will continue to watch though.
No but SRSLY, Koala.. Why is there actually NO POST of When The Phone Rings in this blog AT ALL?? And at the bottom of this page it says: “Currently Watching: K-dramas When the Phone Rings” ~ is this jury still out or sumn?? I remember how the K-drama hits of 2024 were covered here but with WTPR, just a few phrases here and there. >.<
NO POST during and after it’s run is what I meant.. ^.^v
Long time blog visitors are aware blogger has her own faves. WTPR leads are obviously not her jam and she could be watching it to see what the fuss is about. Way back in 2013 Reply 94 Chilbong-Trash fanwars were heatedly debated all over the place but not widely discussed on this blog coz blogger didn’t watch it despite being a hit that year. It’s just her style and me as a visitor just have to respect her decision.
Anyways, fans can still discuss WTPR here under WTSG article is hilarious enough for me though. I totally get it going forward YYS CSB won’t be mentioned much in this blog in the future.
I think Koala tends to cover dramas with her fav actors/actresses. Or ones she is looking forward to or is interested in (even if they are not big hits). Maybe WTPR didnt really hit her fancy and thats ok. She wrote a lot about Love Next Door (flop), but did not cover Lightshop (second highest views after Moving in D+). She has not covered Love Scout yet (big hit already). I dont think her coverage is an indication of a hit or a flop. Its just based on what she feels like writing about. Which fair enough.
Yes. You have finally understood her style. LND was covered here bcuz JSM is her soft spot.
Koala did legendary recaps of JSM’s Playful Kiss back in the glorious kdrama days even though it received very low ratings. She has quirky taste and I really enjoyed those epic days. Lol.
According to global flop’s desperate fangirls, Koala writing an article is the only way to determine if a drama is a hit 🤣 so accordingly, Love Scout, Light Shop, Lady Ok etc etc etc are all flops.
No but jokes aside, you’re completely right and it is a blog which many tend to forget. I enjoy this blog not for her commentary, but for the comments themselves.
Well that’s a wrap ladies. We can all agree that you’ve destroyed me, but it was fun. Let’s do it again.
@Jennilee, I have moments where my opinions are not in line with general public. I too have my share of labels, some really nasty. I dont do personal attacks nor like nasty labelling on others but many members here do. Dont let them annoy you too long if they do. You just be who you are, and enjoy the dramas you like..dont like others put you down or make fun of your interest. In the next article, the wise will move on. No need to carry past baggage with them.
I personally may not be Lee MIn Ho’s fan, but he is a big brand. In fact, I think he is the first of Korean big overseas Brand since his breakout in F4. Pachinko is a solid drama and he has earn solid fans thru it too.
Happy New Year @Jennilee. See you in the next article.
awwnnn🥰🥰🥰. Thank you so much, I don’t think I even deserve your kind words but I appreciate them with my whole heart. I’ll definitely stick around, you don’t know how much your words melted my heart, my very undeserving heart. Thank you.
Dont you like and sometimes hate how diverse the world is? Each and everyone are individuals with our own independent opinions. There are enough dramas, idols etc for different people to like.
I have moments when I can be quite vocal and express some strong opinions here. I get trashed for them. It can be slightly uncomfortable but I take a deep breathe then move on. I put all the nasty labels into my mental recycle bin and empty the bin permanently 🤣. Then I move to the next article.
But there are afew sensible members here…we can have differences but no need to trash talk anyone for our differences.
Thank you for your kind reply. 🤗🤗
🤗🤗 You are deserving of support…but none of us deserve nasty labels put on us just because our opinions are different. I put those nasty labels in my mental recycle bin and permanately trash bin immediately 🤣.