Six Flying Dragon

China’s Sohu Holds 2nd Golden Kimchee Awards with Moon Lovers and Uncontrollably Fond Picked as Worst K-dramas of 2016China’s Sohu Holds 2nd Golden Kimchee Awards with Moon Lovers and Uncontrollably Fond Picked as Worst K-dramas of 2016

China’s Sohu Holds 2nd Golden Kimchee Awards with Moon Lovers and Uncontrollably Fond Picked as Worst K-dramas of 2016

China’s Sohu streaming portal, one of the largest and also the bidding winner in getting exclusive streaming rights to many…

8 years ago
Yoo Ah In is Royally Sexy as an All-black Clad Warrior Prince in Six Flying DragonsYoo Ah In is Royally Sexy as an All-black Clad Warrior Prince in Six Flying Dragons

Yoo Ah In is Royally Sexy as an All-black Clad Warrior Prince in Six Flying Dragons

This dangerous amounts of smexy hotness should be illegal, or at least come with a warning on it. SBS released…

10 years ago