W-Two Worlds

Goblin and Gong Yoo Lead the Nominations for the 2017 Baeksang Arts AwardsGoblin and Gong Yoo Lead the Nominations for the 2017 Baeksang Arts Awards

Goblin and Gong Yoo Lead the Nominations for the 2017 Baeksang Arts Awards

The nominations are out for the 53rd annual Baeksang Arts Awards, to be held on May 3rd in Seoul. Leading…

8 years ago
Legend of the Blue Sea Tops Chosun Daily Readers Poll of Favorite 2016 K-dramaLegend of the Blue Sea Tops Chosun Daily Readers Poll of Favorite 2016 K-drama

Legend of the Blue Sea Tops Chosun Daily Readers Poll of Favorite 2016 K-drama

Another poll result has hit the internet waves and this one feels like the readers had their hands on the…

8 years ago
K-audiences Pick a Goblin and Another Oh Hae Young as Characters Most Desired as Christmas DateK-audiences Pick a Goblin and Another Oh Hae Young as Characters Most Desired as Christmas Date

K-audiences Pick a Goblin and Another Oh Hae Young as Characters Most Desired as Christmas Date

This is the oddest poll ever even in the world of K-ent where anything can become the subject of a…

8 years ago
Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Spend the Autumn Cuddling Up in New Dazed Magazine SpreadLee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Spend the Autumn Cuddling Up in New Dazed Magazine Spread

Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Spend the Autumn Cuddling Up in New Dazed Magazine Spread

The dichotomy of W: Two Worlds wasn't just in the parallel universes within the narrative scope, one real and the…

8 years ago
W: Two Worlds with Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Ends Parallel Universe Twisty Story in Final EpisodeW: Two Worlds with Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Ends Parallel Universe Twisty Story in Final Episode

W: Two Worlds with Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Ends Parallel Universe Twisty Story in Final Episode

I’m glad I watched MBC's Wed-Thurs world hopping drama W: Two Worlds all the way to the end, even if starting…

8 years ago
W: Two Worlds Leads the Currently Airing Drama CPI Rankings Over Doctors and Uncontrollably FondW: Two Worlds Leads the Currently Airing Drama CPI Rankings Over Doctors and Uncontrollably Fond

W: Two Worlds Leads the Currently Airing Drama CPI Rankings Over Doctors and Uncontrollably Fond

We're headed into the dog days of summer and the rankings are out for the content power index in Korean…

9 years ago
Production of W: Two Worlds Promises Episodes 7-8 Will be Packed with Excitement and Narrative GoodnessProduction of W: Two Worlds Promises Episodes 7-8 Will be Packed with Excitement and Narrative Goodness

Production of W: Two Worlds Promises Episodes 7-8 Will be Packed with Excitement and Narrative Goodness

My fave currently airing K-drama is now W: Two Worlds after four exhilarating episodes, and it's not because of all…

9 years ago
Summer Romance K-dramas Pile on the OTP Kisses in Doctors, Uncontrollably Fond, and W: Two WorldsSummer Romance K-dramas Pile on the OTP Kisses in Doctors, Uncontrollably Fond, and W: Two Worlds

Summer Romance K-dramas Pile on the OTP Kisses in Doctors, Uncontrollably Fond, and W: Two Worlds

There’s been a whole lotta of kissing going on in prime time K-dramas, specifically in the three trendiest and buzzed…

9 years ago
Uncontrollably Fond Takes the Lead Over W: Two Worlds in Wed-Thurs Drama RatingsUncontrollably Fond Takes the Lead Over W: Two Worlds in Wed-Thurs Drama Ratings

Uncontrollably Fond Takes the Lead Over W: Two Worlds in Wed-Thurs Drama Ratings

The ratings have shaken out for the current Wed-Thurs prime time drama slate and it's a continuing win for KBS…

9 years ago
Thrilling Long 7-minute Preview for W: Two Worlds Heightens Expectations on Eve of PremiereThrilling Long 7-minute Preview for W: Two Worlds Heightens Expectations on Eve of Premiere

Thrilling Long 7-minute Preview for W: Two Worlds Heightens Expectations on Eve of Premiere

Tonight is the first episode airing of W: Two Worlds on MBC, the highly anticipated sci-fi/fantasy action and romance drama…

9 years ago
Han Hyo Joo and Lee Jong Seok are Gamely Confused in New Stills and Preview for W: Two WorldsHan Hyo Joo and Lee Jong Seok are Gamely Confused in New Stills and Preview for W: Two Worlds

Han Hyo Joo and Lee Jong Seok are Gamely Confused in New Stills and Preview for W: Two Worlds

Crossed paths or fated destiny is the name of the romantic entanglement in W: Two Worlds. But I have a…

9 years ago
Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Breach Dimensions to Meet in W: Two WorldsLee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Breach Dimensions to Meet in W: Two Worlds

Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo Breach Dimensions to Meet in W: Two Worlds

It's T-minus countdown time as upcoming MBC Wed drama W: Two Worlds premieres in a little over a week on…

9 years ago
Light and Dark are the Contrasting Drama Posters of Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo in W: Two WorldsLight and Dark are the Contrasting Drama Posters of Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo in W: Two Worlds

Light and Dark are the Contrasting Drama Posters of Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo in W: Two Worlds

The drama posters are out for mind-bendy romance drama W: Two Worlds, or more aptly the W meaning two universes…

9 years ago