Categories: J-doramas

Proudly Flying my KyoHaru Flag in Ouran High School Host Club

How is this not the OTP? Practical and down-to-earth butt poor girl meets calculating and acerbic nerdy billionaire heir. Yes yes, I know Kyoya in the manga/anime of Ouran High School Host Club isn’t even guy2, but the drama is definitely setting him up to be guy2, so that’s my canon and I’m sticking with it. The problem isn’t even that I don’t adore drama queen/king/prince Tamaki, it’s simply that I love Kyoya more. And Daito Shunsuke‘s chemistry with Kawaguchi Haruna? If she was older (re: legal age, and discounting the 9 year age difference between them), I’d be shipping them in real life so hard they would be the second coming of YamaKi for me.

This post has no purpose other than to indulge my KyoHaru shipping heart. See, even De View Magazine thinks Haruhi and Kyoya ought to be photographed together! Everyone else, indulge me, m’kay? Also wanted to disclose that I have a proper Shunsuke ONLY post coming up, and you don’t want to miss it. This boy is smoking when he’s not playing he buttoned up nerd. A preview pic, and more KyoHaru goodies, after the jump. Now I finally understand what it must’ve felt like to be a Tsukushi-Rui shipper in HanaDan (or a Jan Di-Ji Hoo shipper in BOF).

I realized that both Shunsuke and Haruna played yankees (i.e. Japanese slang for delinquent students) in different dramas, he in Tumbling with Yamamoto Yusuke, and she in Yankee Kun to Megame Chan. Even putting their yankee-incarnations next to each other makes me ship them rabidly. Japan – you have a good thing forming here, get on it and start making the perfect drama for these two. Something along the lines of Buzzer Beat but without the basketball and even more making out. And don’t forget the spooning.

And finally, a preview of my upcoming Shunsuke picspam post. Yes, it’s getting “Hot in Herre”.


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  • Ai! I love all the pictures. I can't get enough of the Kyoya, not that I'd ever dream of stealing him. I tend to like the most interesting male character and for OHSC, he is definitely the most interesting. I love all the characters and am so excited to watch more of them.

  • I know, I know, Tamaki is the lead and definitely the sure OTP but I like Kyoya more!

    Totally shipping this OTP that i know for a fact will never sail. *sighs*

    He's so good looking too! *weeeeeeeeeh*!

    I'm with you on this sis!

    • Eeeeee i know this is late but i still ship them after all these years they have been my absolute otp??

  • First post ever in this playground....
    Anyways just want to said I love this shipp and I so agree with you someone needs to put this two in a drama.

    I have watch and read the anime/manga (runs and hide under a rock) and in both Kyoka for some reason does not read 2nd leadmen yet I always have shipp Kyoka/Haruhi much more that Tamaki/Haruhi or Hikaru/Haruhi which are the two big shipps of OHSHC. I don't have a particular reason why I like this two characters together I just do... I think is because how down to earth both of them are and how uncomplex and easy going they are...

  • Practical and down-to-earth butt poor girl meets calculating and acerbic nerdy billionaire heir.
    If this can't be the OTP in Ouran, can we please have another drama with this premise? I don't care if it has every trope in the book. I just kind of need to see it.

    But mannnnn their chemistry is insane. Maybe it's because they both get to flex their comedic and dramatic skills in Ouran, while poor Yamamoto Yusuke has only gotten to do comedy thus far (and he has been brilliant at it).

    If Ouran has proved popular enough to merit a film announcement before the drama ends, I'm sure Japan has noticed their chemistry. Thankfully, it seems like Japan is more willing than Korea to put leads in a second, third, drama together. I would love for this to happen tomorrow, but uh, I'd end up feeling really gross about it. Let's wait until she's 18, and then they can do something fabulous together.

    • I agree that acting wise, Shunsuke and Haruna get more range, while Yosuke has been relegated to overacting like he has frogs in his pants most of the time. But his overacting is so pitch perfect, and when he has to be serious, he nails it, too. Yosuke is the real deal.

      But the chemistry between Kyoya and Haruhi is more that just their acting styles and character traits being more aligned. Their intense chemistry is just off the charts even in the tiniest little scenes and gestures. Whereas I don't see any romantic chemistry between Tamaki and Haruhi. And this is where the chemistry "it" factor comes into play.

      Yosuke and Haruna are like big brother-little sister. I've seen the BTS, it's the exact same interaction. Whereas Shunsuke and Haruna are....not. I can't say more since she is so very young. But the simmering chemistry between them onscreen is undeniable, and turning me into a crazy KyoHaru shipper. It's like they get each other.

      • Ohh.... boy you seem very taken with this two but then again who can blame you they look really good together.... I must be crazy loving this pair so much myself after all she is still a teen so...

        I think I need to see this BTS because that can put somethings in perspective. Like in LTM those BTS put things into perpective for me.

        Either way I can waite for the next couple of episode and the movie.
        Now is a matter of crossing fingers that in 2013 this two will have the opportunity to act together as an OTP.

      • LOL, unlike LTM, I don't think they actually like each other in RL. Maybe they do, but I'm not going there.

        For now I see them more as YamaKi-esque, actors with sizzling onscreen chemistry.

      • LOL.... actually I was think more on the lines of thta BTS sometimes can show a natural side to actors that influence their acting and can created magical moments... Then again that can also be taken as developing feelings.

        Ok not going there.... but I don't really know how to explain it other that sometimes actors natural charm comes out and affect their enviorment and their co-stars...

      • I'm looking forward to seeing Yosuke toning things down a bit, and seeing what he can really do. I don't think I've seen him in a drama before, and he's fabulous as the over the top Tamaki, but things get a little more serious towards the end of the manga. It's going to be fun to see him tap that side too.

        It's just unfortunate that Yosuke and Haruna are lacking the "it" factor that Shunsuke and Haruna have in spades. Their bed scene together completely took out all the emotional wham out of Tamaki and Haruhi's scene (which was really beautiful in the manga). But really, the scene between K/H could have been anywhere, and it still probably would have taken out the umph from T/H.

        I guess with the film being made for next year, the chance for Shunsuke and Haruna to do something else together just gets bigger. Everyone in Japan will be reminded of their incredible chemistry, and she'll *almost* be legal then. Come on Japanese TV big wigs! Make us a show!

  • ****Oh darn I push the post button by accident anyways I love Daito Shunsuke acting he is playing Kyoka wonderfuly. I really think he was a great choice, so great that he is stealing the show. Have to love him.

    I can't believe he is 25 years old.... He looks so much younger.

  • Wait...he's 25??? For realz? Like, not in everyone-gets-older-January-1 25? As in, he was born in 1986?!? No way. I've never really found Japanese guys hot, but I'm definitely willing to make an exception here. And she needs to grow up fast so they can make a totally awesome, chemistry-off-the-charts drama, ASAP.

    • Shunsuke is scheduled for next year's Taiga already, so unless his character is offed mid-way (which might happen since war Taiga's have high body counts and is a year long drama), he's booked for the entire year. Which means when he gets out after doing his Taiga service (I consider it like enlisting for K-actors), Haruna will be 18 in 2013 and the world might not be ready for their pairing to melt our brains. Or at least mine.

      Shunsuke's totally taking the Mukai Osamu career trajectory, or at least I hope he is. Do that Taiga, and then come back a leading man, my boy!

      • Really he's in the Taiga next year? Gosh NHK is really serious in making it a Taiga filled with great young actors (Kenichi and Hiroshi as leads are swoon-worthy enough; not to mention a lot of great names appear on that actor list)

        Just checked about Shunsuke's role in this Taiga (btw, love your description about Taiga being something similar to MS in Korea LOL), I think it will be quite a prominent role as younger brother of Kenichi. All the best to him!

  • i was totally shipping for kyoya-haruhi during the manga-anime. and now the drama is making my wishes come true!!


    You didn't really expect coherent comments after posting that last pic, right?

  • The funny thing is I actually was surprised that Kyuoya didn't end up the 2nd lead in the manga because in the beginning of the manga (about where they are in th dorama) I definitely was getting the 2nd lead vibes from him so I was surprised in the later volumes when one of the twins ended up the 2nd. These two look adorable together, I hope they do a drama as the otp.


      How come nothing special happens to the tall, dark guy? I call first dibs on him.

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