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Police Hand Investigation Results to Prosecutor and Recommend Indictment for Park Shi Hoo and K

Detectives at the Western Police Station in Seoul have officially concluded their investigation into the allegations that Park Shi Hoo raped trainee A on the night of February 14th and handed it off to the prosecutor’s office with a recommendation to indict. The police have formally announced that their conclusion that a crime was likely committed was based on answers given by Park Shi Hoo during his interrogation and questioning, A’s initial statement, the circumstantial evidence such as the CCTV footage of A being piggybacked into the apartment by K and her rape kit results, and the results from the lie detector test which both Park Shi Hoo and K failed while A passed. Police are recommending that Park Shi Hoo be indicted for semi-rape (the first time they had sex, when A was fully unconscious and passed out), rape (the second time they had sex when A says she woke up during), and injuries resulting from rape. Police are also recommending K be indicted for sexual molestation. Apparently in Korea rape is split into forcible when the victim is conscious and when its done to an unconscious person, hence the weird semi-rape charge, which doesn’t mean half rape or sorta rape but rather that the victim is unaware of being raped because of unconsciousness or inebriation. Park Shi Hoo’s law firm immediately released a press announcement that the police investigation was biased towards A, police discounted Kakao talk evidence, Park Shi Hoo’s civil rights and presumption of innocence were disregarded with all the leaks during the investigation, and now they have filed an official grievance report with the Civil Rights Commission and National Police Inspector General. It’s not like Park Shi Hoo has been convicted, the law firm’s time might be better spent mounting a defense for him at trial if they have the evidence to prove his innocence to proffer the judge or jury.

In the police announcement about recommending an indictment, police have said that it has reviewed the allegations that A was looking for a financial settlement and that Mr. Hwang of Eyagi entertainment and another big wig was conspiring against Park Shi Hoo, and found no evidence to back up either assertion. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what the police say, or what the prosecutor decides to do, and even what a judge or jury finds at the end of this case if it goes to trial, some fans of Park Shi Hoo have already decided he is being unjustly persecuted, A is a gold-digging whore, the police are corrupt and hate Park Shi Hoo, and the entire entertainment and media world is out to get him. I call this the “oppa is a martyr” belief. At which point – this case doesn’t matter for his fans and for those who are merely reading the facts and innuendos and making their own judgment, there will never be a consensus between the two groups on whether a rape happened that night. Park Shi Hoo was included in the nominees for a Baeksang popularity award this week and he was actually leading the votes until his name was removed at his request. He is refraining from any entertainment activities until this case is resolved. Park Shi Hoo has not been officially indicted yet but expect it to happen shortly. He has also not been arrested or detained, which is not a surprise considering the nature of this case. It’s not a violent crime, he’s not a danger to society and needs to be locked up pending trial, and he’s not a flight risk. Even if he were arrested I’d expect a judge to grant a pretty low bail amount. The police are recommending that he not be arrested for the above reasons I just explained, it has nothing to do with whether they believe he committed a crime. In the meantime, he just celebrated a birthday this week in the midst of what is likely the worst experience he’s ever gone through. Oh what a very bad judgment call can do to a person.


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  • He will be the history lesson for future and present K-celebrities on how not to mess with the blind dates or not to mess with girls by using "I'm-celebrity-you-should-thank-me-for-messing-with-you".

  • Wow....... I feel sorry for him; I am a big fan of his and this will help his career go down the drain. But that aside thank you for the update and hopefully something better will come to Shi Goo in the future. Best of luck to you, and I will still watch your shows despite the bad luck you are having. :(

    • Bad luck? how the eff is this "bad luck"? He RAPED a woman and is now suffering the consequences. The only person you should be lamenting for her bad luck is the young woman involved in this case! People victim-blaming sexual assault victims is precisely why so may instances of rape and molestation are under-reported!

  • Yikes. I would think his lawyers should really really really really really push a settlement so this mess never gets to trial.

    Or can he do that "no contest" thing in SK?

    Yikes. Woke up during. I wanna puke.

    • I'm surprised they didn't try much harder for a settlement when all the details started to leak initially.

      • Only 100 000 dollars. lol He should sell of all his properties in Seoul. Jami and Demi included.

    • I'm beginning to think his lawyers are kind of ridiculous right now...what with the filing of the lawsuits and greivance reports and complaints left, right and center

    • I heard that they did, Park Shi Hoo's mom met with A's dad, and later Park Shi Hoo's first attorney met with A's dad. No settlement was reached.

  • I don't believe him at all and I want to give him a handcuff as birthday present. He thinks that money can do everything, suing people left and right and badmouthing police. He should never be an actor again.

  • LOL PSH and his lawyers were also one of the people who throw many leaks and articles about this case to media and now they are crying about it?

    Then A can also file a complain about her info and phone story being leaked to the media. PSH's lawyer even got her other supposed texts with her mother, friends and etc... this wihtout any permition.

    • I am neutral about this case but I definitely have to agree with you. Park Shi Hoo and his team are all up in arms about police leaks and being painted as a rapist by the media, but they spent the majority of their time mudslinging A and releasing incomplete evidence that could or could not be out of context.

    • Well, the complaint is about the police leaking info, which seems reasonable imo. After all, do you want your own local police dept to leak your own personal info to all and sundry? Then what happens to your own rights to privacy as a citizen?

      If A can complain about her info and phone talk history being leaked to the media, then K can complain about A leaking their mutual phone talk contents to the media too, and what about B, happily giving interviews on A's behalf? Don't forget, A also leaked her talk history to the media, claiming that it was the "full" version, and that's why P's lawyers responded and released their "fuller" version of the so-called "full" version.

      • Correction: A gave the media her full KakaoTalk with K - she didn't leak it by any means, because it was previously leaked/dug up by tabloids in a fragmentary state. After A, PSH's side officially released not only the convo between A and K following the incident, but also the ones before that, from 14 Febr between A and K, and another short one from 15 Febr in which A talked about her suspicions of pregnancy with K. The convos between A and B were again leaked by tabloids.

        Now the tricky part: wasn't PSH's legal team that subpoenaed for A's text messages? I've got my suspicions on K, as being the one who told PSH about the messages in the first place, and then Purme subpoenaed for them, thinking that could prove A is lying about the rape. So I always believed that they were the first who "leaked" A's kakaoTalk messages to their "friendly" press side. Well, my mistake if they weren't, perhaps someone from the police/phone company leaked it to the tablois then.
        Even a few days back, PSH's lawyers dug up new KakaoTalks between A, her mom and her friends, and were screaming from the rooftops that the police considers those irrelevant to the case.

        And I don't remember A ever complaining about her privacy not being respected by her phone history being leaked in the media. A is entitled by law to her name/face anonymity in the media, and that's it. It was PSH's side who sued various media outlets for publishing false info - which later proved to be true, and now crying foul that his rights weren't respected by the police. Not to mention suing for libel and defamation other parties indirectly involved. All I see is Purme making noise, and A's side relatively silent.

        Of course, B's interviews to the press had done more harm than good to any of the 2 parties involved. I wish she would've kept her mouth shut all through the investigation.

        And it's understandable that the police had leaks that they couldn't entirely control given the high profile case they were dealing with. Though I have my reasons to call them incompetent, I don't thing the leaks proved their incompetency. They should totally start an investigation to find out who amongst them sold informations to the press. PSH's side would want to find rather that then file complaints against the whole police station imo. But of course, if he believes that his privacy and his rights were trampled, go ahead, sue everyone involved, file complaints etc.

        I also find that Purme's media play acts as a sand thrower in our eyes wanting to blind us from seeing other important things like: rape and injuries resulting from rape. Media play against forensics evidence? Well, good luck to them!

      • @ CL, I was replying to Liz's comment that A should/could file a complaint about her info and phone story being "leaked" to the media by PSH and his lawyers, and should we follow her reasoning, K could also complain about her releasing her talk contents with him to the media, and so on and so forth.

        As you have correctly pointed out, A released (not leaked) her full KakaoTalk with K, and PSH's side officially released (again not leaked) further convos.

        Imo, one of the reasons why A did not manage to get the full support of the public (public here excludes PSH's fans) behind her is due to the revelation of the media play which she and B were going to engage in right from the beginning. The biggest mistake that A ever made was to call B.

        As to whether the police were merely incompetent or something worse, PSH's lawyers' complaint against the police station may trigger an investigation or internal affairs review about the "unnamed source" of info.

  • This is... unfortunate. I completely agree from your previous post Koala when you said that he may not be a bad person, rather he made a bad decision. I don't know him personally to think lesser of him following this conclusion of indictment so I won't be pointing fingers or saying what I think (because what does it matter right? We know none of them in person, nor should we think we've the right to) - I just hope the case continues to be handled as fairly as possible to all parties.

    I'll just admit that honestly though, I am upset that I'm perhaps unable to watch The Princess' Man ever again - or I could, but very likely with very different lenses now. How unfortunate.

    • I agree with your post whole-heartedly. We do not know these people really. We only know of them by face from watching them act and etc. Many people cannot say anything of they do not know that persons exact personality. I also believe it is very unfortunate because I too will most likely watch with different lenses as you put it.

  • with cctv proof A was carried to his condo n all throw up things i find him guilty already to sleep with a drunk girl, bravo to the police never bias even P has upper hand with all fans mind oppa the martyr lol

  • Nice to know you're sane Koala and not like the crazed fans XD
    You're right no matter how the case turns out "A" is a gold digging slut and Park Shi Hoo is a rapist. These names will continue to follow them no matter what.

    • If a person was really raped, they would most likely not want money, but to have the rapist in handcuffs and sent off somewhere.

      • Disagree with your statement completely. Such statement along with "PSH is too handsome and nice to rape a girl" reveals a lack of critical thinking and education on the subject. Why cant a victim want $$$ from the offenser? Why cant she receive punitive compensation? victims respond differently to the same offense. Why a wife who had been raped by her husband choose to keep him instead of throwing him to jail? Some victims believe they wouldnt win in court because the offenser is a powerful man so they thought might just as well settle for $$ at least she can use the $$ to do positive thing.

        First, A's friends who convinced her to pursue settlement. A's father rejected the offer immediately, which tells me her dad wasnt even willing to consider it. If it purely was money ONLY. They would have settled long time ago. The way i see it, she wanted both $$ and justice.

      • A and her friends seem to be opportunists. If the offender is a poor man they would probably advice A to NOT settle and push for jail time instead. Everyone can be an opportunist including PSH who took advantage of a very drunk girl. Being an opportunist doesnt indicate that she's not a rape victim , but it's about weighing the risk and benefit given what she has and the confidence she has in the justice system.

      • Well, not really. Call me a gold digging wh*re if you must, but if were raped by someone with that kind of money I'd make sure to get a payout for my pain and suffering. Especially in a country where the rape laws are ridiculous and he'll never suffer a day in jail even if he's convicted. I would say she got taken advantage of, why not take advantage of him but he was wrong and owes her compensation.

      • @Luce I partially disagree with your statement. A's father may have rejected the compensation but "A" wanted more money, actually wanted PSH to pay her until she turned 70.

        Plus, if I was a rape victim, I wouldn't want any of the compensation from the person who raped me. That's like selling out your pride. Most real rape victims all agree that they would much rather have the rapist thrown in prison and punished severely. They want justice. Majority of them don't care about $$.

  • Actually fans of PSH are not delusional and neither are his lawyers incompetent. The police department actually broke the law by holding a press conference and leaking sensitive information and they are liable for it. So their concerns do have merit. The cops are supposed to be neutral but if you look at all their action objectively in this case, you can definitely see that they aren't.

    • It is a defendant's right and a good lawyer's strategy to poke holes in police investigation to create doubt and uncertainty about objectivity and certainty. I would love to see the lawyer list out police misconduct and ineptness in the investigation, which is probable in any case. But the fans have extrapolated way beyond that - there are assertions that the media is biased, police are tainted and in cahoots with powerful entertainment forces aimed at taking him down, in general the world is against Park Shi Hoo and he is totally innocent and being set up and did nothing wrong. It takes a lot for me to buy conspiracy theories that require multiple parties and far-reaching implications. That is the delusional part. I can totally get behind an assertion the police suck at investigating and have allowed leaks that are damaging to Park Shi Hoo. But then again - leaks are secondary to the question as to whether the leaked info is true or not. It's like pointing out the purple chihuahua in the room when there is a pink elephant standing right next to it.

      I agree the entire case may have been stacked against Park Shi Hoo because as a celebrity the moment his name was disclosed he's at a disadvantage and likely ruinous to his career regardless of whether he committed a crime, but that is not the main point. The main point remains - did he rape A that night. I don't see any of the conspiracy theories disproving that a drunk girl was piggybacked into his apartment, threw up in the elevator and in the bathroom (per K's own words), and somehow ended up having sex twice with Park Shi Hoo (his own words). If she was that drunk (per both men's statements), then logic tells me she is probably incapable of legally consenting to sex. Period. That is the crux of it. If Park Shi Hoo asked her if she wanted sex and she mumbled sure before falling asleep on her drunk ass, then that is not consent. I don't think he's a monster, I think this whole thing is totally unfortunate for everyone involved. If he liked her enough to wait for a night when she wasn't puking, then it would have saved everyone the misery of watching his career flushed down the toilet.

      By the way, where does it say in Korean law that police broke the law by holding a press conference? What monkeys run the police station that they would break the law in full view of the entire world? I'm confused, because in the US police routinely hold press conferences to announce stuff. Unless there is a gag order in place, the discussion of case information is not illegal. Many times police choose to withhold information, not because they are not allowed to reveal it, but because it might be harmful to the case or they are trying to protect the victim or some other pressing reason.

      • Koala, maybe the police is like this, maybe because public thought ''money buys it all'' the police wanted to let everything on the open to later people don't say PSH gave them money and they are corrupt.

        In Daesung's case where a Man died, police gave statements all the time too leaving a which hunt over the viticm and his family... it was ugly.

      • Yes in the US police holds press conference on the crime issue all the time, and the also released informal info to news media. The higher profile the case is, the more frequent they hold a press con. Police holds the right which info to release and which info to withold. The police isnt there to protect PSH feelings , but to report what they found out through formal and informal channels. Even if the lie test was leaked earlier , it doesnt change the outcome whatsoever. Again PSH is just trying to distract the public from the real case by screaming "look at me! I've been victimized by the world. Poor me".
        Now just read what kind of stones they are throwing at A and she maintains silence for the most part and didnt get sucked into "tit for tat".

      • According to enews, they had an interview with an unrelated lawyer who supposedly said that the police briefing was a "criminal offense" under "Criminal Code Article 126 which forbids the publicizing the facts of a suspected crime before a demand for a trial (before prosecution)".

      • @ febe they also said:
        Another legal official also charged that ”Publishing such facts-of-a-suspected-crime before a trial is prohibited in principle.” He continued to explain: “However, the Decree provides that an announcement in the middle of an investigation is allowed under these provisions (such as a Special Prosecutor to look into the allegations): ① the nature of the crime must be widely notified, ② when there is an urgent public need for the case to be released so as to promote crime prevention; ③ criminal investigation top priority, such as the accused pursuant to Criminal Code Article 20.”

        Who knows whats article 20?

      • @ Jae, purely from a layman's point of view, the exceptions under the provisions relating to (1) Special Prosecutor and (2) Urgent public need to promote crime prevention (I envisage situations where the public needed to be warned against a serial killer or rapist), do not seem to apply in this case. I am also interested to know what is item (3).

      • @ febe Also a layman interpretation, they need a special prosecutor to allow it.
        1 Nature of crime must be widely notified- Rape is nature of crime. Is rape under "must be widely notified"?

      • Meanwhile, the fans at parksihoo4u are writing to the Korean embassies in their countries, protesting the unfair treatment of PSH.
        While I commend them on their activity, I wonder if this will not backfire on them. Countries in geeral don't like outsiders trying to interfere in their affairs, and I guess that also goes for South Korea...

    • It's funny that when the police announced publicly A's negative drug test results, PSH's lawyer wasn't up in arms that PSH's rights to privacy are not respected - it was an important piece of investigation, right? Or when the police allowed PSH to postpone twice his interrogation, no one thought PSH's "innocent until proven guilty" right was trampled in any way or that the police wasn't neutral. Or when PSH's side released A's private text messages and dug up a Mr.Lee it was TOTALLY OK. Double standards much? Only the accused has rights or what?

      PSH's legal team are bordering on the ridiculous with their demands and complaints. If this gets to trial, I expect judges and prosecutors to be accused of bias, bribe and who knows what else by PSH's side if things won't look good for him...Well, honestly, things look rather bad for PSH even now.

      • I don't think it was the police who announced publicly A's drug test results, because I remember it being reported that the police officer said "we cannot tell you the results". My understanding was that the media obtained the results from the Scientific institute who did the tests, and was rather surprised at the time that the Institute could release info to the media so easily.

        PSH was allowed to postpone his interview the first time because he didn't have a lawyer, and the second time was because he had just engaged his lawyer the day before. I believe there is such a thing as a right to legal counsel?

        PSH's side release A's private text messages after A's side released part of them claiming that it was the full version, when it wasn't.

        Can you let me have the link where it says that PSH's side dug up a Mr Lee? I seem to have missed this alphabet.

      • @ febe -I wish I could provide you with links, but this site doesn't allow me to copy paste. I read here, on Koala, that a Mr.Lee came up with certain allegations against A all the while PSH's lawyer was digging out A's past history to prove that her accusations against their client are false.
        It's common sense to believe that they brought out that person to use him as a precedence case or better, as a media play pawn to give more credence to the pregnancy blackmail scenario masterminded by them as a base for suing A for attempted blackmail... because how was that L person knowing about A's real identity or that she was the right person involved in his past plight, if she had legal rights to anonymity? He gave the TV interview way before her real name was dug up by K netizens. And until now L hasn't sued A for whatever he thought she did to him. I'm afraid all was a smearing campaing to discredit A and offer a falacious base, imo, together with the weak proof of the kakaotalk, for their countersue.

        And PSH had a lawyer from the get go, but changed him I think twice before deigning to appear at the police station. I haven't heard/seen anyone before, ordinary citizen or public personality postponing his hearing in a criminal case with almost 2 weeks just because they didn't have the right lawyer for the case. It was bound to get messy from this unauspicious beginning, and every party involved was going to have their basic rights trampled in the process.

        Well if the National Forensics Service disclosed important informations about the investigation without being castigated by anyone, then the police has the right to do same. And if the police has commited criminal offence by disclosing certain informations to the press, then the forensiscs institute must suffer the same consequences.

    • Koala has a fair point, a good lawyer's job is to create uncertainty about the objectivity and fairness of an investigation, after all that is how you appeal a case. The OJ Simpson case is a good example of where the defense argued police incompetency and bias instead of proving their client's innocence and they managed to win.

      • I definitely feel that the legal team is taking more than just a page from the O. J. Simpson playbook. I hope it doesn't work as well here, but I am afraid it will.

        And can I just say how appalling it is that PSH was leading the Daesang popularity poll?

      • I'm not certain what works in the States will work the same way in SK. Different countries, different law systems, different court procedurals, no jury etc. So, incompetency and bias on the part of the police may not work here. I'm not even sure that there is the need to prove that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

        Popularity polls are usually won by idols with huge fanbases or entertainers who are currently very much in the forefront of the news whether good or bad. Probably, this case has pushed his Korean fans to vote for him to show their support, whereas they wouldn't have bothered normally. If all his fans desert him at this critical time, we may have a suicide case to read and comment about next.
        Btw, this particular poll costs money to vote and the charges are billed to the voter's mobile no. by the SK telco. So, if you look at the results so far, you can see that fans of many actors/actresses are not bothering to vote.

      • with all of the reported evidence, we cant think otherwise, maybe u both should start thinking the same way we do, whether he is handsome and great actor , his misconduct at that night is indeed deplorable
        by one way or another

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