Categories: K-dramas

You From Another Star, Heirs, and Decendents of the Sun Take Top Three Rank in Most Popular K-dramas in China

With the conclusion of Descendants of the Sun it’s a perfect time to check in with the popularity of K-dramas in China and see where this newest ratings breaker resides. Polling website Vlinkage just released the Top 30 Most Popular K-dramas in China list as of April 2016 and it’s rare for me to feel like this is one accurately reflective ranking. It doesn’t just include recent dramas but even oldies like Autumn in My Heart and Full House are on the list.

You From Another Star remains the most popular K-drama of all time in China followed closely by Heirs and rounded out with Descendants of the Sun in the top three. That makes two Kim Eun Sook penned dramas in the top three alone, and both Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye takes two spots in the top five as City Hunter came in fourth followed by Pinocchio. Check out the full top 30 list below and have fun debating the merits or lack thereof with certain ranked dramas. 

Vlinkage Top 30 Popular Ranked K-dramas in China:

1. You From Another Star
2. Heirs
3. Descendants of the Sun
4. City Hunter
5. Pinocchio
6. You’re Beautiful
7. Secret Garden
8. I Hear Your Voice
9. The Master’s Sun
10. Rooftop Prince
11. It’s Okay, It’s Love
12. Queen In Hyun’s Man
13. Missing You
14. My Girl
15. The Moon Embraces the Sun
16. Autumn in My Heart
17. Full House
18. Goong
19. Boys Before Flowers
20. A Gentleman’s Dignity
21. Healer
22. Producer
23. Ghost
24. 49 Days
25. Nice Guy
26. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
27. That Winter, the Wind Blows
28. Dr. Stranger
29. Family Honor
30. Oh My Ghost


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  • wow Kim Eun Sook knows how to entertain her audiences!
    On another note, have you checked out Lego and Nikki Hseih's new drama together 'Love @ Seventeen (我和我的十七歲)'? Chris Wu even visited her on set ! ah, the lovely King flower memories

  • I'm honestly so surprised to see both Moon Embraces the Sun and Producer in the list. I didn't know they were popular at all in China. KSH power I suppose.

    As for YWCFTS being #1, at this point, it's already such a given. Same for Heirs.

  • I guess what matters is if it was entertaining for people to tune in and enjoy/obsess over.. but was Producer really that enjoyable to people?? Very forgettable for me. Same with Ghost on this list (if it is the drama that I'm thinking of..)

    I am surprised to see Queen In Hyun's Man on this list.. not because it's a bad drama, but because I was under the impression that it's not really very popular. I loved that drama.

    • This list not only considers popularity (views) but also audience's rating (from it's like chinese IMDB).

  • I loved The King2Hearts, and I see that it wasn't popular in China. It did okay in Korea at the time, averaging around 14% at the time I think (or something around that), same as The Rooftop Prince which made the list there. I wonder if it might have had to do with the fact the drama had NK-SK relations as one of its topics.

  • The most surprising thing on this list is Dr Stranger. This list confirms something I already knew: Chinese choose what to watch based on actors and if they like the actor don't discriminate much for quality.

    Most popular Korean actors/actresses have 3 series each on the list:

    Kim Soo Hyun (You From Another Star, The Moon Embraces the Sun, Producer)
    Lee Min Ho (Heirs, City Hunter, Boys Before Flowers)
    Lee Jong Seuk (Pinocchio, I Hear Your Voice, Dr. Stranger)
    Park Shin Hye (Heirs, Pinocchio, You’re Beautiful)
    Song Hye Kyo (Descendants of the Sun, Full House, That Winter, the Wind Blows)

    Others with multiple entries are:

    Song Joong Ki (Descendants of the Sun, Nice Guy)
    Park Min Young (City Hunter, Healer)
    Gong Hyo Jin (The Master’s Sun, It’s Okay It’s Love, Producer)
    So Ji Sub (The Master’s Sun, Ghost)
    Park Yoo Chun (Rooftop Prince, Missing You)
    Jo In Sung (It’s Okay It’s Love, That Winter the Wind Blows)
    Yoon Eun Hye (Missing You, Goong)
    Jung Il Woo (The Moon Embraces the Sun, 49 Days)

    So put a combination of these actors and actresses in a series a la Heirs or Descendents, you got yourself a hit in China.

    • SHK actually starred in 4 dramas on the list: DoTS, Full House, Autumn in My Heart and That Winter, the Wind Blows

    • IMO Dr. Stranger is better than some of names on the list, in fact I loved it better than beloved Pinocchio & IHYV, although somehow I agree with U that popularity of leads is an important factor for attracting viewers in china.

    • Park Shin Hye has four dramas: three on top 10 - Heirs, Pinocchio, You are Beautiful, and #26 My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. This shows her level of popularity. Genuine from her work, that is much appreciated in China and many others Countries around the world. Agencies in Korean if they want to market their artists Globally, they just need to relate their artists with Park Shin Hye, or ask Shin Hye to post them on her IG or mention them, saying like it's my little sister/friend or thinks like that. Lol. It is true.

      • No doubt in popularity of PSH but it’s irrational to say one drama is popular just because of her cameo in it! In this way there are other actors who has 4 dramas on the list with a meatier role than a cameo, for example LJS has Pinocchio, SG & IHYV on the top of list in addition to DS!

    • Well, this new list also support your claim.

      Top 10 Korean Star in China

      1. Kim Soo Hyun
      2. Song Joong Ki
      3. Lee Min Ho
      4. Lee Jong Suk
      5. Park Hae Jin
      6. Rain
      7. Kim Woo Bin
      8. Park Shi Hoo
      9. Jang Geun Suk
      10. Ji Chang Wook

      1. Yoona
      2. Park Shin Hye
      3. Jeon Ji Hyun
      4. Song Hye Kyo
      5. Kim Ji Won
      6. Yoon Eun Hye
      7. Yoo In Na
      8. Krystal
      9. Park Ye Jin
      10. Han Chae Young

      • Yoona didn't have to have any Korean drama in the top, she went straight for Chinese drama and smashed the competition lmao.

      • As expected KSH had producers last while SJK is just fresh of Dots and same with psh since she had pino. While LMH and JJH haven't been on the small screen for 3-yrs but still ranked so high despite no counting for Time slot and TV network plus rating which are part of the 7 ranking system used.

        Yoona has a currently C-drama airing that is doing really good.

        But still LMH and JJH still number 1 in china imo without using the 7 points ranking system that is being used here

  • No doubt in popularity of PSH but it's irrational to say one drama is popular just because of her cameo in it! In this way there are other actors who has 4 dramas on the list with a meatier role than a cameo, for example LJS has Pinocchio, SG & IHYV on the top of list in addition to DS!

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