
C-actress Zhao Li Ying and C-actor Feng Shao Feng Confirm Marriage on Her 31st Birthday

Aaaaaaand, it’s official ladies and gents! On C-actress Zhao Li Ying‘s 31st birthday this October 16th, 2018, she dropped the confirmation tabloids and netizens have been waiting for since rumors began percolating three months ago. We have a new powerhouse C-ent married couple as Zhao Li Ying and Feng Shao Feng posted on their SNS Weibo accounts at the same time today (10:07 am where the numbers are actually Feng Shao Feng’s birthday) to confirm their married status. She posted a picture of them (above) and wrote “official announcement” with a heart after, and he posted a hand holding up two marriage licenses and the message “Happy birthday, wifey!”.

The two each have plenty of successful C-dramas under their belts but it was working on the C-movie The Monkey King 3 (Ruler of Women’s Country) where sparks flew, and was extended and nurtured while filming the upcoming C-drama The Legend of Ming Lan (知否?知否?应是绿肥红瘦 Don’t you know? The green should be plump and the red lean). Each have had confirmed dating and rumored dating aplenty with costars – Feng Shao Feng dated Ni Ni and Jelly Lin with a possible romance with Yang Mi while Zhao Li Ying has long been rumored to have dated Chen Xiao before he married Michelle Chen. I could care less about their various prior romances and am just happy to wish this newlywed couple happiness. And maybe also wish them a healthy pregnancy as Zhao Li Ying is rumored to be four months pregnant.


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  • Wow grats to the couple. Can't say I am shocked. Way too many articles about them for the past few months.
    I just hope ZLY will continue to be active in showbiz. She's one of my fave actresses. Now looking forward to Story of Minglan.

  • Back then, Chen Xiao and Michelle Chen got so much hate for their relationship and marriage but they were quick to be open about it, they did not drag out so long, with tons of denials like Zhao Liying for almost an entire year just to speculate if anything is true.

    Also, Chen Xiao look like a very very loving couple towards Michelle. Zhao Liying and Feng Shao Feng look like they are staging a fake marriage.

    • You sound like a bitter Zhao Liying fan who's angry at her previous denials and now is coming up with your own theories about her marriage. Pathetic.

      • "We are official" with picture of license. Looks and sound very romantic, or just trying to prove something?
        Her pictures with FSF never looked like they were close together, not even as close as He Jiong and her manager Huang bin.

        But, rushing to marry so sudden, I guess she really is pregnant. But they don't appear very loving toward each other. I don't understand what is the privacy in that, she can look romantic with other men like Wallace Chung but not her own bf and now husband?

    • Haha people read too much gossips. FSF only dating NiNi and (might be Lin Yun). He denied the one with Victoria Song and Hayden Guo.

      FSF & ZLY have been dating for 2 years, LOL I guess not as sudden to them.

      So what if they want some privacy? You don't understand that ZLY is a private person.

      People who says they don't give off the couple vibes, just don't know anything. They're very much happy, playful, and so close in MK3 BTS (when media not aware of them)
      And if you sensitive enough you could see from some of MK3 interview, you could see the spark in ZLY eyes it speak volume..

      Anyway congratzz to the happy couple! Wish them a blissful long-lasting marriage!

      • WTH, I'm super star and I'm so private...well you basically chose a job where every move of yours are public. If you are so very that private why would you be a star? Whether you a star or not, people mostly only hide their relationships for devious reasons. There is absolutely no harm with saying we are thinking about dating if there are improvements in the relationship...or whatever etcetera. And, turns out they are marrying so after all it was not even a just getting to know each other type of thing, it's a serious-serious relationship that was being kept in secret.

        "You don't understand ZLY is a private person."
        I don't understand how on earth her fans understand her, y'all know her???
        They are so good at lying, just because they claim they are private people does not mean that is the truth. Especially somebody like FSF who would be open about telling others who his woman is, he was hiding it all these time. There can be other factors nobody actually knows. Such as,
        maybe his parents don't approve her so they have to be secretive and can only marry because already pregnant?
        Maybe they had a one night stand from being drunk like in the movies, ended up pregnant and decide to marry at the last minute without having dated?

      • Stop acting like you know her. Xie Na is a very big celebrity, she once spilled the news that ZLY is a single dog and wouldn't let ZLY be a godmother to her child.

        ZLY claims Xie Na is her best friend but what does her best freind even know all these years? NOTHING

      • @dino hoho you sound so bitter.
        Believe what you want to believe

        "Without having date?" LOL! You are such an ignirant blindful.. you don't see that was many evidences & hints that they were dating for 1,5 years!!


        But here its the thruth:
        Look at youtube video with title "William Feng Shao Feng talking about dating and marriage"

        FSF once said in an interview (took after he broke up with Ni Ni) "I will not tell you who I'm dating with" He said he is not willing to share his love life.

        "It is your right to take pics of me, but I didn't say that it is my right to he announce it."

        But FSF said that he will not hide it once he's sure, "With marriage, I will tell you about such a big thing. I don't want to let everyone down. I don't want to waste my feelings. But it's better to tell everyone when it's completely settled"

        He has learned his lessons.

        And, He proved his words!

  • I was shipping her with William Chan....so disappointed. I don't have a good impression of FSF ever since he broke up with Ni Ni. I hope I'm wrong and hope they have a happy marriage.

  • FSF cheated on NiNi with Jelly. I sincerely hope he stays loyal to ZLY.I am really no fond of FSF. But as long as they are happy that is most important. I sincerely hope she made the right choice for her future.

    • Once a cheater, always a cheater. Zhao Li Ying has low standards it seems, she looks happy though

  • Ough... Fsf... As long as she's happy, she knows better. So congrats zly. So, the pregnancy rumor might be true as well.

    Just be faithful this time fsf. It's hard to trust a cheater but love has that power to change someone... For better or worse.

    Be happy you both.

  • I saw the other pictures they posted of them together and they look so cute and happy, congratulations. People really need to stop this hate towards FSF, so he dated some girls so what? he was single and all this talk that he is a cheater and let's hoped he doesn't cheat on ZLZ is always the same, seriously is so annoying.

    He and ZLZ looked really close on the Monkey 3 BTS and and were obviously trying to hide it in public like on the red carpets which is why they looked like they weren't close at all and people said they didn't looked good together. To me they look like a good match and more important they are happy and in love, stop hating and congratulate.

    • I can understand fans of ZLY being protective towards her but I agree with you, these people should be more open minded. ZLY is not 17 years old, she chose her husband herself. If anything happens in the future it is her own choice and life. No one knows what the future holds for them so just be happy for the couple.

  • They look so happy and in love in some other pictures that came out. I guess some people here are just bitter about their marriage but I wish them happiness.
    Also, they never denied their relationship just the pregnancy rumor but that could still be true. They had dating rumors for two years and carefully avoided talking about the issue, which was weird since they both has previously denied dating rumors with other celebs. I had a feeling if they came out it would be after marriage.

    • I honestly don't know what they want. Last time when Chen Xiao married Michelle Chen, also see a lot of rants coming from the same group of people. As casual reader, it's annoying to see.

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