Ahn Jae Hyun

Blood Promises Future Change Addressing Viewer Anger Towards the Leads Bad Acting

I haven't seen K-netizens this mad about bad acting in a drama in a long time, but then again, I…

10 years ago

K-media Blames Blood’s Dismal Debut Ratings on the Poor Acting of the Leads

The mainstream media is typically diplomatic when it comes to covering entertainment, especially in K-ent when so much is written with…

10 years ago

Blood Off to a Bloody Awful Ratings Start and Critical Evisceration from Viewers

The top rated Mon-Tues drama Punch wrapped up this week with a drama ratings high note, but the entertainment news…

10 years ago

Gu Hye Sun’s Epic Fashion Disaster Steals the Blood Press Conference Spotlight

I've blogged about plenty a fashion fail moments whether at awards shows or press conferences and the standard reaction remains…

10 years ago

Blood is All Over the Place with Three Thematically Different Drama Posters

The official drama posters are out for the upcoming KBS vampire medical drama Blood, taking over the Mon-Tues slot from…

10 years ago

Dramatic New Teaser and Stills for Blood Ratchet Up the Intensity

I'm genuinely not writing about Blood solely to snark about it, the snark comes naturally when I see lulzworthy stills…

10 years ago

Ahn Jae Hyun is a Baby Vampire Surgeon in Latest Blood Stills

I feel like I've earned the right to snark as much as I want on the promotional materials for upcoming…

10 years ago

Blood Presents First OTP Meeting Stills and New Action Teaser

Now that the January K-drama premieres are done it's fully onwards to February and the splashiest (flashiest?) on the plate…

10 years ago

Ji Jin Hee is Imposing and Gu Hye Sun Cries Prettily in New Promos for Blood

It's a reality that sometimes things look better merely by comparison. Like that slice of store pizza turned down at…

10 years ago

Unintentional Hilarity as Ahn Jae Hyun Preens Through New Teaser for Blood

All the naysayers (myself included) around the casting of Ahn Jae Hyun as the male lead of Blood really can't ask…

10 years ago

Lee Min Ho Costars and Good Friends Turn Out En Masse for Gangnam 1970 VIP Premiere

The upcoming gangster noir period film Gangnam 1970 has basically turned into the Lee Min Ho show even if the…

10 years ago

Blood’s Vampire Doctor Ahn Jae Hyun Makes His Debut Appearance

Will Blood be able to draw out the feels from the viewers the way currently airing KBS drama Healer has…

10 years ago

First Teaser for Blood is a Tall Drink of Twilight Homage Unintentional Hilarity

I haven't been able to write anything substantive about the currently airing KBS Mon-Tues drama Healer since I'm traveling. I'm not…

10 years ago