
Song Joong Ki, Kim Ji Won, and Jang Dong Gun Radiate Different Charismas in New Drama Stills From Arthdal Chronicles — 14 Comments

  1. I think they are aiming for a Games of Thrones kind of vibe but the costumes, make up are a total let down. If producers have to spend big money, might as well hire overseas advisers/consultants from US, UK or NZ Peter Jackson’s Weta Workshop make up and costume team to get the look right. Actors should be put through at least a 3-6 months boot camp to lose weight, look a bit emaciated, face covered with soot and dust and teeth blackened not look like just out of the dentist chair white and polished. I like the cast hugely though. Just hope the producers don’t mess it up.

    • You’re right Kimchi Ajumma their entire look is not authentic for the era and the costume designer did not do justice to the design and make of their clothes. Furthermore they would have followed a paleo diet and hair, teeth,skin would have looked really raggedy but hey this is a Korean drama and none of these beautiful actors could look uggs enough but at least they tried. I’m laughing at Kim Ok Bin’s faux fur overcoat (in a previous photo) and her walk through the wardrobe on her way to Narnia but hit Gojoseon instead. Second look at Kim Ji Won most likely time warped from the musical Hair singing Aquarius. Let the good times roll!!!

  2. The costumes are really… I mean for now it’s okay, but in the future it’ll look like what Hong Gil Dong looks like right now.

  3. Lol, you are right. My English is bad, I should use the word “lean” instead of “emaciated.” English not my first language. I was thinking more of the extras, background people, should the storyline call for it like Mowgli in Jungle Book or Christopher Lambert in Tarzan or the Avatar female character.

  4. i dunno but i think in koala page there are many sjk haters. it looks like if there an article abt him. someone will be speak up and dislike it. you have not watch it yet but you already say flop only bcs you dont like the actor. well i hope this drama will has a good respond so you can shutup your mouth

    • @jejeshira – No one is hating on SJK or the drama the majority of comments have been positive in fact it’s highly anticipated and the only gripe is that of the cast/character look and their costumes; which is a glitch but the articles posted have definitely piqued interest and excitement. I’m looking forward to AC for sure.

    • Gosh I really don’t understand the mentality of those people calling others “haters”. Life is not all black and white. Are all those not singing praises here only left with hate? Geez… Look at the rainbow, we have more colors than just black and white!

  5. I have no issue with the fact they looks healthy. But the clothes look like modern ones they tried to make look old. KJW’s T-shirt is really weird.

  6. Hold your horses people. We don’t know anything about the characters yet. So we still don’t know whether actors have to lean or bulky for the characters.

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