
My Spring Days Episode 4 Recap — 8 Comments

  1. Jomo, you write ever so sweetly, intertwining such thought-provoking comments, I feel like I am watching Mystery Science Theater3000 (but without the hahah-comedy). Thank you for recaping this awesome drama!

  2. Choi sooyoung has many talents. I am not worried about her when her idol days are over. She can become the Lauren Bacall of Korea. The girl that directors trust to hold her own against mature co-stars. She has the talent. I wonder if she can whistle.

  3. Thank you, Jomo. Ouch the hurt in DH’s eyes as the realization of BY being his younger brother’s fiancée dawned on him. TT

    Watching the live broadcast yesterday had me think of you and how you’d encapsulate this episode. I very much look forward to reading your thoughts unless you might want to wait until today’s broadcast and subbing to do so.

    #TeamBoHafighting ^^

  4. LOOL, I didn’t even notice that Dong Ha checked her chest twice XDD. You naughty. Well, it has been 5 years, I can understand him 😀

    Anyway, thanks a lot for the recaps. You are the best ever and it’s always a pleasure to read those little witty comments of yours. Plus, it gives me the urge to watch the episode again with a different insight. It’s kinda cool 😀

    I am waiting for your recap on episode 13 !

  5. Been a big fan of SooYoung since I saw her in Cyrano Dating Agency. She’s had amazing chemistry with her co-stars even though both of them are significantly older than she is.

    I hope she does a lot more dramas and movies in the future and she seems to be a natural (well, at least as the feisty heroine with a heart of gold).

  6. Watching kdramas has turned me into a rapid-cycling serial monogamist, and right now, I only have eyes for KSW. That gaze of his, that quiet warmth, those dimples– ack!

    Thank you so much, Jomo, for recapping this lovely show. Each recapper has a distinctive voice (obviously)– but what I didn’t realize until reading this recap is how that voice is also expressed through the screencaps. So many screencaps! Your sensitive heart is so tuned in to all of the emotional nuances, including non-verbal cues– I bet you have a hard time deciding what to leave out. And you pick up on things like the double chest-glance, that many of us may have missed. The abundance of screencaps really enhance the recap, but formatting them all must be quite time-consuming. Thank you for your labor of love!

    Speaking of love, I agree that Soo-young deserves lots for this performance. She’s just lovely in this, and I want to believe that at least part of the reason why she’s so good at playing a very sincere and kind-hearted character is that she has those traits in spades herself. Both her and KSW’s acting styles are imbued with naturalness and warmth– refreshing like a Spring Day breeze!

    • You are welcome! My gateway into recapping was doing headers.
      The measure of a good one is if right away the person who watched the drama can say, “I remember that scene.” If they haven’t, they say, “Oooh…what drama is that? I want to watch it.” LOL
      I have tried to spend less time on the pics, but no go. Though labor intensive, it gives me the most satisfaction. The very first thing I do even before writing the intro is put the lead photo up. It inspires me to write the story around it.

      Thanks for the kind words. This is the first time I have written a drama solo. I just may do it again if I can find one that I like that nobody else is recapping.

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