
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 1: Green Woven Skirt — 82 Comments

  1. Mrs Koala,
    I started reading YZG because of your last recommendation, as yet (I’m at chapter7), Ling gege hasn’t appeared much, but I’m already captivated by Liu BingYi and MengJue. Gosh…I kept squealing so much it’s definitely not healthy. If I have so much love for both men now, I can not predict what will happen when Ling ge ge finally makes his entrance….Truly, TongHua writes swoon-worthy men. And though the dread of reading the non so spoilery sad ending frightens me…I shall tread along bravely for these wonderful men…

    • haha i’m on the same boat as you. i have started reading as well and *swoon* i cannot wait for ling ge ge to show up. man i’ll be definitely squealing like a little school girl~
      btw ms.koala you’re so awesome for translating this!!

  2. this… is… a never.ending. downward. spiral……………….

    goshh this chapter is like blackhole.. drawing one in with the characterisations… so very rich in the delineating the characters with just their interactions… I love Yun Ge and i already feel sad for what is said to be a really really tragic ending… she’s just… so full of life… smart yet without the guile of her mother.. and can i just say how much i love that we get a glimpse of the continuation of HQB and Yu-er’s love story through their children? through Yun Ge’s stories, we’re somehow able to fill in the questions of what happened to them after their ‘deaths’… and i love that this keeps their love story at a legendary status.. unlike LOCH and ROCH, where guo jing and huang rong’s love story was seemingly sullied in ROCH by making it seem ‘real’ with us seeing them all old and stuff… here, HQB and Yu-er with their physical absence, and being kept alive for the reader through Yun-Ge’s words.. seems to be the best way to remember an epic love story..

    a question though, Yun Ge has two brothers, Second and Third… so where is Elder brother? the one Yu-Er had JY hide away.. did they ever go claim him? whatever happend to him then… and by saying HQB had YunGe when he was in his forties… i can just imagine YG’s mommy and daddy still having the hots for each other after all those years… *blushes*

    a part of this chapter i LOVE… are the thoughts of Zhao Puo Nu and his suspicions about YG’s identity and her birth…. and how he is so adamant about protecting HQB and Yu-er’s memories and their little girl…..made me a little teary, knowing what HQB and Yu-er gave up when they chose to abandon that part of their lives..

    now. hard decisions. should i ruin my life and start the novel in chinese……sighhhhs… decisions…

    • Yeah,im also so curious bout the first son of yu er. Where he is? Is there any clue about him in this YZG,ms koala?
      Have no sympathy with meng yue for this chapter maybe later at adult version meng yue.

      • someone has explained about this in the comments of the post “introduction…” you can find there. In short, “second brother” was their first son.

      • @violet: thanks! so ‘first brother’ is the kid they swopped into the palace and they honoured him by letting him be ‘first brother’… now that that is explained… just curious….does he have any part to play in the latter parts of YZG? if he does.. then really.. all these crisscrossing threads of fate…*shakes head*

      • @jessie, I enjoyed reading your comment… LOL “blushes”. Yeah, it’s touching to see ZPN’s reaction. Wrt the first son, I’m not sure how much I could tell without spoiling the story. Is there any rules Ms Koala has on this in her playground?

  3. i love Yun Ge’s personality!

    my favorite part was when she and Zhao Ling were sleeping at the camp. the way she was rolling back and forth and makes herself fall asleep. adorable!

    i hope she stays that way throughout the books.

    • I swear, those two about cuted me to death. I almost couldn’t translate because I just wanted to be their happy adult babysitter and sit there and watch the two of them talk and sleep in the most awkward of ways. Yun Ge’s poor sleep habits are just a riot, and will continue to dog their interactions, heh. To think the Han Emperor needs to keep his sleeping girl from falling into a pit of fire but he can’t get himself to really touch her is PRECIOUS and ADORABLE.

      • Yun Ge wrapped herself in the blanket and looked at him for some time, and then scooted closer to him.

        She scooted closer a foot, he silently moved away a foot. Yun Ge scooted closer another foot, Zhao Ling moved away another foot. Yun Ge scooted closer yet another foot, Zhao Ling moved away yet another foot……

        🙂 <<<<<<>>>>>>>too cute! 🙂

  4. Ms Koala, something bordered me after finishing the book was that YG’s parents were not worry where about she was or how she was doing. Understanding that they are each other world but still…..

    • I did say in the introduction that ultimately HQB and YEr are absentee parents. They love their children but their children are not their all. Also, there is one huge reason why her parents didn’t worry about her. They knew she was in Chang An, but did you forget someone came to ask for her hand in marriage, and when she booked it, that person promised her parents that he would make sure she was alright……

      • is that a spoiler ms. ockoala? could there be another male character that pursues her other than the 2 male leads? or could it be that one of the leads found her and approached her parents for marriage? lol, my mind’s going crazy with the possibilities 🙂 the first chapter was so fun to read.

        in your earlier post about the novel, you said the 2nd lead would later betray her by considering to marry a princess and Yun Ge feels betrayed and leaves him ( please correct me ). when i read his story in this chapter, i can see a foreshadowing of his actions because of his past 🙁 that’s why he lost her right? reminds me of the Shan Yu.

      • Starting to be really suspicious that the one that asked for her hand was Meng Jue… since you said “Yun Ge also meets Meng Jue, in what she thought was a chance encounter, but is in truth much more than that” … and also it makes sense since he’s the adopted son of Meng Jiu and Meng Jiu’s probably one of the only people out there Yu Er and HQB can trust enough to reveal where they live… based on what I can scrounge about the ending of DMY… and Meng Jiu’s connections to Xi Yu and all that jazz…. -_-;;; Just a feeling…

      • Thanks Ms Koala. Noticed your view about HQB and YJ as parents in the Introduction, but still can’t help being bothered about it. She was away from home for couples of years and her connection to Ling gege should worry any patents. They are absentee but loving parents. Third (swoon swoon) brother did pay a visit- he was such an understanding and wonderful brother. Appreciate very much that you have taken the time to response to me. Take care Ms K.

  5. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

    I don’t know how to express my gratitute towards you. It’s like a dream to had Yun Zhong Ge translated even though you might not translate all of them. I have DMY translated in my language (and beautifully translated I must say). But the publisher in my country would never considered YZG for their choice because it’s too sad. (So as BBJX) I’ve only read the summary from my favorite translator who is not interested to translate this novel at all.

    Ling Gege is super cute >w<! Oh, I love his character so much. Why he must …….. T^T. Tong Hua is so cruel T . T

  6. One chapter and I’m already drawn in! I wish I could read Chinese. Either that or an English language publisher would make these books available. I wish, I wish!

  7. Such a beautiful beginning.. Thank you Ms Koala. You have so much passion for the stories, I feel grateful that you are sharing this with us. Thank you again <3

  8. i loved how she responded when asked who her parents were 🙂

    “My mom is just my mom!” Such a typical response from a child 🙂

    lol, i used to answer the same way when i was a kid. mom was just mom 😛

  9. Thanks to you I am reading Tong Hua’s books through your excellent translation. I know this is twice as long but I hope you will see it through because it is cruel, cruel to leave us all hanging! If we haven’t known such beautiful prose it is ok. But once we have known a little, seen a little and not to be given the complete one, it is just… cruel! cruel!

  10. Oh, what a beautiful chapter and so well written and translated. Tong Hua is an exceptional writer who knows how to get her readers invested in the story and her characters from “the get go.” Thank you for this most appetizing treat. Have a great day.

  11. Ms. Koalas,

    Thank you again for your tremendous effort in translating these novels. I REALLY APPRECIATED! It’s rare to have such great summary recasp but your translations have really moved me and captured the essence of the story so well.

    I would LOVE to read the novels but since there is no English translation available, my hands are tied. It would be tremendous if you can finish translating DMY and YGZ.

    We will support you in anyway we can. I personally don’t mind donating to read the last novel. Let us devotee know what we can do to “help” you to translate YGZ.


    • Thank you for offering, but I need nothing. Ultimately the only thing I need is time, more time in my day, and no one can give me time. One only wishes….

  12. Thxxxxxx a million x thx
    I could kiss you a thousand x……
    You don’t know how happy to see your new translation….. For us non Chinese speeker this is like a Christmas present….
    Tong Ha should let you translate her book…. Your wording is so elegant……
    Thx so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Yun Ge is soooooo freaking cute!!!!! I just died of cute overload from her and Ling gege’s interactions. The chapter made me so happy!! I can’t imagine a sad ending for these characters, it’s heart breaking to just think about it. And poor Meng Jue, omg don’t tell me he suffers all the way through, until the very end.

    In any case, I’m just happy Ms Koala is translating DMY completely which ends happily with the epic love between HQB & Jin Yu secure forever!

    Thank you for the intro to YZG. What a happy intro, I’m in such a good mood now 🙂

  14. Dear Ms. ockoala,

    You are heaven sent for all of us who cannot read Chinese. We would like to thank you for your generosity to share this with us. All my 56 years, this is the first time I can enjoy a
    Chinese novel and hope you will continue to translate the rest of the story……………….. I know you did not promise but we can hope.

    A million thanks and bows to you for using your prescious time so we can enjoy it too.

  15. Thank you so much! I suppose the start of this story is a bit of a spoiler for DMY but I’m glad to know that HQB got his girl after all. Sad about her other beau though.
    Thanks again!

  16. in your earlier post, you mentioned that you did not like the adult Yun Ge because of her passiveness. i think she and her mother grew up to have different personalities because Yu’er is a calculated person in that she knew how to make things happen for her (which got her into a lot of trouble) in order to protect the people she loved. where as Yun Ge just lets things happen to her, it’s no wonder they also feel for two different types of guys.

    btw in this book, are there all knew characters introduced into the story or or there some characters from DMY that will show up from time to time? i’m just curious cuz i haven’t read any of the books and is just going by your translations 🙂 i want to know if Li Yan is mentioned here or is she not mentioned like Yu’er and Qu Bing? i’m dreading the rest of DMY because i don’t know what Li Yan has in store for Yu’er.

    • So true…I can’t help noticing that too. Jin Yu and Yun Ge are very different, esp their upbringing which shaped how they were. Both wanted and needed different kind of love…

  17. Will you be continuing to translate DYM as well? Thank you for taking your precious time to translate all these chapters for us. We really appreciate that! Have a wonderful day unnie! <3

  18. Wow, nice!
    I love how she writes in third person… in fact, I prefer third person pov than first person pov stories. It’s like we get to see more of the story, how every character thinks, instead of just one and how she guesses what the other might be thinking.

    I absolutely LOVE Zhao Ling and Yun Ge, together. They’re so cute!

    We got a little bit of background from each of the main characters in this first chapter, just to get our curiosity going… why did the emperor kill Ling’s mom? And why was it for his sake? And what’s going on with the beggar boy?
    Tong Hua did a wonderful job of sucking the readers into the story.

    Thanks ever so much for translating this and giving us non-chinese-readers a chance of appreciating this story! 🙂

    • Based on Wikipedia …the emperor killed his mom Because he didn’t Want the threat of a power obsessed dowager empress. He had dealt with one sons rebellion against him and it made him paranoid in his later years so he had he killed

      • I wouldn’t have guessed that because what we’ve seen of her so far doesn’t show how power obsessed she is.

        Thanks so much for looking for the info and sharing! 🙂

      • She wasn’t power obsessed. Liu Che got rid of her simply so the possibility could never arise. Talk about being condemned for potential alone.

      • kinda… well… nobody will know for sure if she was power-obsessed or not since Liu Che finished her off… but the Han dynasty had already experienced Empress Lu Zhi and the Lu Clan Disturbances just a couple reigns ago which created a very bad taste for very young emperors and their mothers, who may potentially usurp power for whatever reason, whether to balance the empire or for personal gain. Either way, in this era, didn’t look too good.

        It’s not THAT bad though, in comparison to the Northern Wei Dynasty… In that case, it actually became policy that once the crown prince was determined, the mother, if alive, would be forced to commit suicide. O_O Therefore, lots of emperors ended up honoring their Wet Nurses with a Nurse Empress Dowager title which kinda defeats the purpose. Might as well have saved a life and used the regularly used title… :/

      • Well… yeah… when you finish people off like that and have all that power… impression made with lasting consequences XP …. Similar to how Wu Zetian also left an impression later in history and how some women in the later Tang dynasty refused to take on power when given the opportunity… bad impression and taste on society in general made… in addition to the attitudes of the times…

  19. Ms. Koala,
    Thank you, thank you for the chapter. This is so good. The beautiful writing! The story sounds epic and the storytelling is truly magical. The incredible visuals readers get from the books, it’s like watching a really good romance and action drama. Gives you a wonderous feeling. It’s like all the things are happening in our mind. An eye opener to this world that is half fantasty and half real. Your translations are the best! Keep them coming. So in bliss right know. That was a heck of a first chapter. You’ve got me hook, line, and sinker. Eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Thank you Ms.Koala. Your translations are like a relief that is full of excitement and colorful which makes your readers day brighter.

    • Do you remember the soilder that suggested sacraficing the pidgeons to kill the xuongnu eagles? Yeah hes that guy, aka HQB second in command.

      • whoa, didn’t even remember him. guess a gotta back and reread the chapters. he must have a bigger role in the later chapters of the book that ms. ockoala has not translated yet. can’t wait 🙂

  20. Ms Koala, where did you buy Tong Hua’s books? I want to buy them but I have no idea which bookstore would do international delivery. I’m in melbourne Australia. Thank you so very much!

    • have you tried or i search for it on and they have books by Tong Hua

  21. After finishing YZG for the first time, I never picked it up again.
    To be honest, I’m scared. Just remembering how it felt to go through the 2nd part, and then… then ending leaves me apprehensive like hell. Heck, I even cried when I read your intro to YZG because it triggered some memories. But reading your chapter 1 today made me want suddenly want to read the novel again. I don’t know why. Perhaps I’m hoping for some miracle and see these youngsters take different step the second time around or something silly like that.
    Anyway, should I thank you, or be annoyed with you for almost tempting me towards the abyss a second time? 😀
    Since I actually haven’t given in to temptation yet,
    Thank you Ms. Koala.

    • Totally understand how you feel. I also hope there is a miracle and we can have another kind of ending *sigh*

      I totally feel the love between Ling Ge Ge and Yun Ge just by reading the books. Gosh, I hope the cast will be able to bring out the love.

  22. This is sooo exquisite, Koala. I’ll pray everyday God will give you a lot of time so that you can also translate this one for us. Thank you so much for sharing Tong Hua’s novels with the rest of the world. You’ve opened a window for us illiterates so we can get a glimpse at Chinese literature. It looks great. I appreciate what you’re doing very much. Much thanks and lots of love.

  23. have you been addicted into something. I DO! I am very very addicted to Ockoala’s book recap on Tonghua’s novels, at night I dream of it, at day, i read again and again, watch the drama on you tube, read again, goodness, I’m getting crazy about this Chinese history. I even check Wiki , you know. Thanks Ockoala for making my days full! deliciously full! mwa mwah

  24. Yesterday I’ve finished to read Da Ma Yao and now I’m starting to read this one 🙂 Pity I cannot print these pages ; I’m not used to read on my computer. Thank you for your work and for offering us good books that leave us with many experiences.

  25. hi love the story. is there a way that I may be able to download it so that I could read it on my trip? I would love to read it on my laptop but I am traveling and was hoping to be able to have one for me to read while driving? please…. love the book!!!

  26. OMG! I promised myself I wouldn’t start this novel because it would just tear me apart…but in all honesty, I might just read for Third brother! He’s just so amazing! LOVE him…third brother totally blew me away. He seems hilarious and wonderfully haughty and proud and cunning, yet obviously caring towards his sister in a way that only siblings can be…

  27. It’s 2015 and I am rereading your Yun Zhong Ge translation. I can’t wait for the drama to air. I’m so excited. Thank you Ms. Koala for translating this novel. I have one question, the chapters you translated only relates too what? I mean, they only have strong significance to the flow of the story, is that so?

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