
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 5 and 6 Recap — 33 Comments

  1. Yay! was wondering if you were up to recap since last night but two in one is better than nothing! my heart still ache while reading your summary!

    next wk doesn’t come fast enough.


  2. I recently read the novels… and somehow got the impression that Hwon, instead of consummating his marriage with Bo Kyung, got Wol to… uh… well… I think I can’t mention that. But I know that Wol was sent so that she could absorb the King’s illnesses through having a sexual(?) relationship with him without him knowing(?).

    It’s weird…

    But DAMN!!! I love this drama. And I love Yang Myung.

    • Oh no, in the book, Wol was sent to the palace to absorb the illness from the King (Hwon), and she just sat beside him when he was sleeping and then left before he woke up. Thus he didn’t know about her presence in the palace (but he did feel that there was someone visiting when he was sleeping).

    • I’m so proud of Hwon :)! Love that he messes with Bo Kyung and sees through her mean/fake exterior :)! Can’t wait for next week :)!

  3. I’m not really feeling Han Ga-in as Yeon-woo…but to be fair, we didn’t really get to see her much in this episode, either. Here’s hoping next week she knocks it out of the park.

  4. I watched ep 6 this afternoon (US time) without English sub and cried for the first half of the episode. Really like the raining scene in the wedding day between Hwon and Bo Kyung. At that time, I just thought of how hurtful Hwon could be, how he hid all his pain to fulfill his responsibility. And then the rain came to help him hide all the tears with its drops and revealed how broken his heart was.

    • Also, I love Jung Il Woo and Kim Soo Hoon as adult Yang Muyng and Hwon.
      We have only seen one scene with Han Ga In as Yeon Woo so cannot say anything about it.

  5. No one in the palace could have done anything. Even the old king could not have stopped the Dowager from executing her plot. That is Yang Myung’s point. Hwon should not have coveted Yeon Woo in a situation where he could not protect her. Yang Myung could have taken her from the palace and protected her, so he blames Hwon for that.

    Minhwa couldn’t have done anything. Nor Bo Kyung. It’s not like they could have gone to the King or Hwon to save Yang Myung regardless of what they knew. In the Korean way of thinking, it’s not exactly BLAME but simply their FATE. It’s not that Minhwa could have done anything to help Yang Myung but it’s her Fate to be involved in the conspiracy and thus also her Fate for whatever cosmic retribution comes from being the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Love your write up. BTW it’s palanquin not paladin. You can edit that part.

    • Hi eli,

      I have to disagree. Yang Myung’s conversation with Hwon was not about Hwon coveting Yeon Woo, it was about Hwon not protecting YW until the very end. YM said that if it was him, he would have thrown everything away to protect YW until the end if he were in Hwon’s shoes. I never saw YM giving Hwon the guilt trip for putting YW in that position. YM is angry that Hwon didn’t do everything he could for YW. He was angry at Hwon for what Hwon did after YW got sick, not for Hwon wanting YW from the beginning.

      Of course MW and BK couldn’t do anything to stop what happened to YW, since it already happened. BUT they could have spoken up about who did it, and potentially spared YW’s entire family their sentence as criminals later on. BK didn’t care, and MW knew that getting the Heo family reduced to nothing was her only way to get Yeom. Her intentions were purely selfish.

      When King Sungjo learned that his mother had orchestrated the death of his beloved brother Prince Uisung, he didn’t say anything because it was too late at that time, and he knew she was doing it for him (and herself). But he still felt great anger about it, and impotent rage that he couldn’t avenge the death of his brother. That’s different than MW and BK keeping silent about YW’s illness, and then watching everyone else suffer in ways they might have been able to prevent. MW can call it “fate”, but it’s not. She chose not to act on knowledge that might not have saved YW, but could have saved others.

      • If it wasn’t about coveting Yeon Woo what was all that complaining about Hwon taking his father, friend, etc not leaving him anything? It’s clear. I mean you’re right about the one part, he is mad about Hwon failing to protecting her but you didn’t really understand the subtext (not to mention missing about half the conversation). The entire bit about Yang Myung having been willing to do anything to protect her etc is basically him saying “you didn’t love her/deserve her as much as I did.”

        The other piece is that Yang Myung understands the realities of the Palace. It’s kind of an Asian (Korean) idea but the premise that Hwon shouldn’t have gone for Yeon Woo if he couldn’t guarantee her, that Hwon basically ruined her life, not only because he physically couldn’t protect her but by putting her in a position of danger in the first place when he could NOT protect her, and taking her away from someone who could.

        King Sungjo couldn’t do anything about his brother’s murder because his own power was built upon that crime. It’s not just because his brother was dead at that point, his own legitimacy as King would have been brought into question because his own power rested on the support of the perpetrators. If his brother had in fact been alive he would have been prevented even more from exposing the plot. That would be the perfect impetus for supporters to move Uisung into power since the Confucian kingship is based on Virtue.

        There’s nothing that even Hwon could have done about Yeon Woo had he known the truth. He had no proof and no one had any proof. Just the accusations mean nothing, especially when the family faction holds the court. Even as King there’s no one Hwon hates more than his uncle and his grandmother but even as King he cannot remove them. What makes you think that as a young Prince he’d be in a position to do anything. And that’s the Crown Prince, what do you think a Princess in a Confucian court could do.

        I think the blogger misunderstood the entire thing with Minhwa. She’s not culpable. Her grandmother has just made her believe with her childlike thinking that she’s somehow responsible in order to control her and because she’s just a really mean old hag. I think you can definitely argue that Minhwa was also being selfish in order to marry her man but “purely selfish?” That’s silly since it’s clearly established that she’s also feeling at least the emotion terror as clearly established by her shots during the wedding. It can’t be “purely selfish” then silly rabbit.

      • I agree that both BK and Minhwa are culpable even while understanding that a female couldn’t have done much in this era. I also agree that Minhwa’s reasons are purely selfish (plus her sexual desire for Yeom in the book) and that she’s fully aware of what happened but doesn’t care as long as she gets Yeom. Even if she’s not aware of some “magic” being performed to harm Yeon Woo, she IS aware that “magic” is being used to help her get Yeom. I personally can’t wait for Yeom to find out about her part in his beloved sisters demise.
        BK is being pushed and pulled by her father – who she doesn’t wish to disappoint but she also did nothing for selfish reasons. She wants to be the Crown Princess – period.

  6. Is it just me or does the (teenage) Crown Prince remind you of Jiro Wang? Maybe it’s the lips, eyes, or something, but that’s what I see. It was bothering me the first couple of episodes and just figured it out by the third one.

    • YES!! That’s exactly what I was thinking!! I believe it’s their facial features and how they look really similar when they act sad 🙂

  7. Thank you so much for the recap… This maybe the first time that I am in love with the main lead.. Good job for Kim Soo Hyun… For a number of kdramas I’ve watched before, I always rooted for the second lead… But Hwon as a character is not the usual main lead… He was not naive, and the cold, calculating and vengeful lead has always been my cup of tea… And you know that deep inside him, he was just hurt… becuase he lost someone he loved so dearly… =P

  8. Welcome Back Koala Unni,
    as for episode 5 I cried the sad moments and happy at the adult cast. As for Ha Ga In, well we shall see next week. But, I hope she knocks this out of the park since I read that she will not come home to Mr. HOTTIE Vampire Prosecutor Hubby for two whole months… Therefore, lots of luck to her and hope she and HOTTIE Vampire Prosecutor have tons of babies… ^^ I am wondering who will see her first.. By the way, unni, what do you think of the Adult Woon??? He is HOT too but umm.. the hair.. o_0

    • I’m mostly an actor’s gal, so I have no feelings towards adult Yeom or Woon because so far neither impress me with their acting. So I don’t even notice their looks, but I suppose they are normal looking enough. 🙂

  9. I thought this part was really sad…..gosh, I even cried! This drama seriously grabs my heart and just squeezes it!!!! I know there’s still more to go through with my heart being squeezed over and over, but HOPEFULLY there’s a happy ending!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! And I thought Wol’s appearance was GREAT!!! It made me want to see the next episode more!!!!!!!!

  10. Hi ockoala,
    Wow..2 in 1 recaps,but thanks a lot for your hardwork.I’m gonna miss the child actors in this drama,i’ll wait patiently four your recaps despite also read the novel translation. Tell me that the OTP have happy ending please….

  11. After watching Nam Bora in Man of Honor I really hated the thought of seeing her again as Princess Minhwa. Lol. Fortunately, her character is less annoying in this drama.

  12. HI Koala,

    First thanks to your recap, its very enlightening for a non-korean speakers.

    You leave this to your last comment: “there is a bit of a disconnect between Lee Min Ho and Jung Il Woo’s versions of Yang Myung.”

    And i say, i think that JIW had been in a drama that had ended few days before the beginning of TMES. On JIW’s part, he really really have to make a big effort to be able to ride-on to the role of MY, the adult. After his role he played FBRamyun, it’s not that easy for him i guess….and for us viewer’s, esp. me when i saw him today….i still had his image as Cha Chi Soo, especially when he teases princess MW and smiles at her….i even thought if he’s going to give her that famous eye-wink….ouffff! Well, its just his first appearance, as time goes by, maybe he’ll be able to make the good transition then. This is just my opinion and not a critic at all.

    • Same here :)) “that famous eye-wink” – i was ready for it :)) He looks a little older or maybe tired now. And Yoem has no longer that light behind him, is just became normal.
      About the name Wol – in blue’s translation of the novel is the King that gives her this name, cause she doesn’t have one as a shaman (that’s way Nok Young calls her Agi – or something like that) in their first encounter as adults.

  13. I suspect adult Hwon seems like he’s acting because he [i]is[/i] acting. Compared to a more innocent teen Hwon who could behave more freely, adult Hwon has to play with multiple masks when dealing with the people surrounding him.
    Regarding MH – I’m not sure if it’s all about her greed. She was only a child, witnessing murder. Something like that was enough to scare her witless. Psychologically speaking, kids aren’t going to speak when they are abused much less when other people are abused. And honestly, a child’s words against the Empress Dowager’s? Not likely helpful.

  14. TBH I don’t feel the drama was ready for the adult cast yet~ The transition seem rushed.
    Idk maybe I’m just too emotionally invested on those kid actors T-T. Or you’re right it could be the acting style of the adult actors. The only one that I felt nailed it was adult Bo Kyung, adult Minhwa & adult Woon (because he doesn’t do much anyway~).

  15. welcome back koala sis!

    thanks for posting this recaps! really appreciate it. 🙂

    first, i think i already mentioned this at db and softy’s… my heart skipped a beat when i saw ksh on screen. truth be told, i had anticipated this drama because of him… loved him since Giant. who could have better acted this now than him. i also love jung il-woo but acting wise, i believe kim soo hyun is a much better actor. just look at how he showed so many facial expressions in a span of a few minutes. he nailed his performance here. and so far he has the best child to adult transition.

    on the story, i understand yang myung feeling that way towards hwon. what, with all that bottled-up emotions caused by lack of filial love from his father, and yeon woo clearly loving hwon. i think that incident scarred each of the brothers. they keep apart from each other yet there is that longing for each other too. i believe that adult YM is now feeling remorse for the way he had talked to hwon at that time. if he had known that it had affected hwon so much, making him a cold person (not that it was solely because of that), he would wish he can take those words away because after everything else, his love for hwon is so big.

    for eli… hwon did not covet yeon woo… both are in love with each other. it could not be reason enough for hwon to give up yw if he know ym love her that he could not protect her because in fact, what devastated ym is that yw love hwon, it was not a one-sided love that was maneuvered by hwon… yw was chosen and had wanted to be chosen.

    just a side note, i feel sorry for history of salary man and wild romance… those are really good dramas yet they were put on the sidelines due to the popularity of MoonSun. 🙁

    also, just want to share that this drama is being subbed by DarkSmurfSub and softsubs are available through this link:
    tho at the moment only those who have worked a certain minimum number of lines can have access to downloads of the softsubs.

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