
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 7: Heartbeat Wrinkle — 33 Comments

  1. I’d had forgotten how beautiful in its playfulness volume 1 of Yun Zhong Ge was. Tong Hua crafts these scenes and imprints it indelibly on the reader’s memory. The fireflies becoming the stars on the ground, the dandelions becoming the snow in the palm,

    Thank you for capturing all the beautiful details in English & not get lost in translation………..

  2. It’s a good thing YG has so many fellas taking care of her. 😉 She manages to get into as many scrapes as her mother once did! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…LOL!

    • I think Yu Er thinks about consequences first but decides to take a risk before diving in. Yun Ge is just brainless and does it without even wondering why and what. But then again, she’s truly well coddled so I can’t blame her. She’s lucky all these hot and capable guys want her.

      • I couldn’t agree more. YE rarely goes into a situation without knowing the consequences of her actions. It’s just a matter of her deciding whether the consequences are worth the means or not. Whereas, YG just completely clueless about everything.

  3. Awwww…Yun Ge is one lucky duck. At least in these first chapters, with two equally hot boys risking her life for her. And Huo Cheng Jun, what a mean girl! To think that she and Yun Ge are first cousins, I wonder how all this will play out later. Will they find out that they are blood relatives? Gosh, I really wish I can read Chinese. Getting more and more intrigued with this story.

    Thanks, Koala! You are spoiling us with new chapters everyday! Arigatou gozaimasu. 🙂

    • That was one HOT kiss. Even I was surprised at how sizzling it was despite the circumstances. It was like they were in their own little world for that brief moment.

      • I know!

        I don’t know how Ling Gege can steal my heart away. I am shipping YG with Meng Jue so hard right now. He has the best lines!

        When he said that they’ll have to slowly sort out the debt between them, my heart skipped a beat. I don’t know what to do. Tong Hua always does this!

        She always have the leading heroine start with a long romantic first love (8th, Meng Jiu, now Meng Jue) that makes your heart skip and then she goes and switched the guy on us! Ergh

        Can I have Meng Jue and Meng Jiu? Since these two adoptive father and son are destined to lose the love of their life to another man? Can I take them both and just whisked them away?

        KISS ME MENG JUE! KISS ME!! I am falling for a fictional character. My sanity has gone awry.

      • @Jenny… I TOTALLY emphathise with the ” I am falling for a fictional character. My sanity has gone awry” sentiment… TOTALLY…. if HQB made me giggle and blush at his daring and forthrightness… MengJue has my heart and soul by the end of first book…. poor tortured soul. i just want to coddle him and feed him porridge and keep him safe from eventual heartbreak….

      • Oh my, tell me about it! Hot kiss, indeed. The way he pulled her and looked into her eyes and then covered her eyes before the kiss. *fans self*. Yeah, I don’t think it’s possible that I can love Ling Gege more than Meng Jue at this rate.

  4. thanks again! so much fun!

    btw, wasn’t it MJ that quickly peck her on the lips before? And now it’s MJ that kissed her again? right?

    Sooo the HB’s little bro show up… no wonder he knew who she was back when the little emperor and his men were lost desert. am I right on that? because she was his niece, right?

    confuse, may have to go reread it again.

    • but the man was Zhao Pu No….not HQB brother…or is it? I guess I have to re-read the first chapters again…..those Liu names confuse me…..maybe I need a chart to keep tract of all the characters…LOL..if this is an exam…I failed already…

    • HQB younger bro is Huo Guang. Huo Cheng Jun is Huo Guang’s daughter ie HQB niece. The man who brought Liu Fuling to the desert is Zhao Po Nu. Zhao was one of the generals who fought alongside HQB n knew of Yu Er n her pets – Xiao Tao n Xiao Qian – so he guessed Yun Ge’s identity. He is not here in this chapter.

      • Thanks ladies. I got confused w/the names. The pets died saving them on xiong nu land but tong hua brought them back for her daughter unless she is just reusing the pet names…

      • Yu Er’s pets are pigeons. Yun Ge’s pets are falcons or condors (can’t tell the diff sorry). It is likely Yu Er name the falcons in honor of her beloved pigeons.

  5. From your translation, I can tell that Tong Hua is a good writer and you, you are an amazing translator. You capture everything so vividly – I feel like I am watching a drama just from reading your words. Thank you for being an translator extraordinaire!

    I am in love with both MJ and LBY. My heart is shattered knowing that (Spoiler Alert)…………….

    he will end up like his stepdad – losing the woman they love.

    However, knowing this in advance helps temper the pain. Gosh, I wish there was more spoiler so that I can be even more prepared for the storm ahead.

  6. Here we go . . . hold on tight, this story feels like it’s going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride. Thanks again, Ms. K. have a great weekend.

  7. Dear Ms Koala,
    I am writing a letter to you while I can still type coherently. You have told us constantly of your love/ pain; and I still don’t know which is stronger, for this novel. YZG. So we have been warned.

    I took like more than half a year to recover from your love of BBJX. I already feel equal pain and happiness reading your DMY translations. However, I DID TRY to resist reading this translation. As you can see I failed already. Can I say this book 1 is stupendous. I shudder to think how much suffering there will be coming when it’s been so beautifully translated by you now. I love your translations so far. Yun Ge might be ‘what you see is what you get’ sorta but I can maybe comprehend why the men are falling for her. There are no hidden motives ( not much because not much thoughts go behind her actions), she is pretty, she inspires protective instincts ( ??? eh… mostly because she is pretty I think.. and young). Whatever…. all I can say is, are you sure Ling gege is supposed to be more awesome? Because at this point in time I think MJ is the bee’s knees. After reading all you’ve written- I obviously have not been reading the correct romance novels. Am swooning more over him than a romance novel hero or any movie lead in any American production. Even over Mr Darcy. Mr Darcy seems so shallow now compared to those men in DMY and YZG.

    Thank you for all your hard work. After this, would go back to anticipating and dreading the daily instalments. I keep expecting some sort of bad news every time a chapter comes out. Is Chinese history that bloody? A lot of your readers seemed to have watched so many period dramas and read so many books. What was my mum doing letting me read Enid Blyton instead of The Three Kingdoms 🙂 You’ve even got me listening to the DMY audio tapes.

    Going back to being a silent reader after this. Just wanted to say my appreciation. Have no great in depth knowledge of Chinese history like some of the others.

    • Hi sweetie Ck,

      No worries about lack of C-history. I try to give little tidbits of background if possible, but I would recommend reading DMY before YZG to understand how the politics in YZG got to this point. But you are already doing that, so I think you’re in good hands.

      I devoured Enid Blyton, no harm, no foul. I mean, which certified romance novelist lover hasn’t been raised on a combo of Jane Austen and her Pride & Prejudice + Emma as well as consuming Georgette Heyer by the boatload depending on if there was a used bookstore near you.

      Darcy is Darcy, and Austen didn’t write him too in depth. He’s a good man, who was too full of himself and too starchy, but could see quality when he saw Lizzie. In many ways he’s a 2 dimensional hero. I don’t think TH writes her male leads as any more swoonworthy than Darcy. For the most part, they are all fitting a certain prototype and become animated because they meet the heroine.

      Except for Meng Jue – of TH’s four novels I’ve read, MJ is the most 3-dimensional, flesh and blood, believable male lead. TH-fandom pretty much agrees on this point. He’s special, this boy. But he’s still not my favorite male lead in YZG. That would be Ling gege.

      I agree Meng Jue is the bees knees, he’s simply incredible. But I said this before, Ling gege is perfect. And I don’t mean he’s without flaw. I mean he simply is unforgettable. I think all of you who adore MJ (and trust me, you will all love him even more before volume 1 is done), will understand the Ling gege love when you get to volume 2.

      Ling gege makes me believe in the beauty of love again.

      • bless your kind heart for sharing Ling Ge Ge….I, personally dies to know the meaning of love again.

  8. Thank you , Koala san ! I enjoy reading the little mishaps of Yun ge , and being saved by these gorgeous men …. she is just like her mother , loved by great men ! I can’t wait for the next chapters …they are very entertaining ! you are awesome , Koala san !

  9. “just think of him as a cup”..LOL..that was funny…thanks Koala-San……If history is written the way TH writes her novels, and translated marvelously by Koala-San…then History would be my favorite subject…..

  10. *swooon* i felt like in my teens or college days again reading an english historical romance novels. im a little bit old reading this….but, it brings hope.

    Thanks msWonderK *xoxo*

  11. ps. I meant, im personally dying to know the meaning of love… again 🙂 I’m like a teenager squealling for Ling gege’s appearance *aaack!*

  12. “… all she saw was Liu Bing Yi’s face with his usual lazy and warm smile. His demeanor was actually a tad like her daddy at that moment.”


    aw…i miss hqb

  13. It’s a nice story, but I can’t really care about any of the characters apart from Ling-ge-ge yet and he’s not really there… Yun Ge sorta annoys me 🙁 She’s perky so troubled guys would like that, but in our age and time, she would be a bad role model

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