Oguri Shun is the Voice for Radio Drama 6 Colors with Aoi Yuu
Despite being rabidly obsessed with Rich Man, Poor Woman during the Summer J-dorama season, I knew even then that it was a fluke and likely wouldn’t continue once the Fall crop of new doramas started. Right now I’m casually watching Priceless for KimuTaku and MONSTERS for Yamapi, but storywise nothing captures my heart like RMPW did. Since filming wrapped, Oguri Shun took some time off which included heading to his wife Yamada Yu‘s hometown of Okinawa to have a belated wedding ceremony with their friends and family. He hasn’t picked his next onscreen project next but currently he is doing a weekly radio drama called 6 Colors with Aoi Yuu. It’s got six episodes and the title of each episode follows one color. The colors are orange, red, blue. yellow, green, and cherry blossom. The title for the red episode is hilariously called “My toilet is red.” I love how quirky Shun is and knowing that he followed up the popular RMPW with a low-key radio drama because he thought it sounded interesting makes me appreciate him even more. I’m sure listening to his voice on the radio is a completely different sensory experience from watching him onscreen. Check out his look recently as he was photographed with Yuu during the recording for the first episode. I’m strangely attracted to the red hair and the sexy goatee.
I guess I will catch up with the two J-doramas once they are subbed.
Why does just looking at Shunshun make my heart skip a beatbeat?
He is so intense.
Me, too, Jomo. I should know better than to take a bite of food (on a lunch break) before clicking on Koala’s playground. Now, I am cleaning up food because I choked after gasping at the smexy!! My goodness. He could bring a dead woman back to life with that intensity.
Then I laugh because I think about his wife laughing at us all. She would probably respond, “Yeah I love him to pieces, but try picking up his socks all the time!”
Ooh looks like they’re having fun! I always chuckle when I listen to radio dramas (during my highschool days, driver ajumma likes to listen to cantonese speaking shows). Which reminds me, I still have yet to hunt down Kimutaku voicing Hana Yori Dango’s Rui.
I’m actually loving his look. Way better than the orange hair thing he had going on in the Hana Yori Dango movie.
Oguri oppppaaaaa!! LOVE the look…very becoming. I adore him not only due to his atypical roles selections but also his work ranging across various mediums like anime, radio, theatre, etc. <3 Heard that he may be taking on a supporting role in a taiga…as much as I'd want him to lead a taiga it IS a year long commitment. So, glad to see him in anything he does.
As for the currently airing doramas I'm strangely loving Kekkon Shinai.
I agree with you about the hair and goatee. It shouldn’t work, but it does. Just another way Oguri Shun defies expectations.
This is so cool.
My toilet is Red?! Hilarious title. I honestly haven’t been drawn to a jdrama in forever… several years I think. I watched a few things for Ryo but that’s about it. I like procedurals but not sure why I just haven’t gotten into anything yet. Priceless is boring me to tears right now
It’s probably not the right time for me to watch it, that’s all.
I do like this orange look on him and I don’t normally like colored hair.
Shun looks fantastic as always. Looking forward to seeing his next work.
Whoa!!!! *hyperventilates* My two loves!!!! Shun is just deadly. Period. Any hair color, any style, he can carry and still look hella sexy. Yuu-chan, on the other hand, what happened to all her glorious hair?
I remember when a friend told me that Oguri is ugly compared to Hyun Joong, she obviously had no idea what he was talking, because in these photos he looks so HOOOOTT damn, his wife is a lucky girl …
I just started Liar Game and I can actually see Oguri Shun as the lead, but Matsuda Shota is hittin’ it out of the park.
I don’t really like him a lot but he looks delicious on that cover. Hmmmm…
OOOOOOOOOOOOOoh…HOT!!! Love it!.. I miss him!
I like radio-drama, I used to spend nights in my 16’s lessening it.
Btw, you shoud try “‘Ooku: Arikoto Iemitsu Hen ” historycal dorama.
eeeeppp! I love him too! He’s so super awesome! I believe he has this natural ability to act “natural” when he’s in character like he’s simply human and he doesn’t over do it. That’s why I simply adore him! I would totally listen to this, if i understand japanese, but way to branch out and test new medias! I appreciate a well thought artist such as he!