Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye Don California Couple Tees for Heirs
Awwww, I really love this particular still of Lee Min Ho from the latest batch just released by SBS for Heirs/The Inheritors. This set is the third featuring the OTP of Eun Sang and Kim Tan hanging out, and it’s probably the best of the lot. The ones where he was all “It’s okay, baby!” and the set from the almond farm all felt so posed. These actually captured a bit of the relaxed and friends hanging out vibe that I think work so much better for these two. I don’t feel the romance (yet) despite the PD veritably smacking us over the head with it, what with all the protracted staring, but I am quite enjoying their companionship despite the myriad of coincidences it took to bring them into each other’s orbit. I just made the connection to what the current chemistry between Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye reminds me of. It reminds me of the comfortable and sweet relationship between So Yi Hyun and Taecyeon in Who Are You. It’s not bursting with romance but was still reassuring and acceptable in its own way. I These new stills show them wearing matching “I heart California” couple tees, likely the result of spending the night out and needing fresh scrubs to change into. It’s cheesy but cute. They are seen in a diner having breakfast, and Park Shin Hye appears to be quite interested in the sausage on her plate. If I were her, I would be evidencing way more interest in the hottie beside her. I thought I would be interested in Tan’s broken relationship with big brother, but so far its snoozeworthy for me, though I think Choi Jin Hyuk‘s character will start to get fleshed out once his love interest Im Joo Eun shows up. Thus far he just seems like an ass with an overly sensitive stick out for his relatively harmless little brother. I hope episode 3 shows Eun Sang and Tan having some fun, and then when Chan Young meets up with Eun Sang then things can get even more interesting.
I love California
Me too. I’m Angeleno.
Awww…they are so cute
Am i seeing something wrong or wats the thing on psh hair ?? Right in the middle whr hair parts ? Parkshin hye is left handed i think
Forks are for the left hand, knives for the right one.
Depends on where you are eating. If you are in LA with our t-shirt couple, that fork is in the right hand, efficiently shoveling things in. If you are taking tea with the Queen, that fork is in the left hand, delicately spearing a stray English pea.
OK, I appreciate your detailing on that. Actually Americans use ‘switching technic’ with forks and knives during eating, while Asians follow European (forks in left hand) style.
I myself prefer chopsticks and clean hands.
Wow, you’ve got sharp eyes! Yeah, dunno what that is, is it the new fashion trend in Korea?
I somehow can fell the chemistry between Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho. Not expecting that though since I always think she is most compatible with Jang Keun Suk. I never feel this gushy and excited about screen coupling like this since Lie To Me, so LMH and PSH….please bring it on.
It’s still not working for me on a romantic level. They do look friendly though, but he still comes across as half asleep.
his character is supposed to be laid back and “not do anything” as instructed by his big bro for now.
he is beginning to be fired up bit by bit. Let’s hope we see more “fire” and followed by other emotions from ep. 3 onwards… Seoul, here they come…
They look perfect together.
I think Kim Tan would become more interesting and animated when he comes back to Korea. You can see from the preview how mean he is to Lee Bona, Chan Young and Youngdo while he was quiet and harmless in first 2 episodes.
Actually they look quite cute together in these stills.
Love the atmosphere. This is the life of the college student.
Why Kim Eun Sook couldn’t have just done that beats me. As if college students don’t have fun either..
I like this pairing between the 2 leads, I’m willing to see their rapport develop more momentum. This is veering slightly off subject, but I’m now curious as to what the on-screen chemistry would be like between Lee Min Ho and Moon Geun Young. It seems that many idol-ettes rely on plastic surgery and S-line posing to carry them through the weight of the role instead of acting skills. It’d be refreshing to see LMH co-starring with the FEW other actresses in his age group who can actually act and MGY would top my list right after Park Shin Hye. Of course, it’d also be a real plus to have a decent storyline and script.
I hope her health is Ok , I am really sorry for her .
Sausage?! That’s bad, and not only for her kidneys.
I hear Heechul’s gonna be making a 4-episode cameo soon! Can’t wait ^^
I wonder how their stomachs are handling these foreign foods.
i have reminded your post about secret’s cast in the earlier days, and now SECRET’s cast, only single member Lee dae he also announced to be not single
now they are all taken
(sorry for posting this on a heirs’ post!)
I only we knew that LMH is in California, we could have visited HIM. He is such a nice & cool GUY, so handsome!
As long as there character have an understand of one another than in ALL GOOD !!! ^o^
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