
My Spring Days Episode 6 Recap — 6 Comments

  1. Yaay for another recap 🙂 Thanks a lot for your time and work !
    Frankly, I really loved that episode. It was for most parts, sad and silents but I just love the characters so much.
    For Dong Ha, I didn’t take his confession as being immoral but really fitting with his personality because he is such a honest guy. He wanted to keep her away from him but he couldn’t keep with lies so he prefered to be truthful with her.
    I really liked Bom Yi stepping up for her life too. In previous episodes, I really didn’t realize how planned her life was by her parents. I can understand though but yeah’, she is the owner of her life so it’s up to her to do what she wants from now on.

    Tomorrow is episode 7 😀 I am hoping for a great episode as usual and better ratings too. Double digits will be amazing 🙂

  2. Thank you for the recap, i haven’t been able to watch my spring days yet. I owe you one. I’m firmly on the DH and BY team, but an happy ending for Dong wook won’t hurt, hopeful he can heal himself from all his issues

  3. Thanks jomo for the recap. I adored this episode and im on pins and needles waiting for this weeks episodes. I like that everything is out in the open now and also especially love that Bom Yi is finally standing up for herself. She’s a grown woman after all and not a baby and therefore is entitled to make her own decisions.
    I feel for the men. DW cos he has this massive inferiority complex and chip on his shoulder and I want him to be comforted. DH and BY are my OTP and I wat them together more than anything but I’m really curious as to how he will pursue her without feeling like a bad brother….. So many fun times ahead.

    I also didn’t like that part in the supermarket with the dead wife’s mum. I hope they get out of that cellular storyline ish completely

  4. Thanks for the recap Jomo!

    Sec Lee is getting on my nerve. Can’t help but feel that he’s trying to copy Sec Tak of FTLY but failing miserably. The feels just isn’t there. And running his mouth off with what’s meant to be his boss’ secret move…just annoys.

    As for DW, he’s the one that’s caught up in the cellular memory thingmajig, accusing his brother of stealing his woman AGAIN, when there’s been no indication that he and Soo Jeong were a couple and not merely childhood friends. Even DW’s involvement with BY is questionable; when and why? I suspect it’s mainly because BY now has SJ’s heart, giving a second chance for DW to be with his first lost love. If this is true, then he is truly, in his own words, pathetic.

    As for BY’s mom, I think she was grovelling to DW’s mom who stood her up and had no intention of meeting the former, when she texted her being sorry for not meeting the latter. Keeping DW tied to the hospital seems to be her main intent, even if it means manipulating her daughter to quickly marry and to stop working. One scary lady……

  5. thanks for the recap jomo. you captured perfectly the characters’ every emotion.

    i seem to be alone in feeling like bom yi’s love for dong wook should have been more steady than that. at the start of the drama, she looked happily in love and committed. all of a sudden, she cant cut him any slack and chooses to think that all she wanted before was what others wanted for her.

    i feel for both men. their angst is much more real and relatable to me. so, i can only gather that it is because the writer wants us to think in the direction of how that heart moves this woman to the older brother. if so, i hope dong wook realises that their relationship wasnt very much to begin with if it could just be given up so easily by one party.

  6. Hi Jomo!

    My love for this drama keeps growing and growing! I feel like I’m reliving a memory of younger days when you realized you had a major crush on someone. Can’t wait to read your comments on episodes 7 and 8. Thanks!

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