
Rainie Yang Tries Out NYC Fire Escape Chic for New Album Photoshoot — 9 Comments

  1. I feel rage towards people who are behind this photoshoot. They need immediate medical attention for their mentality. I can’t understand why would Raine agree to this? Oh my, what people would do for the sake of fashion?

  2. Rainie must love having short hair. I do too. I miss having short hair. It is effortless and feels like you don’t have to worry about it. She used to have so much hair and it was so long but I love how she looks how. More mature and feminine.

    I miss her in dramas but I wish she would do more quality Chinese dramas. Not that Chinese dramas are great but TW dramas are too anime for me. I used to watch them before because of Rainie but now I find them too silly to watch.

    I had hoped that she would venture out into making wuxia Chinese dramas. I think she would look cool in costumes but I guess she doesn’t like them. 🙁

  3. Wow… I can’t believe she agreed to that. I would definitely not want to be out on a fire escape in nyc in those kinds of heels. Yikes!! She is bold. I am glad it all worked out. 🙂

  4. Prop to her for daring to standing on the fire escape with those killer heels. I am not sure if it worths the risk though considering the photoshoot was a little lackluster. I really love her hair and the poses are okay but the colors of her clothes are no-no. They make her blend in too much with the background.

  5. It’s so nice to get an update on her. I’ve been following her since 2005 so I’ll definitely be checking out whatever she puts out.

  6. Ah, I love Rainie…Thanks for ths pics, she looks awesome with her new crop and feathery frock! Have you guys seen here new music video with Jasper Liu? I posted the clip up along with some newspaper clippings talking about their filming process on my blog 🙂

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