
J-ent Bombshell Marriage News as Horikita Maki Ties the Knot with Veteran Actor Yamamoto Koji — 30 Comments

  1. wow…I used to ship her with Yamapi and Shun but alas…none of my J-dorama ships panned out. Well none of my ships ever panned out.

    At least Keiko and Yamapi could still be a thing…even if they are currently dating other people.

      • Yampi and keiko were proven? They always maintained they were friends and there was always a 3rd person there.

        Same as the Hana yori dango couple. Nothing concrete yet.

        These couples need to pair off and marry each other and make beautiful babies asap.

    • Well…yamapi an keiko did coupled up for a while after buzzer beat. But then they broke up. Anyway, after YamaKi the ship I wish to sail so much is keiko n Pi.

    • All these years, I’ve still been secretly hoping for Keiko and Yamapi to get back together gahhhh!!!!!!!! Glad to know there’s still people like me around ^_^

      • Wait Keiko and Yamapi used to be a thing?! How come i didn’t know this… I watched most of their dramas. T.T

    • Haha why rush into marriage? Maki is at the height of her career. It’s always fun to ship OTPs who are still singles and unattached. Whenever I see certain actors who are attached, the romance level drop a few notches. I love to watch maki and she deserves a good hubby to take care of her. Congrats!

    • Not Koala, but for me Jdramas lost their spark. Most seem dull, boring, meandering, plain (like a dish missing an ingredient). It also seems like J-entertainment is not concerned with reaching an international audience and are quiet satisfied with churning out the same products – which is fine, I guess.

  2. Well, my fri and I both love Nobuta and she’s the first Japanese actress I’ve liked followed by a few. But Maki is the reason I’m familiar with long and hard to call Japanese names. My YamaKi dream was crushed. I love them both in Nobuta and Kurosagi. But Congrats anyway. Omedeto. I doubt it’s shotgun and is it just me or anyone thinks Japanese actors tend to get married earlier.

  3. Congrats Maki! She’s still as beautiful as before. One of my fave Jap actress. I got my username from her character in Hana Kimi 🙂

  4. I just can’t believe Maki is married. It feels like yesterday she was playing a high schooler. Anyhow, congrats to the newlyweds!

  5. really didnt expect this.there is a rumor saying that she is dating sakurai sho after tokujo kabachi.this news really surprised me but im for her

  6. I always thought she looks super cute with YAMAPI or Toma Ikuta.Big
    sigh,none of my OTP s end up together in real life.

  7. she’s not my fave actress, never impressed with her acting.. but omedetou maki-chan 🙂 i used to think that she would date or marry a flower boy, but then.. she marries a mature man. good for her 🙂

  8. eeeeeeeeh!! I’ve been gone for 2 days and this happens!
    I never expected this, they did portray a couple in wagaya no rekishi after atadan.
    Apparently he had been harboring feelings towards Maki and kept sending her love letters.
    But yeah, interesting couple and …
    Maki-chan omedetou!

    • Love letters wow …in this mobile gen?
      He seems interesting with good personality and maki is a lovely girl with very homely characters… I think they suit each other

  9. Koji Yamamoto, I’ve always remembered him as Fumiya Kashiwagi in Under The Same Roof (he was my fave one), anyway congrat for both of them:)

  10. Whats wrong with her? Seriously. I was a HUGE fan of her ever since Nobuta Wo Produce and love her dramas from then on like Hana Kimi, Atashinchi No Danshi, even that show with Sakurai Sho. I was for SURE that she got hooked up with Sho considering how he kept saying she is his type and he even introduced her as his girlfriend back in 2014. But then suddenly, BOOM! Out of nowhere, she got married to this creepy old dude. What a WASTE! I guess maybe I had high hopes of her being with Sho or hot guys that I never expected her to end up with some old dude. No wonder she got so quiet in the j-drama industry. With looks and talent like hers, she could’ve gone as far as to being popular in S.Korea! Oh well, whatever makes her happy..

  11. How is a 38yo guy a “creepy old dude”? There is only ten years difference between the two which is nothing. I assume once you hit 30 we can consider you as having one foot in the grave?

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