
jTBC Drama The World of the Married Leaps in Ratings as Second Episode Gets 9.979% — 13 Comments

  1. What is with Koreans fascination with dramas about affairs and cheating? It seems so many dramas with those stories do so well. It’s may be a dumb question but are many marriages in Korea not good so many viewers can relate by watching it? But most choose not to divorce because divorce is a taboo in Korea?

    • I believe Korean viewers enjoy watching those makjang, or romance, love stories and anything is related to current society mainstream, sci-fi won’t do well.
      Like Cloy, sky castle, last princess…

      • Well, there is an unwritten rule that cable channels’ ratings is equivalent to 2x of public channels’ ratings. Thanks to high quality production and big bucks of money these cable channels have been investing for years because they are reaping all the success and love of the Korean people now.

  2. looks like cable dramas have won people’s trust over public channels. Can we use double mutliplier for cable shows anymore? People are interested in cable dramas and tbh they are well made.

  3. It is quite good but for the moment the show follow the original english serie. I would like the story to change from the original.

  4. Haven’t watch this yet, but from the stills, this looks makjang and interestingly, I am intrigued, so I will tune into the first episode and see…
    Back to Korea’s fascination about failed marriages and cheating, earlier we had VIP, which also dealt with the same subject and was popular with audiences. Now I keep wondering if VIP was instead on a cable network, if it would have taken more chances with the story line and pushed the envelope a bit more. With VIP, I was glued almost to the very end, but I was kind of disappointed in the ending (spoiler alert: bratty 2nd female lead got the easy way out).

  5. So this is Moobaek’s future – zillions of years after Arthdal? And here I thought you are the best man in Arthdal eh, lol. This kind of show is, most of the times, deliciously painful to watch. Good for the ratings tho. Just hope that they deliver relatable ending

  6. I wonder if part of why the ratings are so high is also because people are stuck at home and more viewers are just tuning in.

  7. First of all, not Makjang…yet…the lady in question had her whole world turned upside down and all her closest people helped doing that. Her pain, disbelief and anger is visceral in portrayal. Its so far very well acted, crisply directed, masterfully edited show. Itaewon class pales in comparison to this.

    • None of the IC Team are at her age, Ahjumma! PSJ, KDM, KNA – r they over 40? Why r u comparing a 50+ drama to a 20-30 age group??

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