
Gong Hyo Jin Discusses Style and Acting in May 2020 Dazed Pictorial — 13 Comments

  1. I’m sad because I couldnt finish her last drama even if I loved the actors. But I’m rewatching Jealousy Incarnate and I still love it! Jo Jung Seok and her had a great chemistry!

  2. Fashion Icon just finish her last drama When the Camella Bloom. She’s so totally Amazing diff. character Great Actress . Hope to she her another drama soon with Hyu bin or Park soe Join.

  3. Love love love her! She’s so quirky, humble, natural, talented, and beautiful. Def huggable! I’ll shriek and beg for hug if I see her.

    • @ldcf

      humble? on the contrary i find her arrogant but shes talented and talented and talented. beautiful? skip. next topic please

      • I couldn’t watch her last drama but i watched all her past dramas and liked her very much . But i don’t know why, i agree with @joane, recently she gives me a kind of arrogant vibe. But the celebrities are not suppose to show us their true self.

  4. Ugly clothes. Overrated actress. Her last drama was unwatchable. She’s so conscious when she acts. Some people call it arrogance, yes. Not my cup of tea.

  5. She’s displayed arrogance when she asked her fans to stop posting clips of her previous drama. Girl, you should be thankful that there are fans who are showing interest in you, no matter how horrible you are (in and out). the nerve of this woman.
    You are not young anymore. You are 40 for God sake. act you age.

  6. Have loved her in many dramas but the 6 or so episodes of her last drama, I felt she played similar to what I’ve seen her do before. Not a big deal; I dropped because the story was all over the place.

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