Park Bo Gum and Kim So Hyun Confirmed for jTBC Police Drama Good Boy
I sure hope this script is banging because K-actor Park Bo Gum has taken the longest hiatus to come back after finishing military service and I hope his selections airing this year are worth it. His last drama was Record of Youth in 2020 and now we’re in 2024 already, but he has filmed Thank You for Your Hard Work with IU coming out and now he’s also starring in jTBC drama Good Boy opposite Kim So Hyun. I don’t know which drama will air first though. Good Boy was confirmed this week for the two leads who both play Olympic sport gold medalists in different sports who retire to become police officers. The writer is reuniting with Kim So Hyun from Bring it On, Ghost and the PD directed Beyond Evil. This is a fantastic production from cast and crew and I can’t wait.
The visuals and talent of these two, I’m crying already
This has been my dream pairing since their appearance in KBS Awards 2015! I’ve read the character descriptions for their characters, and I must say, both sound like great roles, the type that will showcase their acting skills really well! And after seeing KSH in River where the moon rises, I’m sure she’ll eat this action role! Hoping for the best for this drama!
dang, sohyun finally getting cast with actors of her caliber instead of rookies. about time and good for her! will check this out for sure. also, correct me if i’m wrong , but this is her first jtbc drama, right?
Yes, first JTBC drama as an adult and a lead actress. The last drama she did for JTBC was Love Again (2012) where she did a minor role of the FL’s daughter.
Na In Woo and Yoo Seung Ho were amazing costars though along with Jang Dong Yoon. I agree her recent male lead was not a good actor.
this one, the Kim tae ri one, and the jeon do yeon-kim ji won one… Wow we’re only halfway in January and we’re already getting lots of potentially great dramas with solid casting! hopefully this year will be better for kdramas as last year was kinda meh
How about Oh Jung Se? Does anyone know if he confirmed already?
OJS has yet to confirm since his name wasn’t included in the article. But I hope he does soon.
It’s a great news! She finally will be able to play with a good actor! I’m still waiting for her drama with Chae Jong-hyeop.
I miss PBG too. I wasn’t a big fan of Encounter and Record of Youth, so I hope it will be good.
My heart
been wanting to see these two pretty, wholesome, and adorable talented actors since I got into kdramas years ago. Glad we got a confirmation now, and with the Beyond Evil PD onboard too! Hope the writing is great and their characters are well-written!
I AM SO SO HAPPY!!! I have such a soft spot for Kim So Hyun…I really love a daughter like her…Lol
I always feel she have not been lucky with dramas… her last drama was so unfortunate. Changing lead actor mid way…
I will support these 2 artistes… Clap Clap Clap!!!
Same here. She’s about the same age as my son, and I also find myself wishing I had a daughter like her (or at least like the her that she presents to the public). I’m fairly new to Korean dramas but many of the dramas I’ve watched so far have her in them. That caused me to watch/read some of her interviews and I have to say she really comes across as a down to earth, polite, kind, sweet, eloquent young lady. Her answers are always thoughtful and introspective. Very talented too. Park Bo Gum also doesn’t seem to have any scandal so far and seems like a nice chap. Really great pairing
Yes, she is no one who aims to be a idol but instead wants to be just a actress. She is down to earth, and very popular amongst many artistes. They feel comfortable around her and enjoy working with her. She does have have idol baggages. I have heard many interviews of her list of secret admirers…it is very cute. She just gets on with her work… no scandals or reports of unprofessionalism.
She does get compared with fellow child actress of her age group but there is nothing to compare. Their career paths are different.
I totally agree, she does seem to be the type who’s low-key and doesn’t seem attention but still get it anyway, especially from boys lol.
And at this point in my life I just drown out all the noise and fanwars or whatever that’s called and just support the artists I like. I just wish the people on this blog can grasp the concept that just because they like the other girl doesn’t mean they have to hate the other… It’s all very immature! How can anyone even hate this sweet young lady is beyond me. But alas, I guess fanwars will never stop as people have an obsession with pitting women against each other, so I just don’t engage and just either read comments quietly or leave positive comments on the articles of people who I do like lol.
Anyway, I’m right there with you clapping for this casting!
*I meant seek attention, not seem
@HL @Clementine in our country, we have a very popular actress named Kathryn Bernardo and Kim Sohyun reminds me so much of her in that they’re very lowkey people who just do their job and go home, no unnecessary drama or anything like that. They don’t need made up scandals as they let their talent speak for itself. Both also have this quiet, serene aura about them which draws people in. As an introverted person, I love seeing lowkey introverts like them succeed, it makes me feel so represented hehe. And I agree, Sohyun seems really sweet and kind!
@Maylyn, I watch Thai Lakorns but never watched PH dramas before… maybe I will try one day.
I do miss those days we get lakorn subbing Group that provide very good subs…just slow. But these days Viki subs are just horrible bad… I am watching Love Destiny Season 2 and cry over the bad subs!!!
@Maylyn Thought I was the only one who noticed some of their similarities. Both of them started as child actresses too. I’m glad KB has finally gotten out of the box and grown out of the loveteam that she’s been in for more than a decade. I’m hoping KSH will also step out of her comfort zone starting from this one. They’re still young so for sure there’ll be lots of great opportunities out there. I wish them all the best.
@maylyn @kc OMG glad to see fellow Filipino fans here!

Yes Kim so hyun reminds me of Kathryn in aura and personality/image) and Julia montes in versatility and acting range! I’m a fan of both kath and Julia that’s why I also became an instant so hyun fan after seeing her in school 2015. She’s like a mix of my two faves!
@Clemintine…I am with you on disliking those fanwars… I never understood why fans need to compare and expect people top support one and not the other… If one is supported, it mean the other is hated.
You are what cnetz would call a “mom fan”
I love Kim So Hyun as well, and I’m so happy to hear about this pairing. I’m kind of a mom fan to Park Bo Gum as well. I hope our kids do well together lol.
Count me in as a mom fan of these two as well
Yes, I am a fan mom…lol. to both artistes.
Yayy finally something interesting. I like the character description of both the actors and also finally Sohyun with a senior actor instead of rookie like always. I read that it’s gonna have comedy too, so I am excited. Now waiting for is it fate release date. I hope both the drama become successful.
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Dreams do come true!!!

Park Bogum is smart! He chose only projects with top tier actresses on his return! Hope it’s good!!
For real
as a fan of both KSH and IU, I’m over the moon right now. My two babygirls getting paired with bogum finally 
If the “premiere on latter half of 2024” statement is set in stone then Good Boy will air first before You Have Done Well. Even though action and comedy are the main genre, looks like there will be a subtle hint of romance (which is a MUST, the 8 years of wait shouldn’t go in vain) based on KSH’s character description. Can’t wait to see them.
He got 3 of the hottest young Kactresses, no argugment.
Writer of Chief of staff and Life on Mars and the director of Beyond Evil ,love all theses dramas !
WAOUH ! Kim So Hyun is finally going to work with a great crew as a full adult actress .
LOL. I was about to ask how the writer and the PD fared with their past records cos everyone else was just talking about the actors whom I already knew. Good thanks. You already mentioned Life on Mars somewhere else. I’ll check this one when time is available.
Life on Mars is not as good as original UK production but very good for SK dramas. I enjoyed SK production too.
I hope this drama with his wo lead is not a fluffy romance story…I really hope to see depth of characters as both leads can delivery. Hope the storyline is interesting…
@HL, I’m stuck with Suspicious Partners now (that dragged here and there but I’m curious about the ending LOL). I’ll check out K-adaptation of Life on Mars later since I’m now more interested in Asian faces on screen whose visuals give me more gratification off work. LOL
Psyche!!! This is not a drill anymore
I’m so excited to see these two work together, aside from the visuals we also get talent
that’s a full course meal. I heard the drama will be focusing on individual story but I hope they give us romance too because that would be a waste of chemistry lol.
The writer is the one who write Life on Mars, in Bring It Ghost she/he only write as assistan writer.
I really excited with this news. Hope the best for them.
I also hear rumor casting for GB as Oh Jung Sae, Nam Dareum, Insoo, Ho SungTae and Uhm Kijoo. Hope it true.
Nam da reum is also rumoured to be in this drama? Wow! then it would be a reunion. They were together in suspicious housekeeper.
Really!! He is adorable as a child actor…still growing into a adult now. He has a baby face.
All Bogum’s works included in Most anticipated projects this year, from YHDW, Wonderland, and now Good Boy. I think his presence contributes a lot to make these projects to be most anticipated as he is also the no 1 actor expected to shine this year.
Bogum is finally back and I think he somewhat has planned this grand comeback with 3 projects in the same year, with 3 talented and beautiful actresses as his costars. And most importantly he finally in a projects of caliber pds and writers. Glad that he knows how to use his potential to the maximum. He also choose 2 different genres for his drama comeback, which is another good step for him.
Anyway, I’m excited for Bogummy and wish him success both commercially and critically
I looked up what Wonderland is and wow his leading lady is Suzy! Kim So Hyun, IU, and Suzy in back to back projects! As a guy I’m jealous as these three beautiful ladies are literally my top korean crushes. Bo Gum must’ve done something really great in his past life hehe what a lucky dude
This is a pairing I secretly wished for many years back. Cant believ it’s finally happening. Hope the script is good.
WHAT? Kim So Hyun and Park Bo Gum together? With writer of Chief of Staff, Life on Mars, PD of Beyond Evil, and rumour of Oh Jung Se, Nam Dareum joining? OMG, how did they manage to get all of them in one drama? Can’t wait.
But first, please give us “Is It Fate” with Kim So Hyun – Chae Jong Hyeop, been waiting for this one since last year!