
TW-actress Summer Meng Sticks By Husband Mickey Huang After MeToo Scandal Last Year into This Year’s Child Porn and Additional Sexual Assault Allegations — 19 Comments

  1. There are so love I dont understand. But she is a adult, mother of kids…she made that decision. It is her choice..I dont need to understand.

  2. This is NOT love, she is sick in the head, reminds me of that serial killer who kills children after getting arrested turns out his wife who looked all innocent was helping him to commit all his crimes,
    This kind of woman is are evil as him

  3. How do you pay a fine for buying hard cord cp? I don’t understand, what kind of laws are these?

    No comment on the wife. I feel very sorry for the kids and I can only hope he isn’t doing anything.

  4. Taiwan is strange indeed. It seems like they do not protect underage children well enough even when things pan out to be true. The perpetrators get more leeway and freedom than should. Like Aaron Yans issue. I know money and power has a big role but it is all so spooky. Whether consent or not. Like the fact these individuals can still go on with their careers is so wrong. Who’s to say they won’t commit more or less the same issues. Like lack of real discipline for sure.

    • I feel that they’re very open about sexuality on TV, it seems like they’re very influenced by Japan. Many of their male hosts and entertainers on variety shows love cracking dirty jokes every now and then. I remember there was one variety show a long time ago where they often invite female non-celebrities based around different themes and the celebrity guests will guess who is the correct answer. In one of the episodes, a female non-celebrity wore a top that revealed her underboobs and this old male entertainer openly ogled and told her he likes the way her buns peeked out. 🤮

      • Stop insinuating negativity about Japan or the US or the West again. You just can’t giving parroting what the CCP state propaganda has been trying to do. LOL. I’m so done with you!

        The Taiwanese showbiz culture has been controlled by pro-China mouthpieces hands-down. Everyone knows that those most famous and popular entertainers who now own talent agencies managing entertainer are ALL pro China and constantly voice for the CCP, disgusted by the Taiwanese citizens. It’s been all over the news in Taiwan for decades and anyone associated with Taiwan know that. Besides, those Taiwanese entertainers loving salacious jokes mostly have Chinese blood whose parents or grandparents fled China with KMT, mainly in KMT military families. That’s the culture every Taiwanese knows. Therefore, outsiders like you may as well just shut up. But I see you have a fetish to suggest anything negative related to Japan or the US or the West. You’re either pathetically brain washed or just hired by the CCP to do the job. LOL.

      • @Lilith, I dont watch TW variety shows but I do know they are more open about sexuality. I guess Mickey’s case is not uncommon in Taiwan thus the soft laws.

    • He probably a manipulating her or got something on her that is really damaging. At end of the day we will never know and it might come down that she really loves him even knowing he’s a monster.

  5. I feel nauseous seeing this type of case. Does the wife is a SAHM with no support system like family or friends? Will this low life keep appears as a celebrity like nothing happened after the fines? Aaron Yan’s and MH’s cases left me gobsmacked and flabbergasted over Taiwan’s laws.

  6. This is so messed up. It’s so easy for criminals to get away. He’ll do it again with sneakier and more calculated measures. Pedophile and sexual misconducts are chronic diseases that guarantee a recurrence unless the person gets locked up and gets proper treatment.

  7. She has a baby girl. I would’ve ran far far away from this pedophile. I pray for the best for that baby as she grows up in that household.

  8. she was kind of young (but of age) when they started dating, their age difference was significant enough then to be tabloid fodder back in the day. can’t help wondering if there was possibility of grooming involved given these new allegations.

  9. On one end, he’s a confirmed sleazebag and why the authorities don’t arrest him especially for child porn is confounding. On the other hand maybe after he married her he changed and she felt those were his dirty past and now he is not that way. I don’t know, it is her choice. Maybe he placed some spell on her.

    • dont think hes changed. in another post, it said police found one of the hardcore child p*rn was purchased just last year in 2023. this guy has issues and needs help before he takes more victims.

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