
Director Guo Jing Ming Announces Two New C-dramas Both Starring His Protege Tian Jia Rui as Male Lead — 18 Comments

  1. I like him a lot since My Journey to You and watching him on Detective Adventures season 4. He seems like a smart and talented young man. I wish him the best, and I hope he really can carry the male lead roles like you said.

  2. Pingback:Director Guo Jing Ming Announces Two New C-dramas Both Starring His Protege Tian Jia Rui as Male Lead | Parlour News Korea

  3. He is a good actor and pleasing to the eyes but commercial value wise, I don’t think he can carries a drama YET. Maybe he will needs a popular FL as first billing.

    • His first drama FL is Guli Nazha… any drama by this female lead is doomed to fail lol. Lets hope he gets a better one for the next drama.

    • He can act, even better than certain names. But I don’t think he is exactly a pleasure to the eyes. I find him average-looking.

    • Have you watched Fangs of Fortune? That drama was an ace, the leads were Hou Minghao, Chen Duling, and Tian Jia Rui. Tian Jia Rui captured my eye throughout the drama, his charm, and acting skills were/are no weaker than those other actors. Before watching the Fangs of Fortune, I was there for Hou Minghao, Yan An, Lin Ziye, and Cheng Xiao, I was clueless about Tian Jia Rui, and I didn’t think he will capture me. Who knew? I was wrong, his acting skills were top-notch, and his look is very charming. His personality (humor), appearance, acting skills makes him outstanding, he will soon catch the eyes of the people who had never recognize him. He was in a drama call My Journey to You, where he took over his role, and succeeded all the criterias of being a outstanding and recognizable actor. Therefore, I say he’s a actor with a great potential, I see him achieving extraordinary things in the future and I see that he has a wondering path to walk towards. I wish him goodluck in the upcoming days, months, and years. I believe that he will always ace in every drama he act in, either as the main, support, or guest. Thank you.

  4. Between Yu Zheng and Gou Jing Ming, I dont like them both at all… but in terms of dramas. I like Yu Zheng’s more.

    I dont know this young actor… wonder if he will do well under Gou Jing Ming?

    • To answer your question, I have a high confidence that he will do well under Gou Jing Ming, one of his latest drama, Fangs of Fortune is quite popular in the acting industries. I know Hou Minghao may be the cause of that, but knowing that, Tian Jia Rui was also outstanding in the drama. So, I say it’s because of both these talented actors. (The other actors/ actresses) also made the drama remarkable. I’m a fan of both actors.
      Thank you.

  5. Why are all these directors swooning over these pretty young boys and giving more dramas, what ab the girls, long time since I have since a new young actress climbing the ladder.

    • There are many young actresses and who can act but they don’t get a chance to get a FL roles. In China, to get an acting role must have a big support behind, mean big company. Like Yu Shuxin, i think her acting is mediocre but she was recruited by one of the big company in China.

  6. Good luck to him. He is quite talented and looks like a baby Cheng Yi in that photo. Let’s hope it all pans out because GJM is a landmine on his own.

  7. He’s such a talented actor. I loved his acting both in MJTY and FOF. I wish him a successful career. I will definitely watch out for him in the future.

    • I agree, he taken over both roles of being a main and a support. Fangs of Fortune is with out a doubt ace. Tian Jia Rui is a talented and skillful actor, with a charming face and humorous, generous personality. He’s full of potential, and definitely, he has a bright future to walk towards to.

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