Zhang Jing Yi and Chen Xing Xu From the Fall in Love Promo Debacle Remains Cautionary Tale for Producers on Stars Dating During Filming and Fall Out After

So the producers of upcoming modern romance C-drama Our Generation (Cherry Amber) are happy that netizens responded positively to last week’s leak of Zhao Jin Mai and Zhang Ling He re-teaming for the drama after their The Princess Royal go-around. What’s good is that they have chemistry onscreen, get along well in real life to make promos cute and believable, and did not actually date so no fear of a fall out. The debacle that was Republican era C-drama Fall in Love with Chen Xing Xu and Zhang Jing Yi who dated during the drama but was broken up when the drama aired and promos rolled around is still a big fear for producers, They were so awkward and cold to each other during the promos it was totally obvious and made for bad publicity. So what producers want are stars that get along in real life enough to have onscreen chemistry but not because they are romantically interested in each other.


Zhang Jing Yi and Chen Xing Xu From the Fall in Love Promo Debacle Remains Cautionary Tale for Producers on Stars Dating During Filming and Fall Out After — 17 Comments

  1. Pingback: Zhang Jing Yi and Chen Xing Xu From the Fall in Love Promo Debacle Remains Cautionary Tale for Producers on Stars Dating During Filming and Fall Out After | Parlour News Korea

  2. I still dont believe these two actually dated and broke up, the only “proof” was that so called awkward interview,he didnt even recall her her surname and took a minute to remember it LOL , seems more like two strangers ppl that have no topic and no interest in each other, even behind the scene they barely have any interaction, but fans will believe what fans want believe

      • The source pls; cuz the only Paparazzi picture that I saw is them getting in the same hotel where ALL the drama staff were living in.

  3. The on screen chemistry for this drama was 🔥 and carried the nonsensical plot but also the characters were well written. Unfortunately both actors were extremely young and fell in love and out of love too quickly and weren’t able to deal with their personal feelings during the promotional period. But their recent interactions have been more civil off late and both have steadily been gaining popularity lately. It would be nice to see that chemistry again someday but it’s maybe too much to expect. Definitely a drama worth watching for anyone who’s interested.

  4. Apparently also happened to Zhao Lu Si with Li Hong Yi and Zhong Chu Xi with Zhang Yun Long. It’s quite hilarious to see their forced “post break up” interaction during promo of their respective dramas. With Zhang Jing Yi and Cheng Xing Xu, I’ll give it to him that he was trying to remain professional but her face couldn’t hide her disdain, a different kind of 偷偷藏不住, if you will lol. With cases of ZLS and ZCX, the girls were trying at nonchalant but the boys were looking like they were dying inside.

  5. I feel like Zhang Jing yi looks stiff and awkward when not acting. Her non-role aura feels like someone who is terrible at acting while her acting feels more natural. I feel that interview was a little awkward but not as awkward as the terribly timed screenshots depicted.

  6. I would hate for stars to date during filming and then broken up afterwards. The atmosphere would be just awkward unless they broke up on good terms and can remain friend.

  7. Slow news day?

    This article seems like such a reach just to push your faves, Koala!

    If it helps your narrative, she was also awkward in post-production interviews for Lighter and Princess, and the rumor there was that she dated and broke up with Chen Feiyu. So, it’s either that the default mode for her is to be awkward in interviews or she dates and breaks up with most of her male co-stars. I’m more inclined to believe the former than the latter.

  8. LOL. I also feel this article with pretty outdated news about Zhang Jingyi came out of nowhere. It seems Koala did favor stiffer Zhao Jinmai over Zhang Jingyi and therefore this odd post. I mentioned early this morning that I finally quit The Princess Royal and switched to ZJY’s Blossoms in Adversity. There are many reasons why I enjoy BiA more than TPR and ZJM’s acting unfitting to costume setting is one of the reasons. So Did I trigger Koala to add this post right after? LOL.

    I said over and over again. As a drama viewer, what really matters to me is actor’s performance on screen. Their life off screen including how they look awkward in variety shows or interviews or any dating breakup or divorce or relationship scandals or how many puppies their pet dogs have given birth to LOL etc. etc. etc. and whatnot is NOTHING to do with how I like or do not appreciate them as actors.

    How they got along with their costars will not change my assessment of their acting. So far, I think ZJY has an obvious edge over ZJM in terms of consistency of the acting and versatility. I like ZJY way more than ZJM as an actress. I also think ZLH did a better job than ZJM in The Princess Royal although a lot of fans consider ZJM a better actor than ZLH.

    • It’s funny that you compare the two. I actually think they both look too “modern” for costume dramas for some reason. I can’t pinpoint exactly why. ZJM has a better costar in Princess Royal than ZJY though. HYT is a walking brick wall.

  9. I went to see the interview and it’s really not that bad at all! People made it seem excruciating but it just reads like they’re not super close. And CXX reads very extroverted while ZJY seems more quiet, sometimes it looks like she doesn’t get what he’s trying to say haha

      • Yea but he also acts very familiar with most of his costars, males and females, ZJY included (so people using their behind the scenes as proof of a relationship is eh). He’s very good at being a people-person in general and social even if introverted.

  10. I had no idea they dated. Does anyone have the link to the “awkward” interview, please?

    He looked familiar and I just realised he’s the male lead from Goodbye My Princess!

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