C-netizens Drag Zhang Ling He for Getting Tanned and Losing His Top Visuals
Well I guess the predilection for snow white skin in East Asian culture is not going anywhere in this modern age and second decade of the 2000s, not even for dudes. C-actor Zhang Ling He posted last week and C-netizens were dismayed and surprised by his new healthy skin color. He got a tan, gasp! Most don’t like it and think Zhang Ling He’s visuals are downgraded as he was handsome for that pretty boy image. Check it out for yourself (pic below), I think he looks just as good looking albeit the smile is rather derpy is all.

Is that photo edited? He does look slightly different with more colour on his face… but still good looking.
I am not a fan of guys who look very fair but in China..it is important. His current colour looks healthy. I like healthy looking guys.
I agree, he doesn’t look like himself in this photo. Looks edited
ya..looks like so.
You know, the little devil in my thoughts tells me the over-edit may be due to erasing his wrinkles and smile lines LOL
Damn you’re so evil
This photo is weird and it’s not his tan that makes it weird.
It does look odd…Tan is good but something in the photo looks slightly off..
Yeah the guy in the photo doesn’t look totally like him. Wonder if someone in his team over edited the photo before posting (but then why post it)
I agree with others. Something about him looks off. Also the random tan that’s not level makes him look like he got bruises in specific parts of his face.
It looks like he’s got 3 coats of bronzer on. It doesn’t look like a natural tan.
Zhang zhe han..is that you??? Just kidding
Maybe this is his real face without all the makeup and smoothing and whiting and bit of bad lighting LOL
Mannnn, whoever edited his photo, LOL. It’s not the tan! It’s the weirdo edit!! I once had an editor in chief edit my staff photo so hard to smooth out my blemishes (like she did hers), it ended up stretching my face to max level, I looked plastic! This is that!! Hahaha. I rejected my bosses edit, btw. Lol. I’ll take my blemishes, thanks!
it’s makeup for his role in our generation for when his character works construction, if you look at his arm you’ll see it gets light in a straight line. and he’s making a silly face to match the bread he’s holding.
It says a lot about a culture when people complain about a guy getting a very mild, natural looking tan, but not about him pumping his face so full of fillers that it bulges unnaturally as soon as he laughs/smiles. The over-editing that some of the above commentators noticed may be due to exactly this reason.
This obsession with white-faced, effeminate looking men in idol dramas feels very unnatural. Where on earth have all the men gone?
I don’t think it’s fillers because his other pictures look normal. They’ve definitely edited his photo wrongly but I don’t understand why would they post it..
That is definitely edited. LOL No one smart would believe that isn’t.
It’s edited, to remove all the smile lines etc so in the end we have this weird result. Smh
wow these comments lol, the pic and his expression was meant to be awkwardly silly. he even used “
” to caption the post since that’s the expression he was going for. pretty sure he saw some of his fans were complaining about the sunburnt tan makeup he wears (that’s why he looks darker) for the role he’s filming so he posted this to lighten the mood. sun chenjun commented “looks silly hahaha” and zlh replied like “you kid. you never come when i look handsome but choose now with ulterior motives.”
His usual looks with heavy white powder looked too girlish and I couldn’t help thinking about Chinese opera singers too LOL. I like his new tanned looks better; he appears more natural, healthier, and manlier in the 2nd pic. Just work on acting! When an actor grow fast in acting and impresses me on screen, I can overlook whatever flaws shown on his looks even I confess myself a visual freak. LOL.
He looks good in pictures but I don’t like him in motion. Now that picture looks off too.
Since we are talking about ‘tan’. I just have to say did anyone notice that ZLS in TSOPG looks fairly white inspite being a pearl diver??! Nobody said anything so I was wondering did anyone missed or overlooked it. Or is there a chance there’s night diving for pearls??! Hahaha. Unless it was explained at the beginning of the drama it was an oversight by the production team. It would have been more convincing to tan her skin a bit at the first ep then slowly bring it back to her natural fair skin.
I read similar comments somewhere else online. Her pale skin is not an issue for me. I have much fairer skin genetically compared with average East Asians. I got tanned swimming a lot or going hiking when there’s no snow. But I turned whiter again when taking breaks from those activities. After doing so for decades, I still look fairer compared with my peer Asian friends. It’s just the gene. Getting skin cancer for people with fairer skin has higher probability than getting tanned. LOL.
Getting your looks dragged by netizens just because of one still photo…
I think the pic was just taken at a weird angle with weird lighting, so that it looks his face is photoshopped on top of the body and the tan looks blotchy. He’s also smiling with teeth for the photo when he usually doesn’t and he’s doing it in a way that matches the toy in his hand.
Not dragged… his team wanted discussion…wants people talking about him. It just drives traffic for him. Anyway, it can be done in good fun, concern and afew being b*tchy. But this will be last news when the next photo comes up.
It will be more sad for him if there are no comments..