Nam Joo Hyuk Reportedly Met with Bullying Accuser But Both Side Remains at Impasse with No Resolution on What Happened
K-actor Nam Joo Hyuk is currently in the military and his departure came at a comparatively messy time in his career following allegations that he was a school yard bully from one accuser last year. Nam Joo Hyuk has denied the accusations and the accuser remains committed to the allegations. This week K-ent is reporting that the two actually met face-to-face to try and resolve it but no resolution could be reached as both sides remain adamant to their story – the accuser that Nam Joo Hyuk bullied him and Nam Joo Hyuk that he never bullied this person or anyone. Nam Joo Hyuk’s side wanted to hear directly and if he did in fact do something wrong then he was ready to apologize and accept responsibility but alas after hearing the accuser in person Nam Joo Hyuk remains firm in his position that he did not bully this person.
This is one of those rare situations where I actually believe the accuser is just trying to extort money. No matter how big a name, if they were truly bullied, it would’ve come out by now along with several witness
True, never have I seen the witnesses, consist of teachers and classmates, actually on the side of the accused actor. This one is definitely fake