
Playful Kiss Episode 7 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. that was a good recap of episode 7. I welcome the angsty of this episode, i say it’s about time as well. I disliked BSJ’s treatment of Oh Hani and that’s a totally bonus to KHJ. IT just proves his vast improvement in acting…
    I’m quite ready for more of the “stormy clouds ahead, with a high chance of thunder and heavy rain” ahead as you’ve pointed out- there will be blue skies and beautiful Rainbows after the storm..

    PK Fighting!!

  2. Thanks so much for this recap. As I was watching the ep I couldn’t understand most of the conversations. Besides, you little “side notes” are so funny!!! “The robot brothers stand back unsure of how to activate their emotion buttons. ” LMAO!

    Looking foward the next recap!

  3. Thanks so much for taking the time to recap in english. Enjoying reading it and enjoyed reading your thoughts. My laugh from the episode was when OHN hit the ball into old tennis guys face!!

  4. thanks for the recaps ockoala….this eps moves me so … non stop sobbing from the time Hani’s father announcing they will move from Baek’s house and seeing Hani’s swallowing her tears….my heart breaks seeing Mom who loves Hani so much and the separation….even reading this recap make me cry..
    yes I want to see Seung Jo’s breakdown and hurting over Hani (want to strangle him_…serves him right to treat precious Hani that way

    • I was also moved to tears for most of this episode.. while Joon Gu is preparing the noodles and thinking about how pathetic his life is not going to college and joining clubs like the rest of his high school classmates… while Ha Ni is eating her spicy noodles and tearing up bc of Dad’s announcement to move out out of Baek’s family house..and when Baek Mom is wailing that Ha Ni who is such a happy presence in the house is finally moving out!!

      Kudos to PK.. you’ve finally moved the ante, not just fluffy show anymore but wringing out buckets of tears from us viewers..

  5. Thank you so much for the episode recap. Your so quick and I really appreciate your help.

    I am loving Playful kiss. I can’t wait for ep8 tomorrow.

  6. thank you for your lovely recap. i just watch ep7 without sub but still fell the emotion. i did cry like mad last few minute even though i not sure about what they talking about. this drama is very real,i fetl like going back in time when i was in high school. those memory is still fresh .thank you again show. PK FIGHTING

  7. Thanks for the lovely recap. I look forward to yours every week while I wait for subs. Completely agree with you about Joon Gu’s love for Ha Ni feeling real this episode; he’s so earnest and honest about his devotion. So sad that Ha Ni won’t reciprocate his feelings, however. Seung Jo better shape up and realize his feelings before he breaks any more of Ha Ni’s heart…our precious Ha Ni made me cry a lot this episode. Ahh…can’t wait for next episode. Keep up the good work!

  8. Ockoala – you are fantastic! How can the recap be so fast and flows so well? It’s truly major angst time alright! I understand how BSJ has a high IQ but his lack of EQ is deplorable, because he ends up being such a meanie to Ha Ni. One can really feel for Ha Ni, it’s so sad being rebuffed and scorned by BSJ when all she offers is love and adoration. Secondly, the angst in the form of YHR! She is a girl one really love to hate. I guess we need such a character to make the story exciting. I didn’t like her in BOF and I must say I still don’t like her here. Not sure if she has the hate-me face or simply wonderful acting in getting us to dislike her 3rd party character. I’ll be looking forward to your tomorrow’s recap!

  9. thanks for the recap. It was fun reading it.well the tennis is way too old. What is he supposed to be 28-29 or more? He looks like an ajhussi and would have fitted the role of a coach instead.the two leads are super adorable. Ha ni is cute. Next episode should be good as well.

  10. ahhhhhhhhh……… prince of tennis fandom collides with itakiss! does the tennis sunbae remind anyone else of nakamura??? lolz. craziness ranting over. will be prim and properly commenting after this….. but he seems such an interesting little sidepath of the main storyline. they really do serve up cute side characters don’t they? and the play on ages – the old tennis sunbae, the incredibly young mom, the 6? year real life gap between the two leads….

    i’ve been away for a while, but oh lordy, did they make good progress! and I totally felt that it was symbolic that Hani left behind her little toy from SeungJo, almost as if she wanted to leave behind her love for him too, and this was a symbol of her determination to do so. thank you for your sweet and evocative recap!

    my favourite recap line thought – “The robot brothers stand back unsure of how to activate their emotion buttons.” literally rofl!

  11. and off the point, although everyone has always remarked on her marked similarity to Yoon Eun Hye, I’ve always thought that she has her own defined look…until that picture right at the top. I FINALLY see it…….doh!

    I still think they look different, but I can finally see the similarity… maybe because YEH has so much more a impish look about her, whilst Hani is more a curious-cat kinda creature, so they evoke entirely different characters about them, but when still and quiet, they have that same air of dreaminess… inhabiting a world all of their own! oh and of course, they have similar hair, rounded cheeks and eyes….. but that’s just physical..

  12. Thanks, I’ve not even watched the episode at viikii but I can’t help myself. I just have to read your recaps. Laughed in silence (am @ work) at your comment “The robot brothers stand back unsure of how to activate their emotion buttons”.


  13. THANK YOU! All of you, with your generous compliments and kind words of enjoyment. I enjoy writing the recaps bc PK touches me to write about it, and bc I know y’all actually enjoy reading it! 😀

    For those of you asking about tennis sunbae, the character is supposed to be a 2nd year university student, 21 yrs old, but the actor is 40, and the drama openly discusses and makes fun of how much older the actor looks compared to his character’s age. It’s a running gag, hence not really worth noting other than the dude is hella hilarious with his on-court v. off-court persona.

    I loved this episode, and I hated this episode. Not sure I need to explain more, but it hurt real good watching SJ put HN through the ringer.

    • Not that I approve of the way SJ treats HN, but all that he is doing is covering up what he truly feels. Like when he got jealous of JG singing I love you to HN and so he was extremely mean to her afterward, then when she acted like she didn’t care by showing her picture he feels the need to leave a mark on her, so that she doesn’t stray from the path. He pushes her away when he is secure of her feelings and pulls her back in when he is insecure. He is just an immature brat who never had to work hard for anything. Good thing about SJ, and that is why I like the character, is that once he knows what he wants he goes for it full force and whoever is in the way better watch out.
      If this drama continuous to be a lot like the anime, then he will soon prove to be someone we can totally like and dream of.
      Good recap of the series. 🙂

  14. This is my first time visiting this blog and I must say I like it. Thank you for the fast recap….wish this can be continued but surely understand if a recap takes longer time.

    I enjoy reading your recap and the flow of expressing the scene. Superb !!.

    As for the drama, I love the Korean version a billion times more than the Taiwanese Version. I hope that epsd 8 forward we can see how BSJ jelously growing…..bah!!!, he is robot but the one that we want to have !!!.

  15. Why at the end of the show it shows the bears with Ha Ni using the tennis racket letting her anger out about Beck Seung Jo and Hye Ra but you don’t see it the episode? Don’t they show the attractive part of the episodes within the bears, so why couldn’t I see that in the episode?

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