
Official Movie Trailer for Space Battleship Yamato — 6 Comments

  1. I’m definitely going to watch this. even if kimutaku’s TnK was a mess, he’s still kimutaku so anything he’s in is a must-watch. haha. plus, he looks as charismatic as ever in the trailer. i know people say yamapi or whoever else is the next-him but really, i think they are quite different. this guy has something that my Pi doesn’t have. can’t tell what exactly though.
    is it me or this reminds me so much of star trek… i know the stories are different but watching the trailer reminded me of it. haha.

  2. Kimutaku in space! If all of my swoons for the day hadn’t been used up, I’d swoon for the mane of glory in a BSG sort of thing…..I have been looking forward to this.

  3. Seriously, guys, I love you! How good does this look? OMG I’m SO psyched. This made my day! o/

    Yup, it does have a BSG/Robotech feel to it, but who cares? I grew up watching that stuff and I can’t wait to see more of it. Plus, kimutaku. Do we need another reason to watch it? 😉 ok, gotta go to bed now. It’s so nice to talk to you again

  4. @ v, momosan, Sere, EG:

    Oh hells yeah, y’all are here to squee with me over a fangirl dream come true – KT in space! It’s like my teenage self and my middle-aged self colliding and making merry magic in my brain with all the dizzying possibilities.

    I, too, cannot wait. It looks better and better each time I rewatch that trailer.

  5. i think Samsooki made some good ventures last yr and is feverishly behind this (not entirely a mookie friday zoned out loonie cuckooing)

    tnk? what tnk. KimuYaMaToTaku’s ‘uncoifed’ hair at 6s mark made up 4 that and CHANGE and then some.

    and he’ll come out w/ a Kimutaku x adidas line and rule the consumerist galaxy 4 another decade

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