
Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 3 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. thank you for the recap. i’ve been waiting for this all night having watched this ep raw. go off to watch it again. i’ll see you tomorow in PK camp.
    offtopic. i’m sooo happy that you like Autumn in my heart too.silly me.oh well.see ya

  2. Thank you so much ockoala! Reading spoilers really work best for me (well, rather than waiting for a subbed video –ep3– that would take days and make one go nuts beyond comprehension)! I am so looking forward for this episode (since you watched it for, I don’t know, the nth time already?)!!!=)

  3. I loved reading your recap of this (most excellent) episode. Besides the awesomeness that is the chemistry between our Geun-Geuns, I love that the writers didn’t make Seo-jun one-d, and that they got the Big Reveal (introducing the two husband to each other so they know the other person for how they relate to Mary) out of the way quickly, without dragging it out for three more episodes. And, too, that the Big Reveal happened in the bestest, most hilarious way possible. Man, I don’t think that scene will ever be topped, ever.

    • And may I also be allowed to thank the drama gods for the excellent timing of the airing of this drama? I would be completely bereft and drifting in the sad, sad world of sadness that is life without PK, only now, because of M3, I have something to cling to. Hopefully, thanks to our Geun-Geuns, I’ll make it through. ^^

  4. Ockoala..your raving recaps of M3 is enough for me to try & watch it RAW!!!

    I was still not FULLY INTO M3, until I read your rants…but now, I’m ALL IN, too!!!

    What better way to ease my PK- withdrawal with another addictive drama!!!LOL!!!
    Thanks…I love your recaps, BTW!!!

  5. thanks for the fast and fun recap!! I kinda second your sister and I am all for jung in and mae ri pairing..i suspect jung in has a hidden past where he actually played for an underground rock band but some how things went awry and he ended up like his cold and calculated self.. Ha ha just a petty guess..

  6. ”This is when I realize that sometimes, as a viewer I want to be happy not because I am watching something ground-breaking or awe-inspiring, but because I am watching something that touches me. Every interaction between Mu Gyul and Mae Ri warms my heart, because it’s like watching two people subtly attracted to each other in a dual thread of friendship and poignancy.”

    I agree, is not is the best plot ever, but I’m happy watching this drama, it makes me soo happy and all smiles.. hahah so I really fall in love with it. Isn’t the best plot ever, but the custest main couple of the year I can say they are hahahaha 🙂 they together is just like magic… can’t help but love them!!! ^____^ and the end of this episode is just priceless! I was LMAO! hahaha thank you for this fast recap. I really like that your recaps aren’t so negative as ones from other people can be. Kisses!

  7. Thankyou thankyou thankyou for this recap!
    I just watched Ep 3 with no subtitles and your recap helps me understand it A LOT better:P
    I CANNOT stop smiling when I watch this show:)
    And I’m already looking forward to the next episodes even though it’s only been playing for 2 weeks.

  8. thanks so much for the recap! I feel like ridiculous set-ups are just par for the course when it comes to k-dramas. what ends up making them great is the execution. this is why, despite all my issues with the plot of You’re Beautiful, I still love it, and I anticipate loving a great many other k-dramas, including this one. Can anyone suggest a good site for softsubs?

  9. My dear Ockoala, thanks so much for recap of M3 epi3. I have not seen any yet but I really enjoy with this drama since I ‘ve been reading in your blog.
    This epi ending must be very interesting ………
    I noticed in the pictures of Jang Keun Suk’ hair got a bit shoter in this epi.
    Thanks again for your great work as usual.

  10. Wow!! I LOVE your site. Feeds my addiction of wanting to know what is going on when no subs are available for the videos. I’m so happy I stumbled upon this page 🙂 I thought that when Mae Ri plopped onto the couch and wiggled off her slippers then scooted further up the couch scene was so cute I laughed. She is so adorable! And gosh….. the men in this drama… *blush*

  11. could you please tell your sister that she have an ally.
    I’m too rooting for Mae Ri with Jung In ^__^ though still madly craze about Mu Gyul (specially when he sing “My Precious”…..swoon)

  12. Well! episode 15 shows Mary start using her wisdom after hearing the words from MG ex-girl friend the rocker who sincerely love, sacrificed and care for him.

    Mary is such a lucky girl who had an uncle that sincere care and love her mother.

    The uncle extend the love and care to Mary. He also teach her have mind to understand that his father care for her whenever she failed to take care herself. He is teaching her to be filial to her father and not following her emotion only.

    JI who love, care and will protect her at whatsoever situation forever.

    She is lucky, have amper love from father but he is poor.

    Finally! we see how the writer write this lucky girl next path.

    Now it sounds interesting, carry brain and eyes catching drama.

  13. l love you recap. It is so detail and express the feeling that sometimes even me could not wander what it is actuall mean. So happen that l am a big fan of Kim Jae Wook (after l watched coffee prince) and Keun Suk still be no 1 in my heart. So combining them together is so never let go with Geun Young which is featured so cute and adorable. Their acting is good. Just that why both second lead role have good appearance whereas both first lead with hippi outfit, l don’t understand. Whateveer!! Nevertheless, l have watched M3 for 3 times, still crazy of Keun Suk with long hair. I just they make more kissing scene.!!

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