Video Preview for 49 Days Episode 13
Help me. Too many dramas goodies + too little time = zero ability to synthesize information anymore. My brain has reached maximum drama influx capability. I think the preview for 49 Days episode 13 is good, but I can’t seem to find the words to express my thoughts. Go watch and see what’s coming tomorrow.
Preview for 49 Days episode 13:
Yaaay! Can’t wait! Right now this is the only drama I follow. Thanks Koala for the preview!! ^^
mischievious scheduler and ji kyung are my faves.
also, ji hyun with her “unni” yi kyung is cute. seems like she suffers from loneliness due to being an only child.
Omo. What’s going on? What was JH doing in MH’s room? Maybe to spy on the safe combination? Can YK hear JH’s spirit now? My HK is playing detective to the hilt with all those diagrams! Can’t wait for your recap ockoala! Thanks again!
OMG it looks really good. More unfolding about schedulers story which Ive been really curious about and how is Ji Hyun going to do to make sure her parents dont trust Min Ho! Exciting days! Thanks for the preview!
thanks koala for this preview. can’t wait to watch this episode. and thanks for your recap
Oh man it looks real good.
Excited to see YiKyung &YiSoo’s story.
Sad to see their break up scene but since we know it happens I wanna see it 😀
thanks Koala..have you seen the behind the scenes clips available on dramafever? some of them are quite cute ^_^
OMG, looks awesome. Still behind with eppi 7 but i’m getting there!
Looks like we might find out how our cool scheduler dies and why YK is acting the way she is now. Does she believe it’s all her fault?
Aigooo can’t wait to watch this! THANKS SO MUCH! ^^
Episode 14 preview is also out now:
looks like it’s getting more and more interesting!!
I hope this is the good sign that we’ll get more Scheduler and Yi Kyung story coming up~
13 was posted on dramacrazy, just finished watching it! No subs though. 🙁