
Warrior Baek Dong Soo Releases Second Trailer — 12 Comments

    • its kinda sad that I usually dont have to be part of this club for most of the young actors…except when it comes to Yoo Seung Ho…..boooooo!!!!…*chants “I shall resist!!!!!”*

  1. I got the “CHUNO” vibe. Yoo Seung Ho is going the reason I’m tuning in!
    I’m curious though, the female lead looks too mature for both of the lead guy.

  2. I feel bad for JCW, too! But hey, can you blame the press and, well, kdrama viewers if they’re more interested in YSH? He’s…magnetic whereas JCW, while good, kinda lacks that umph that YSH has. Maybe he’ll prove everybody wrong after WBDS, but being the lead opposite YSH is going to be hard. It’s like he chose an uphill path on purpose. Or maybe it’s just bad luck that YSH wanted to challenge himself and go dark and villain for a change.

  3. I am tuning in just for YSH. I really like his long hair! It looks better than the time where he wore long hair for Queen Seon Deok.

  4. I, for one, hope they give Seungho a meaty part. He and Jun Kwang Ryul are the only reasons this is a must see for me. I was bummed that Lil Bummie wasn’t doing it so I’m only along for the ride cause Seungho’s on the train…

  5. I have to say…Yoo Seung Ho’s mane of glory utterly trumps Ji Chang Wook’s. I really don’t like that permy look that JCW’s mane has….too feminine >.>

  6. But the YSH’s mane glory can’t be real. It’s either a wig or extensions. Because there’s no way he could have grown his hair out so fast since wrapping Flames of Ambition recently. Just pointing out, you know, the IMPORTANT thing here.

  7. sometimes it really sad if your the lead but not really the popular one , he need to upgrade his acting skill so that he will not me swallow whole by ysh

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