
Spy Myung Wol Episode 3 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. Auntie K,
    Thanx for the recap. I can’t wait to watch SMW. By the way which do you think is the best website to watch Kdramas because the ones I go to tend to favor certain shows over others which can be really aggravating thus taking way too long for them to be subbed.
    TTYL I’m headed to the swing set 🙂

  2. And the first shall be the last in this case the first is first mornin yah all!!!! 😉 Cool Spy!!!!

  3. Love your recaps! I am still waiting to see if this drama hangs together a little better before becoming a devout follower. Cute OTP!

  4. I thought this episode was funnier than the first two, but I agree with you about not really knowing where the story’s going to go. That concerns me because I actually like it so far… If it turns into another My Princess, I’ll be devastated.

    Today was a little hodge podgey, in my opinion. I hope they don’t throw too many side stories in there because the OTP is what’s keeping me interested right now. If they stick to lots of Kang-woo/Myung-wol and Hee-bok/Ok-soon moments, it will make for a much better show.

    Still, I’m curious to find out what the hell is up with those books and everyone’s connection to them. I just think they need to develop that a little more and make it more relevant to the main characters which, so far, it isn’t.

  5. Thank you for the recap. On a somber note, I feel I owe it to you because you are her fan. I am sorry to hear that Park Shin Hye is now in hospital due to accident. Hoping she will be well.

  6. Yikes!! Thank God I read this recap first. I have absolutely no intention of watching this episode. Snakes….Gosh, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I hate seeing them even on TV with a passion.

  7. Thanks for the recap! Can’t wait to watch the chinese sub later! Anyway, I saw from baidu that SMW will have a new writer joining the team from episode 5 onwards? I hope this will improve the story development!

  8. i wanna ask, anybody know any blog or wordpress that doing I Need Romance recap or something like that?? thank u…

  9. Thank you ms. Koala for SMW recaps! It’s realy fun to watch it… but not addicted yet! Hope the story will get more interesting espesially about MW’s dad story and KW’s treasure…^^

  10. Yipeee,just woke up and went straught to ur blog via android. Got school today but i really cant go shower without seeing ur recap. Loool.

  11. Hahaha at the Alias reference! Saranghaeyo, unni. ^_^ But I would be really upset if SMW went the Alias route. It definitely couldn’t pull it off. Alias couldn’t pull it off, in the end.

  12. i think this episode is funnier and better than the previous two..i love KW-MW moment and i enjoyed this drama so far~ thanks for the recaps ^^

  13. I’ve come to the conclusion that this drama will end with a Hallyu wave march on Pyongyang and a huge Bollywood dance routine a la Slumdog Millionaire.

  14. just finished watching the raw vid…your recap made me understand the vid well… thank you madam K… this is getting to be like a fun drama and the next ep seems interesting…i manage to giggle some in this ep so that’s a plus…not yet loving it but i might like it… can’t wait to watch the subbed vids.

  15. Koala, thanks for the recap. As I watched the first two eps., I felt they were going for a spy spoof (poking fun at NK spy network…Lee Jin Wook playing a humorless NK officer…training Myung Wol how to kiss using old b/w clips…all standard fare) but maybe it was unintentional. You’re right…it is choppy. Is Kang Woo a spy? Wish Eric was in another role he could really sink his teeth into, not just go along for the ride. However, will continue to watch.

  16. How socially awkward are the writers that are penning this drama? Judging the way their characters interact and how they converse, I’d say they are very strange. I’m not asking for a slice of life here (every drama is exaggerated a tad), but I would like to see some realism in this drama. Or at least- something to relate to. Anything to relate to. These characters, their world, their emotions I can’t buy into it. I don’t fully understand why the act the way they do. This drama ventures too far into parody territory and that’s not what I signed up for.

    I’m putting Myung-Wol the Spy on hold for awhile. If I hear it gets better somewhere down the line, I’ll check back in. Thanks for these recaps ockoala, I’ll continue following the series through them.

  17. Love the Alias reference and we are ALL still traumatized by the Rambaldi nonsense…I swear that last episode was just…hell the last two seasons really

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