
Spy Myung Wol Episode 14 Baby Recap — 24 Comments

  1. ‘Kang Woo goes clubbing and drinking, coming home and falling into bed in exhaustion, a drama’s preferred expression of cinematic-man-pain.’ Yep, and don’t forget the brooding/ crying in the shower thing (my preferred depiction, if you ask me…).

    • And of course, exercising. Man, do those dramaland men love to go work out until they drop… I suppose that’s better than drinking till they pass out. How about the mirror smash or wall fight??!! Must be blood stained wall everywhere in Korea.

    • I agree. Kang-woo-yah, really, you should brood in the shower instead of drinking yourself into oblivion at the bar. Or, at least, instead of flopping on your bed after drinking yourself into an early death from acute liver failure, you should get in the shower and brood. Kthanx, love estel

    • You are just giving the writers ideas now – Episode 16 will have KW drink too much while clubbing, stop at the Han river to reflect before heading home, then more reflecting in the mirror before self loathing causes him to smash his fist into the mirror. Then in a moment of drunken remorse he will get in the shower to wash the pain away.

      • Yeah… But you forgot the exercising bit… so he needs to:

        either run through the streets or on the banks of the Han,
        get so exhausted and collapse on his knees/ on his back and,
        give out a primal shout/yell at nothing in particular to express his angry, testosterone driven frustrations….

        If only they could put some nekkid in here also…. I’ll go with that….

  2. Thanks for the baby-cap!

    Even though I only understand one in every ten words, I get the emotion from the actors.

    I agree on Eric’s hair, as long as it is slightly mussed. Don’t like the helmet head.

  3. I have dropped and picked up this drama a few times already… for the baby recap and especially for the preview of epi 15 I might be watching the rest of it… thanks for the info Koala!

  4. Auntie K
    Thanx for the baby recap cuz my Korean is still in it’s baby stage so but I was able to figure out what was happening. And is it me or is In Ah like starting not to be so annoying and kindof helpful. But I like the way this show is going and I think it will end on a good note.
    Thanks again. SMW FIGHTING!!! 🙂

  5. A pretty awesome ending. I have a love-hate relationship with this drama. the characters are hot at best, but pretty blah or unlikable and the plot is held together by a piece of string, but this drama is pretty awesome at delivering twists.

  6. It really is unfortunate about the scripts for this drama. There was so much potential that wasn’t mined. Yet, I still like and enjoy this drama very much. Mainly, because of the interactions of the major characters and especially, the spy-parents who have stole the show.

    As I posted on another site, it would be hilarious if all the brouhaha over the ‘books that would change the face of Korea’, actually contain recipes for ddoboki, soondae, kimbap and bibimbap. (snark!)

    Thank you for the recap.

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