
A Guide to the Princes of Bu Bu Jing Xin — 57 Comments

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you ’cause sometimes it’s so hard keeping track of the princes, other than 1st (oldest looking), 2nd (crown prince), 4th (serious to a tee), 8th (lovely smile), 10th (the bafoon and the sweetest) and of course mischievous
    13th. I try to distinguish between the others and up to the 10th ep. it’s not that easy. Having watched many a chinese epic, I must say this is one of the best and oh! what
    a tangled web these brothers weave.

  2. thanks! when I read your trailer post, I was bored and decided to watch the trailers out of boredom. I cringed a bit and found the actors unattractive. It has got to be my first chinese drama in the longest timeeeeeeeeeee. I wasn’t grabbed because I didn’t like the actors but I decided to watch the trailers anyways and I really wanted to know what the hell was going to happen.
    I ended up watching the ten episodes! It’s going great. I also got used to the actors. hahaha.
    Curious, we won’t go back to the future right? 🙁 because hot damn, the princes look great looking modern.

  3. You’re gonna watch Ghetto Justice? It was good. Very funny at times. However I like The Other Truth (also a tvb lawyer drama) much much more. You should check that out.

  4. thanks for the interesting read! i watched the first episode, it was pretty decent, though i can’t buy nicky as the 4th prince, he didn’t have that imperious air about him. didn’t help that his voice is dubbed in the drama, i LOLed when i first heard it.

    also, just a very tiny nitpick. the princes’ first names all start with the character 胤, which in pinyin is written as “yin”, not “ying”. so the 4th prince’s name would be “yinzhen” rather than “yingzhen”, and the 8th prince would be “yinsi” instead of “yingsi”.

  5. I’ve marathoned the first seven episodes and I am TOTALLY loving the drama (the acting, the plot, the music, the scenery. The guys. Oh lordy the guys!).

    Girl needs her own private harem with a day dedicated to each prince:

    Monday – 4th
    Tuesday – 8th
    Wednesday – 9th
    Thursday – 10th (fun day!)
    Friday – 13th (lots of booze included)
    Saturday – 14th
    Sunday – day of rest / group fun / delete as applicable (bad bad bad Hannah)

    • Oh, thought I would love to hear what the actual actors sound like…the dubbing is actually not that bad but I do miss hearing the natural voices.

      • 5 years later and 9 years on from the original comment, can I just say I love this comment’s innocent interpretation of group fun lmao

  6. Mrs. Koala, first of all, thank you so, so much for all of your BBJX posts! I love them, all of them! 😀 In fact, I actually ended up typing up this long-ass “comment” (more like a journal entry/in-depth analysis of BBJX) in response to your last post on BBJX, your summary of BBJX the novel, but then decided to not post it, because, well, it’s embarrassingly enormous (it really is). Perhaps I should email it to you instead? He he.

    If you don’t mind, may I make one slight correction to your post above? I’ve noticed that on several occasions, you refer to several of the Emperor’s wives as “Empresses” when technically, by the Manchus’ complicated hierarchy (gosh, their hierarchies for everything were so, so complicated, I can never keep track of them all in my head), they were only ever consorts/concubines. For example, Imperial Consort De, the mother of the 4th and 14th princes, never attained “Empress” status during Kangxi’s rule, and by some accounts, was only forcibly endowed with the title “Empress Dowager” when her son the 4th prince ascended the throne.

    I think the reason Imperial Consort De favored her son the 14th prince over her other son the 4th prince was not so much because of their personalities but rather because she personally raised the 14th prince, whereas the 4th prince was raised by another woman. When the 4th prince was born, Imperial Consort De was only a concubine at the time, and Manchu custom forbid concubines from raising their own children. Thus, the 4th prince was given to one of Kangxi’s consorts, the Imperial Noble Consort/Lady Tunggiya, to raise. Incidentally, Lady Tunggiya was Empress for a day – seriously, she fell ill, Kangxi created her Empress, then she died the next day.

    Anyway, when Imperial Consort De gave birth to the 14th prince, she was elevated from “Imperial Concubine” to “Imperial Consort” and was thus allowed to keep her son and raise him herself. I’m sure she loved both of her sons, but when one of them is hand-raised by you, and the other by another woman, well, the mother in question would certainly be hard-put to not show any favoritism towards one son over the other.

    I know, I know, I’m crazy for bothering to even (try to) keep track of all these super-complicated hierarchies. As it is, I still can’t get the hierarchies of the princes and princesses straight in my head – all this fangled stuff about Qinwang/Beile, Heshuo Gongzhu/Junzhu, and what-have-you. One of these days …

  7. thank you for recapping this one and bringing us the guide….srsrly, what abled body female would not be able to spot a hot prince????

    yes, this is my maiden voyage with a Cdrama. this one caught my eye months ago and i said i would give it a try. i may go back and read the ebook after i finish this drama. it is just wonderful to enter this world, and vicariously get a sense of being there with Roxi (dubbed affectionately). i love all of the princes seen thus far…even the royally spoiled cp. what my eyes consume reminds me of a time as a child whose eyes were too big for her stomach and wanted to consume everything laid out on the dinner table only I am not feeling full after consuming the feast set before me but left wanting more asap. i get a sense of euphoria…..just thinking about the storyline brings me joy. my feelings are a mystery to me at the moment and i blame it on either hormones or BBJX.

    i loved reading the bts activities going on from the chemistry, head shaving and soy sauce….sounds like everyone had a blast and i hope it pays off for having to shave off their manes of glory. i hope they win some kind of awards for this drama.

  8. Thanks for the awesome summary of the characters, especially the BTS. I have been re-reading the story alongside watching the drama which makes me appreciate the drama version even the better.

  9. Ms Koala.How in the world did you turn me into a shipper when I haven’t even seen her in any dramas?

    This post…omg.I am still resisting.However gotta say,they are smoking hot in period costume and I don’t normally say that.

    Man what a drama huh?Have a good time watching.I am beginning to think it is a futile exercise to not watch it.

  10. I totally grew up watching Nicky Wu’s movies and some dramas…. loved him with Takeshi Kaneshiro:) that’s a looooooooooong time ago, btw. so everytime i see him my heart just melts even tho he’s quite old… hehe. I think Yuan Hong is an ‘ok’ actor… but what in the world is ‘eye-sexing’?? omg so hilarious. I must check this out for myself…

  11. Thank you koala for introducing this awesome drama to us. Actually, I’m not a big fan of C-dramas because I find them pretty dragging and boring at the same time. But you know what…BBJX simply made me totally hooked on it and it changes my mind on any typical c-drama.

  12. Thanks Koala for all your Bu Bu Jing Xin posts! You’re so awesome! When I read your first post about the drama, I immediately went to check out the long trailer! Because none of the episodes were subbed at the time, I went and checked out the novel. Lucky there was a Vietnamese version floating around the web, which I can read. I spent whole 3 days to finish it. The next time I checked Viki, the first two episodes were subbed, so I’ve been watching them. The subbing has been quite fast. The 10 episodes are almost fully subbed now. I have to say that I’m completely in love with the drama right now. I do think the casting was perfect. It must be hard to Ruo Xi cause all the princes are so charming. When I read the novel, I love 13th prince and then 14th prince. Watching the drama makes me fall in love with 4th prince but the story of the 8th prince makes me ache for him as well. I really can’t wait for all the episodes to come out. Do all C-drama release so many episodes in a week? I read that the drama started airing on the 10th this month but 10 episodes are already out. I reckon it’s a good thing cause we don’t have to wait so long. Again, thank you Koala for introducing me to this drama! 🙂

  13. Hello!Thank you Koala for bringing this wonderful series to my attention.
    I´m officially obsessed now.I watched all episodes over and over again ,read all translated chapters from the book. Read all 160 or so pages in the BBJX tread at specnet. I even started watching the bad palace copy wating for a new episode but ,no I think I´m skipping that in the future. But now I need another c-drama to watch in the meantime with english subs. Any suggestions?
    I saw you mention LoCH2008 wich I assume is for Legend of condor heroes.
    Is it good?
    If someone have some good suggestions i would be happy, ^__^

  14. Oh koala unni you make it so hard for me to not watch dramas when I have to study. Good thing you bring me awesome updates or else I might break down and marathon it and fail out of school. This is most definitely the first thing on my to do list as soon as winter break arrives, and by that time all the episodes will be out so I can marathon it in 2 days. You’re awesome! 🙂

  15. hi, anybody please share with me any good website where i can watch this CDrama, Viki does not work with me. english sub please as I am not chinese nor speak/understand chinese. thanks much! i am intrigued to watch this, if ever my first Cdrama

  16. You should open a discussion board for this or something.. XD

    Omg.. the end of episode 18<3.. Seriously.. *SCREAMING*..
    LOVE Ruoxi and 4th.

  17. Finally a detailed guide to the princes.. THANK YOU.. its so hard to keep up with understanding who is Ruo xi is being paired with since I dont know the names of the princes because everyone is called by their numbers (4th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th, 14th ) ..and the way you described each of their personalities fits to a tee!! (and I so agree with you the fact that 14th is = 4th + 8th Princes personalities mixed together)

    I dont think i’ve ever been this hooked on a series.. I’ve watched it once, watched it again with just my fav parts and then watched all over again from start to finish.. its a good thing its only 35 episodes.. not like My new fair princess where the story got super draggy with 98 episodes.. YIKES!

    Can’t wait for more! 🙂

  18. Lynn,
    if you are reading this comment/message board, i would like to thank you for the link of unsubbed episodes of this drama. you are a great help. i may have to suffer a little bit for not understanding what they are saying but it will be worth it. thanks much! at least i will not be tossing and turning at night thinking what’s going to happen next hehehe 🙂

  19. Koala: William Peng is not the writer/producer of BBJX. He works at Hunan TV. But it seems like he made very good friends with the BBJX cast. I love their interactions!

  20. what is the title in Vietnamese for this movie?
    i really want to watch it but can’t because i wondering if its translate yet in

  21. I’m about 3 years late on this article, but Lord, it’s still a good read. I’ll probably have more to say after reading the whole Guide, but I had comment after reading the first guide to YinZhen. Did you really just gave him extra points for probably being good in bed? I chuckled so hard under my breath (trying to be modest in the library). I can’t say it never crossed my mind. Out of all the Princes, I would imagine 4th would be the best…lover, as well. Thank you for saying what we were all imagining.

  22. This article was full of good stuff…I have waited for a high quality profile guide to each of the princes. Oh my God,14th Prince is incredibly cute. And hot. But mostly cute. I agree that he appears to be the most ideal match for Ruoxi, particularly because she could have avoided a lot of pain if she had simply fallen in love with him (and hence agreed to marry him, avoiding being demoted and miscarrying and blah blah etc.) It just bothers me that she ended up with 4th Prince. xD

  23. i believe rouxi should’ve chosen the 14th prince bc he could’ve given her everything she asked for someone who loved her wholeheartedly and willing to give up the throne. She was repeating the same pattern with 4th as she did with 8th wanting them to chose her instead of power.

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  25. I loved this series and seriously fell in love with the main princes – 4th, 8th, 13th and 14th! Who wouldn’t?? The series itself was terrific, the acting top notch and the costumes, sets were amazing. Thank you for your intake on all of the characters mentioned.

  26. I’m so late to the game, but I’m finally giving this series a try! Was researching more on the historical characters and so glad to have stumbled upon this page. Just wanted to say that it’s great and detailed work!

  27. Pingback:All stuff removed from my MDL profile – Crumbs

  28. Pingback:Chapter 9 – An Expert’s Martial Arts | Logatse Translations

  29. Hey there! Just started watching BBJX and I just love it! I am so happy about your post because it really gave me an insight on the show. I’m from Nigeria and it was a surprise for me because I actually thought Chinese shows were all about Kungfu fighting. Because of BBJX I’m now a C-drama fan for life!!

  30. Pingback:Dua Versi Scarlet Heart

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