
Zenkai Girl Episode 6 Recap — 10 Comments

  1. cool i’m 1st. I really like this show ^_^
    and i love the fact that u don’t only recap korean dramas like most blogsites do ^^

    • Hear, hear! i’m really glad i stumbled upon this blog/website, it has a lot of different things going on. Although i still love dramabeans and brickwall. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the recap.

    Love this rom-com, even the slow progression and the characters’ confusion and lack of initiative.

    I’ve watched ahead and am looking forward to next week’s resolution.

    I love Wakaba’s tracksuit and the consistent role it played in her life. I appreciate that durning the later episodes you notice that she doesn’t replace the tracksuit she sacrifice on Hinata’s behalf, instead she keep wearing the hacked up tracksuit.

  3. dear ms Koala,

    i know this is off topic, but i hope you won’t mind. are you not going to recap “material queen” anymore?

    thanks a lot for all your recaps and all the delightful goodies you’ve been sharing to us. 😀

  4. Very big fan of Koala and Zenkai Girl. I had been on my Korean Drama spree for quite a bit. Its been a while since something piqued my interest in terms of Jdrama. But, the arrival of ZG, Ouran, Ikemen Desu ne, and the tempest have revived my love of Jdrama again. Thanks for the recap. It’s always a pleasure reading your writing.

  5. The family interactions are more interesting than the OTP, which says something to me because I really do enjoy Wakaba and Shota together.

    Regarding the latest episode….doesn’t bug me, but it disappoints me. Japanese drama ALWAYS pull out this twist, so I’m just bummed ZG couldn’t come up with something more original.

  6. I have a question, where can i watch this version of zenkai girl? the eng on dramacrazy is at ep 10 but its missing a lot of parts >< can someone tell me where to watch the full version?

  7. im a huge softie for the little kids in this drama. they’re all soo cute, especially the Hinata and pitaro.. i got teary in this ep when Hinata was peeking at her mom when she was suppose be dead.

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