
Go Soo Models for Arnaldo Bassini and Prepares for Upcoming Wedding — 7 Comments

  1. ahhh…he doesn’t even look his age..he looks like he is at least 3-4 years older than his future wife..i assume…he is really blessed with good, hot, genes…


  2. I really hope the relationship will work out. 13 years age difference will be one contributing factor in a uphill battle to keep the marriage lasting long, especially in celeb world.

  3. Aww, this is so sweet. I’m so happy for them.

    That said, I’m really quite impressed at how well fandom (as far as I can tell) is taking the news. I’ve just gotten involved in a fandom that is both creepily invasive and rather mean to the ladies (I’m looking at you, Merlin fangirls), so this is a pleasant surprise.

  4. Ahhh…so sad that he will not be available anymore, but in the other hand we <3 to see him happy with his future wife…wish them all the best 🙂

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