
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 11 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Heh. I swear this was me yesterday, telling friends that I’ve officially moved on from this drama. And yet…one lopsided smile from KSH after he said “I really, really liked her”, and I’m smitten yet again. This time it definitely stings because I still have so many gripes about the story and the execution but alas, that KSH is just too much to resist.

    Anyways, I am rooting for Team Jang Shil-Yang Myung. Whether as a romantic couple or as kindred spirits, I’ll take it. She is awesome. And my crazy idea is somehow Yeon Woo’s spirit will possess Jang Shil’s and she will have a confrontation with Hwon. In that scene, YW can then tell Hwon (again) not to blame himself for what happened to her and confess that she likes him too. They can then cry in each other’s shoulders…or more. Haha. If this is the only way that Hwon can let go of Yeon Woo and stop being confused, then yes I need it. And also because I am confident that the actress playing Jang Shil can handle this type of heavy scene and match KSH. Obviously this is just my wishful thinking. But really, how awesome would it be if we can finally see someone respond to KSH’s fire? 😉

    • Ah, I like your thinking! Especially responding to KSH’s fire! Yes, this is what we need, I’m tired of watching him pouring his heart out to Wol (aka Wall), and all I get was her big eyes or motionless eyes that I can’t read what she’s feeling… I need more.
      I can’t help but kept thinking that the lack of spark for the OTP is because HGI is married and hence more reserved? Not too sure if this is logical…

  2. I am totally with you here ; Kim Soo Hyun is the only reason why I still watch the show . I agree that some actresses do the job but the flaw is indeed the story . This production is for tired people : the drama flows and you are not bothered in anyway by it : you can go sleep at ease afterwards . Koreans overwork : that’s why they enjoy this drama .

  3. I have to admit that I don’t feel like “care”/interest in the story anymore. It has many potentials to be great in the first place, but then everything just gradually fades away with the development of the story. What are the reasons? Bad writing, so-so acting (of course except for KSH, JIW and Huyng-Sun, haha)… Or maybe the reason is that I just hate all the insertion of “fate” in almost everything in this drama. So I’m with you about the baby recap, simply the drama (now) isn’t worth your time for the whole recap.

  4. my frustrations….thus I stand in front of you there seems to be an ocean between us….I wish to see the stars but your brightness engulfs my visions….should I prefer to comfort myself with another light softer and more gentle….so I can be friends with the stars again… 🙂 in a daze with Jung Il woo it’s his turn to shine right….

  5. the story is getting a bit better but still dragging when it comes to character development. so funny how could the evil father in law could recognized the King right away without even looking closely at him??? there’s no doubt this father in law minister is all abt evilness…..hoping that Jang Shil would bring the hair pin to the King so she could tell the world that the Shaman is indeed the same YW they are looking and longing for.
    I felt bad for HGI coz the writer could have made her role more appealing even having memory loss well i guessed as a Shaman she has to be unemotional most of the time.
    Jang Shil acting was really good i hope she would have the courage to go to the King and reveal all the things she know and show the hairpin as well, wonder how the King would react to that. like most of you, I only keep watching this moon sun drama bec of KHS acting…other than that the whole drama is not that bad but not that good either…at least we can not say it sucks that would be sad….let’s pray that the writer have better ideas to enhance all the character’s role…for me the book looks well written than the TV drama, ive read chapters 1 to chapter 6 via blueelectric ground and so far I am glued to it and excited to read what chapter 7 and beyond contain….
    Ms. K thank you so much again for taking time to recap this episode. can’t wait to read the next one before watching it….more power and God bless you more too!!! keep writing please…

    • ”as a Shaman she has to be unemotional most of the time”

      Well, it is still HGI’s bad acting because NK and Jang Shil are also shamans but you can see so much emotion through their eyes. . .

      • yup but actually being of character as what is expected thus remain a conflict….it is being human aside from being a shaman that brings contradictions….it was her fate it was her desitny to be a shaman (having the gift of visions) but everything else lays on decisions where no human being is exmpted from making (thus to embrace her fate)….thus a king or any human alive that may have a title would experience the same thing the pursuit of happiness and love….

      • They made Wol a stupid girl now – she was so bright and educated before, where is that girl now? even if she lost her memory, she still had the will to read and learn, the will to discover things.
        Not only this, But the actress is bad too (sorry, I keep repeating my self over and over and it became frustrating) HGI can not play any emotion (she had only one moment of good acting – when the king made that declaration of love for YW at the theater). She was watching the play like watching a white wall (even my 5 years old girl can act better). Can they switch now the actress with someone better, please!!!!!!!

  6. Thank you koala for doing recap, especially when you mentioned that you’re very busy lately.

    I feel the same away about this episode. It’s finally moving somewhere, but i’m not so emotionally invested any. KSH is the only thing keep me coming back. Bo Kyung and Yang Mung character has such potential, but the ship has sailed. It’s such a waste of character development. Everyone say YangMung is pitiful, but I don’t find myself really care for his character anymore. His one-sided love is so lop-sided i cant even consider it’s a love triangle. I’m more interest in BoKyung character simply because Kim Min Seo is such a fireball. I love every minute that she’s on screen.
    The actress playing JangShil really shined in this episode. She actually was in Dream High 1 as well with Kim Soo Hyun as one of the student.

  7. same here XD missing the child characters so bad i’m rewatching ep 1- 6 over and over. janshil / ym and hwon / hs dynamics are the only reason i’m not dropping this dramaa

  8. Miss K, need your recap for ep 12! Want to know if your thoughts badly on this as I do enjoy this ep the most (since the adults came in). LH-BK last scene was awesome, I was actually hoping the next ep will capture their kiss! It’s the first time I wish the OTP was another pair… the scene was on fire and it feels that the story could be twisted where they could be madly in love with each other…

  9. Yeah, I don’t get the Yeom and Minhwa pairing either. Zero chemistry. Neither actors work. They are the weakest link. I wish Wol would appear more alive though … to justify why one would be so enamoured with her. She appears rather ‘flavorless’. So Koala, you are right the drama does ride on Kim Soo Hyun’s shoulders. And he’s doing a fine job nailing his character down to the flick of an eyebrow!

  10. Love your writing! I enjoy your honest blatant truth and comments tremandously. I think Im starting to feel tired about hoping that this drama will get better too or rather be worthy of such high ratings. Truth is, the actors and writing just hasnt come together. I cant feel the depth of the character, the flow of the drama. Its really such a pity when they could really have done so much more.
    As great as KHS is, that alone is not going to be enough to satisfy the viewers much longer.

  11. Hello Miss K, this is my first time commenting on your blog. I personally think that, the major problem with this drama is its screenplay. It is so slow, with little things happened in every episode. I mean, it’s been 5 episodes since the adult actors have been introduced, but it seems like they were doing nothing other than outpouring some useless emotion again and again. Whether you realized it or not, the story is pretty much carried forward by other supporting characters (e.g great queen dowager, head shaman, jang shil etc). I can’t help but comparing this drama with The Princess’ Man. Both were touted as an epic love story, where the couples must fight all the obstacles to be together. While the latter was succeed in doing so, this drama is busy dealing with their character’s past and sadness. Too much screen time on this weeping and crying will bored me to death. They should balance all this elements and drive the story forward.

  12. @daniela: LoL! luv ur comment..they truely made Wol into a stupid one..sometime we wonder how come the director cannot see the difference skill of her with others cast..did she bribe for the role? :))

  13. plus i can see why miss K doesn’t recap anymore..there are lots of scenes on ep 11 and 12 that supposed to make us hold the breath but just missing away cause KSH doesn’t get any appropriate reply..poor him,one of us should replace HGI 😛

  14. For those who thinks HGI as the amnesiaic Wol is emotionless in the past 11 episodes and you will finally realise why she has to act so blank all the time! She thought all these memory flashes are her ‘psychic power’, not her own memory flashes… But when she’s forced to confront herself in the very room where she was cursed, she’s totally let go all the pent up emotions boiling inside her all the previous episodes …check out soompi forum,
    All the HGI haters were all cheering HGI’s hysteric performance as return of the Queen!

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