
Big Episode 11 Recap — 36 Comments

  1. Yaiks! here it is now!
    Off to start reading and complete my day!
    Thanks ms koala! ^__________________________^

  2. Hmmm… I’m wondering if Gil Da Ran will still love KJ if he’s back in his body. Perhaps, she’s considering it now because she is seeing Yoon Jae’s face, right?

    • I thik that she’d love him anyway because she keeps asking herself, why she sees Kyung Joon in Yoon Jae’s body.

  3. I don’t think there’s a lot of things happened here in this episode. It’s more of a dilemma and conflict for Da Ran.
    There’s a lot of things that should happen but didn’t. Looking forward to the last episode this week.


  4. Ahhhh! You tell her KJ!
    Now he needs to go from: You better stop crying to I WILL BE THE ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY!
    Thanks for the recap!
    What I watched was barely subbed so I missed a lot.
    There are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head right now… I want to think but
    I’ve got a banging allergy headache.
    Imma take some allergy meds, sleep it off, and watch this one fully subbed in the am.
    See ya’ll later!

    • It’s such a relief that Chinese subtitles are out several hours ago since my Korean is rather rudimentary. When I watched this episode raw, I thought nothing happened since I didn’t capture most of the dialogues. However, once the subtitles are out, episode 11 still was excellent as usual.

      As a fan of Smile You, I thought the pairing of LMJ and JKH was one of the best and LMJ couldn’t have a better chemistry with another actor. Now I am so glad that I was wrong. I adore the understated affection between LMJ and GY. It seems so ordinary and yet sooooo sexy. I am so looking forward to episode 12. Although LMJ and GY have already won me over with their mundane interaction, I nonetheless want to see the explosion of the sexual tension between these two characters/actors.

  5. Nothing really happened in this episode apart from clearing every doubt about YJ’s love… kind of tired …waiting for the Big Switch …

  6. Seriously…this drama is driving me insane! I think about it 24/7 and can watch re-runs without feeling nauseous. I am loving it so much because at the root of it is a simple sweet love story that warms the cockles of the heart. At every word and gesture between the couple, I fall deeper in love.

    But with that seventh heaven feeling is that niggling worry at the back of my head that I can fall splat down to earth if it is gonna be one of those ‘WTF’ endings. The faith I’ve kept in Kdramas would be destroyed. So THS, please don’t get any fancy-schmancy arty-farty ideas for the last lap – we just want our happy ending! Pretty Please???

    • i hear you… i am sooo nervous about the ending i have butterflies just thinking about the possibilities.

      my vote is for kyun joon and da ran… but you have to admit, a girl so self-conscious about people thinking she was back together with youn jae, is going to have a pretty hard time having people know she basically switched out the brothers and that he was once her student as well.

      hopefully she mans up!! i want to have some faith in gil teacher!

  7. Thanks again for this wonderful recap! When will the souls switch back, I wonder. Gee, the drama is almost done and Yoon Jae has not shown himself up.

  8. Like Da Ran, I’m pulled in two directions over her two men. It’s great that she’s acknowleged her love for Kyung Joon’s “soul”, but how will she fare when his soul is back in his 19-year-old body? Right now, the person (soul) she’s in love with looks like a 30-year-old man. She certainly can’t be a teacher at his school when the guys go back to their rightful places….

    Anyway…..I’m interested to see how everything will play out. And I hope the Hong Sisters don’t write a sucky ending that will completely kill all these hours of good drama.

  9. ahhh… finally.. I know by DR talking like that to JY mom’s means that she just does care about KJ now and not YJ, if YJ return then she will leave him and be with KJ???

  10. 1. I hate makeover scenes. It’s in most of the dramas. It’s not getting old. IT IS OLD…. can’t they think of anything else?
    2. I can’t get over GY’s hair. What with the fop?

    That aside, I like how the story is going. Now that Yoon Jae has been cleared of being as ass, I’m looking forward to see how the Hong sisters close the series. Even tough YJ has been cleared, we know that YJ & DR weren’t at a point in their relationship to get married. She’s reserved around him and he keeps secrets from her. KJ&DR on the other hand are “somewhat” open to each other and show their real selves in front of each other.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that KJ gets back into his body and gets the girl too…. which may be wishful thinking…. 😛

    • I agree with you about makeover scenes. Soooo overdone everywhere, even here in American movies. However, I *almost* liked this one because it wasn’t done to make Kyung Joon swoon, but to get revenge on evil mother face, and spend all her money. So at least it was a *little* different from others.

  11. I see-saw between ‘Hate’ & Love here.
    Intense Dislike for this narcissistic ‘mom’ here.Can i just call her an egg donor?Shw defiles the mommy name.
    She looks normal but who in Hell , dislike their child this much?Oh ya , I guess Hell , they do. Shouldn’t this saviour child be even more loved for being born medically compatible to save his big brother ? Shouldn’t gratefulness also be in the realm of feelings for KJ? I find it unbelievable. I’m waiting for the writers to come out with a darn good reason for this twisted hell-of a mum’s ill feelings. Somehow ,I dun think I’d be convinced.
    Love the KJ+YJ & DR sweetness though.
    Now that poor YJ’s actions has been explained , I’m good with DR ending with him.
    KJsoul+YJbody & DR =good or YJ face body & DR =good

  12. so much suspense…i can’t wait for the big revelation of yoon jae/kyung joon’s father to their children..also this will clear all the wavering of daran’s heart..please dont surprise us anymore..this is my first time to get hooked on drama it pains me to wait .. :_ (

  13. Yoon Jae’s mom totally tortures kittens! It was probably one of her Ima-force-you-back-to-how-you-were tactics, like the super-rare steak. I really really hate her right now.

    On a different note, I adored all the lovey moments in this episode. I was reading your recap while I was watching because there were so many missing subs, and I was so grateful for the warning that nothing really moved forward plot-wise. But relationship-wise, it was an excellent episode. I love Ae Kyung and teacher Na, even if they don’t really do much for plot development, and the kick-kiss maneuver was awesome! Also, the scene with the sunflowers! Kyung Joon is sooo adorable! And the pan guitar Pororo singalong was everything it promised to be, judging by the stills. Ok, too much gushing.

    Anyway, after this episode, and the preview for the next one, my ability to sit back and enjoy the ride is seriously strained! Hurry up and get here already, tomorrow!

  14. Y’all need to head over to Dramabeans that’s listed under bolded Blogroll column and click on it which is located at the bottom page and read about the negative comments about Big Episode 11 posted there.

    • Don’t worry about those haters. lol
      Big is not for everyone. If the Hong Sisters are responsible for creating and solidifying Kdrama cliches, then it takes more than one drama like Big for THS to undo the conventions and bad habits they have established for the past decade. The unfavorable responses to Big is partly THS’ own doing, but I am more than grateful that they are willing to break the mold. I like their earlier works but they start to compromise to the mainstream label called “rom-com.” Now at least I am seeing the return of some sincerity and heart that were present in their earlier writings.

      • Thank you, Ennui. I totally agree. I often wonder why people who hate it so much bother, but then I remember how I read recaps of dramas I can’t stand to finish watching because I want to know what happens.

  15. Plz drama God don’t make poor YJ wake up to suffer this situation … just silently send him to heaven with the thoughts that his Da Ran really loves him and with the satisfaction of saving some one sacrificing his own life…

  16. KJ URE THE MAN!!!

    They are brother with such a contrast personality yet they fall for the same girl. If only DR can have both T_T

  17. I’m still rooting for Da Ran and Yoon Jae to end up together. It’s just so wrong for Kyung Joon and Da Ran to be together. The writers should realize that! That’s too much fantasy and too much perversion.

  18. I read a lot of complaint about how slow this episode was, but I’m with you. I think we needed this final episode where GDR realizes fully her feelings for KJ. BUT, I sincerely hope that Ep. 12 finally, reveals to KJ who his dad is. I think it’s about time.

    Also, it took this long, but I can finally see GDR with the real KJ b/c I finally can see that she really sees him even when looking at YJ’s body. Again, I think we needed this episode to make that bridge.

    Thanks, as usual, for the recap.

  19. What a great episode! This is the pacing I liked compared to last week’s.

    I just want Yoon Jae to come back alive so he can say “Saranghae” to Da Ran, then allows her to choose who she wants to be with. The answer is obvious though. But I’m hoping for a bittersweet letting go for the both of them. Yes drama gods, please let that happen! They both had the time to say the things that they should have but then when they had the courage to do so, it was too late.

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