
K-movie Queen of the Night Courting Chun Jung Myung and Park Min Young as the Leads — 12 Comments

  1. Is that a joke? They want to re-team 2 actors who had an pic fail together? I love cutie Pie but let’s be honest, their chemistry in MOH was ZERO (Lee Jang-woo kept me until I couldn’t bear it anymore). PMY is blacklisted as an actress in my book: The only thing she can do is crying. Let her do ads for perfume or whatever.
    So basically, him = OK. Her = Out.

      • Mine too. I can’t stand her …..Didn’t watch CH because of her …..Inspite of my love for LMH.
        Couldn’t bear her cutesy act in SS. Watched it for the boys…..I loved chilled out Mr Nice Guy in that one. Not liking the self destructive one right now.

  2. pmy is one of those actresses that i like as a person and find her harmless overall but sadly believe that she cannot act to save her life. For that reason I hope this casting doesn’t come true. I think PIE needs someone who can match him acting ability wise especially in a movie like this. Plus I personally found them to have minimal chemistry if any at all with one another in MoH and would rather have him paired with someone who he has sparks with.

  3. How dare they even offer him the second lead and to YC?????? What were they thinking? Believe me, I like YC… but he’s light years behind CJM.
    I thought MOH had respectable ratings…..

  4. Park Minyoung acts just fine to me as i have see worst?lol She’s one of those actresses that goes easy on the eyes but leaves you stressed out when she cries a lot. I like her in Romcoms and puhleeez do one.

  5. “”City Hunter was a Lee Min Ho vanity vehicle and Park Min Young was just along for the ride.””

    that was SO true… HE HE … me luv Lee Min Ho. can’t help it, the boy is so good looking and CAN act too. I hope he will one day collaborate with my fav MGY, please please please…

  6. Is it strange that I liked PIE and PMY more as brother and sister than as a romantic pairing?
    They were super duper cute, but I didn’t feel the spark.

  7. O feito será bom ambos os atores trabalham bem.Min youg não foi so um icone em City Hunter, seu trabalho é e deve ser valorisado mesmo que o papel chave foi do Lee Min Ho o que foi imposto a atriz foi feito com perfeiçao;Não so pela belesa e carisma mais também pelo seu trabalho, Park Min Young para min é a atriz perfeita contudo a mesma se esforça no que faz sendo assim ela é a minha favorita!!Não disfasendo do ator Lee Min Ho pois o ele trabalha muito bem e também se torna assim o ator favorito em seus feitos!

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