
Cute Picture Spoiler for Episode 4 of Flower Boy Next Door — 11 Comments

  1. Okay, I can put up with Jin Rok not getting with Dok Mi, but if he gets “stuck” with that queen bee/bully girl I am going to be really angry. She cannot reform enough in a couple of episodes to make me think she deserves him (or any of the guys in this show for that matter, including the manager/security guy or even the movers!). What kind of message would that send. Be a bitch your whole life but still wind up with Kim Ji Hoon *ahem/cough* Jin Rok?!?!

    I need Denali and Jomo to take her out. Complete erasure. I’d rather have more of the sleepless editor character (I LOVE her) than more of her. I’d even rather have more of Seo-Young’s bland/does she not know its winter character than her.

    • I watched ep 4 and don’t worry Jin Rok is still interested in Dok Mi no matter what that flamingo wearing bully tried to do to get his attention. Let’s hope that the writer does not change the plot on us.

  2. Haven’t started watching this series because I’m not a big fan of PSH, I like her but don’t love her and I don’t see the chemistry between her and YSY, but I’m obsessed with KJH…so maybe I’ll watch the series later on, but I’ve been reading the recaps. I’m second-lead shipping so hard now…haha

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