
Preview for Episode 15 of Cheongdamdong Alice — 8 Comments

  1. SJ vs Tommy and jealousy along with mentally stability and getting to know the real Se Kyung should have happened a long time ago, not in the last two episodes. Better late than never I guess.

  2. Drama gods I pray that a miracle will happen please make the last two episodes worth remembering and heart felt. Isn’t this too much to ask? Lol I’m about to get crazy if they wouldn’t be able to pull of the last two episodes. I still have a little hope left, hope this drama won’t let me down. Thanks sis koala for still continuing to do the recaps until the end. 🙂

  3. It was that sizzling almost kiss in Ep 6 that got me interested in this drama… and finally marathoned through it from Ep 1 to Ep 14 when Ep 10 was airing.
    Have to say that the romance lost the sizzle in the last 5 episodes and the whole reveal was agonizingly draggy.
    I really hope now that the truth is out, the OTP can really show the love and passion for each other and show it to us the viewers in this final 2 episodes.

  4. daebak!! SJ shows jealousy to TH and curiosity about SK’s feeling. I hope some tension from this last 2 episode, coz i couldn’t get any deep feeling and tension from the previous episode. I agree with you guys that the tension and the romance between SJ and SK has gone when SK know that SJ is Artemis’s president. Back then, I just read the ending of synopsis of each episode (thanks koala) without watch the video. Tonight, i hope it’ll wrap nicely!!

  5. I like jealousy tracks! I think I’ll watch ep 15 for fun despite skipping the 6 episodes in the middle.

    This drama reminds me of my reaction to LTM: a lot of potential, but in the end it couldn’t leave up to it. LTM had the awesome OTP and great promos and CA had an interesting story set up (and PSH!!).

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