
Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love Episode 10 Recap — 74 Comments

    I watched the show without subtitles, and strangely, I understood stuff without knowing Korean. That’s how good these actors are!
    And I totally agree on the the fact that childhood romance is overrated! I think this is how Moon embracing the Sun should have portrayed it. Not having the King in love with the idea that Shaman Yeon Woo is the childhood love Yeon Woo, but actually have him fall in love with her without knowing who she was. Then, much later along the story, he would have found out who she is.
    Sometimes writers make the childhood romance WAY too bloated, it almost seems comical. Like in GU Family book – the whole thing about Kang Chi protecting Yeo Wool from a dog, I thought was completely stupid and doesnt add anything to the story. Here, Lee Soon actually made a promise to Ok Jung when they were young to elevate her class. That partially shaped the way she started to perceive things later. He broke his promise, which is why she was very reluctant to start a relationship with him as an adult. Only after he proved multiple times that he loved her, did she actually take the leap of fate to trust him.
    I hope she finds out that he married In Hyun for her sake, so that she could be accepted as his consort. Without the Queen’s permission, I believe he cannot officially marry her. She would only be a “Special Lady.”
    Anyways, Everything makes sense! Decisions are made because of past experiences of the characters, not some random whim of the writer having the characters do unexplained things. When you have well developed characters who have clear goals, the story writes itself effortlessly and doesn’t impose things that make no sense. Which is why this show is so GODDAMN GOOD!!!
    Thanks again, koala, for the awesome recaps! <3

  2. lol, I’m just glad I watched the bed scene over 10 times because now my heart has calmed down(ish).
    I honestly can’t believe they really did consummate their relationship even before she became his concubine. Isn’t that scandalous in joseon era? It seems like the king’s version of taking it “slow” is way faster even for your modern k-drama relationship. lol Fastest sageuk sex between OTP evar. not complaining though. ahem.
    Right now, i really like that In Hyun isn’t outright evil the way people expect her to be, cast opposite the innocent portrayal of Ok Jang. She’s honorable (even if at times she turns a blind eye to her father’s sins), and truly wants to be Mother of the Nation. For some reason, i am totally fine with her being Consort while OK Jang is Concubine. As the bed scene showed us, Lee Soon can have Ok Jang by his side behind closed doors to provide emotional stability, while In Hyun (although doomed to be lonely for the rest of her life), will help aid the king in ruling joseon.
    I am also giddy for some potential femme fatale-ness that are slowly being drawn out of Ok Jang. I guess all the gal needed was a really sexy King as a reason to start being badass. Now she has something else to fight for. I like this development, which is why i didn’t her to be outright evil from the beginning, as alot of people wanted and were complaining about. Isn’t it alot more juicy to have a candy esque girl turn bad on us? It makes for alot more dynamic in Ok Jang as a character.
    I really can’t believe we’re at episode 10 either — so much as happened, it makes me wonder where we’re gonna be at the end, im predicting for sure that we will see Ok Jang Pregnant and give birth to future king.
    I also really don’t know how they’re going to introduce Choi sukbin / Chi soo, but right now, i’m just enjoying all the OTP goodness.. THANKS KOALA!

    • Not scandalous because he is the king. He can have any girl in the palace technically. Not saying he should. I would be happy if its JOJ+LS forevers <3

  3. Really Suk bin doesn’t appeal to you? maybe it is because little is known about her due to her birth status. But Isn’t she one of the only servants whom became a noble consort?

  4. I am still surprised at how much I like In Hyun. At the beginning I was expecting the drama to portray her as a bit of a villain but they might not want to tarnish her historically clean image. I like how she got what she wanted in the end by offering to cement his own power as King. One thing I don’t really understand is why she wanted to be Queen so badly – did she fall for our suave, dashing king, or did she want the position to help her father or is it just to fulfil her lifelong dream? That was never really clear to me. She seemed a bit jealous seeing Sukjong treat In Kyung gently, yes, but she hardly swooned. Not as much as I did anyway.

    • Isn’t HSY doing a fantastic job?

      It’s probably because this was what she raised to be all her life and there’s nothing else out there that is more powerful than being the Mother of the Nation. We are looking back at 17th/early 18th century Jeoson where the class system was so strong, nobles etc. So being the Queen makes her at the top of the pyramid.

      I don’t hate or blame IH at all for wanting this. And I credit HSY for making me sympathise with IH.

      This drama is driving me nuts!

      • Yep, she is definitely holding her own as In Hyun! I actually feel sorry for In Hyun as every time the King looks at her, he has a look of disgust in his eyes. And she has to marry this guy, eeeps. I’m looking forward to the ladies duking it out in the palace. I presume that with In Hyun as Queen now Dong Yi will make her appearance as well.

        I’m not that bothered that Chi Soo’s entrance has been delayed (although I expected him to be the one to have saved Ok Jung from the burning hut and not a random minion of Jang Hyun). What I am kind of surprised is that Dongpyung is in cahoots with the Great Queen Dowager. I always thought his bromance with the King was due to him being politically neutral. Which can’t be when he’s meeting up with the Great Queen Dowager and discussing about Ok Jung.

    • So I’m interested in psychological effects of judging or lack of judgments on the history book. “Greed of 2 different classes people” One VIRTUOUS and another EVIL to the same greed. That what I love about this drama, we’re not known the fact of that period. if anyone judges based on sociological knowledge, not values, but history book’s tainting their judgement based on subjective, not objective criteria. Judgements made using subjective criteria will be wrong more often than empirical data. In this case, the judgements are bad. Bad for the person making them, as they are wrong about them more often, and wrong for the people receiving them, as they are misjudged, the definition of “judgement” to mean “predictions based upon summarized data”. I don’t think it is possible to make time-sensitive predictions without judging. The human brain is capable of quite a lot, but predicting outcomes based on _all_ available data is not one. The mind must summarize data in order to process it.

      “Greed” is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, power, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one’s self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.
      As a secular psychological concept, greed is, similarly, an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else.

    • I don’t think a capable and intelligent woman in those days had a lot of career options. Also, being from a high class, pretty much the creme de la creme of the yangban class, her options were even more limited. She couldn’t become a nurse, she couldn’t take government exams and become a scholar, she couldn’t really do anything – unless she was Queen. Then, and especially if she had a son, she would have influence over the country and how it’s run. It’s rather all or nothing for her.

  5. whoaaaaaaa!!! thank you madam Koala for this… JOJ has become my drama crack these days… It really hurt so good… ^^ why can’t Monday come a little bit faster??? hehehe ^^

  6. Please drama… Please stay in grey area where the main leads nothing is truly good or truly bad…… So far they are doing a good job…. Please… Don’t make ok jung become a totally evil character… Just a human being who are exhausted by the world who treat her like crap and only want the recognition as a human being.. I wonder if she will be potrayed like yam jun in war of flower…. Another my fav anti heroines char. I like antiheroine char who potrayed as morally ambigious char, yes. they are scheming. But we can still can makes sense behind their action.. Like jae hee in nice guy. They are always looks fascinating to watch.
    I really hope the transformation won’t ruin the flow of the awsome romance they have been built.

  7. Thanks for a very fast recap Koala. You are really awesome.
    I watched the episode last night without the english sub and i was totally into it. This drama is so good, that it changed my habbit. Before i hate mondays.. but now i look forward to mondays and tuesdays..
    Ahhhh, what have you done to me JOJ!!!

  8. What on earth is happening to me? After years of lurking on Kdrama sites, JOJ has finally motivated me to participate or else I will go nuts.

    Thank you so much Miss Koala for saying everything that is on my mind about this show and more. None of my friends watch the show so what you write really speaks to me.

    I’ve seen my fair share of dramas and JOJ is one of the most well written, spectacularly directed and well acted dramas I’ve ever encountered. I can barely a recall a drama that has so captivated me and swept me away with its depth of character development and compelling storyline. You can see the labor of love put into this show- anywhere from the incredible costumes to the subtle facial expressions the actors use to convey their emotions. Everything fits together and is glued by excellent story and pacing. Usually, I have this bad habit of skipping scenes I find boring or to be filler. There has not been one moment in JOJ when I felt like that. Instead, I watch, re-watch and then read your recaps to live every moment of the show again and again. I have become addicted to JOJ, and I guess that makes you one of my enablers. I am so grateful to you for that.

    The magnetic chemistry in this show is so overwhelming. Even though I’m also terrified that the introduction of Chi Soo and Choi Sukbin will ruin some of the dynamics between the characters (how is it possible not to at this point?? Unless through some voodoo magic…), the writer and producers have done a spectacular job thus far and I am sure they will take us by the hand and lead us through it. I am open to little shake-ups here and there as long as they stick to essence of each character. There has been well thought out surprises in the show, so I don’t dare to anticipate what might happen. Oh, but I definitely anticipate buying more Kleenex to get me through the next couple of weeks. Damn it, show!!

  9. Thank you for the fast recap Ms. Koala, love it! Sigh, I really want a happy ending, is it asking too much? 🙁

  10. I have a serious palpitation and heart impulse raising for that make out scene. How can be this scene got me so much…It’s too beautiful and so subtle…I can’t even. I need oxygen.

  11. It seems you can guarantee a lot of skinship between otp… I. Don’t know… It seems thid director really dare to have a lot of skinship between the so called otp…. Take a look at my girlfriend is a gumiho.. There is a looot skinship going there lol

  12. Never hope that you post the recap so early, but that dont stop me to visit your blog every I wake up in the morning. and this is it….

  13. thanks so much koala sis for the awesome and superfast recaps! i love your insights about the OTP and how they are given a chance in their love and their story is not at all the focus but is as important as all the aspects in this drama. me too does not really see the need to throw in Choi Sukbin in the game but seeing how almost seamlessly the writer is weaving her story then i expect her entrance to be such. the same is true with Chi Soo. i find the story of our OTP good enough and have upped the stakes without the need for another male lead. it wouldn’t hurt tho if that would make the story more interesting.

      • Yeah, I sometimes catch myself rooting for him, even though I know he is up to no good 🙂

      • I give the actor (Sung Dong Il) alot of credit for that because he adds alot of depth to that character from expression alone. I’m surprised too, considering i’ve only seen most of him in comedy/family roles so him playing a villain in sageuk is different. His expressions gives me goosebumps, moreso than our other villains (in hyuns daddio)

  14. I just love love love this drama!! I go all giddy, breathless and all mushed and soft whenever I’m watching JOJ and LS interact. Regardless of whether the interaction is of a lovey-dovey/steamy nature or not! This is the bestest bestest drama I’ve ever watch so far and I pray and hope it will remain that way until the last episode.

    Anyway, whilst we’re on the topic of Ep 10, can i just say that it is just out of this world!! The only part that does not sit too right (But boy am i NOT complaining) is how abrupt the consummation was. I mean the two have held back all this while, why the sudden urge? I’m not saying it is impossible (hell I’m sure there is loads of hidden pent-up urges to rip each others clothes off every time their eyes meet! hee) but they could at least say a word or two to each other before hitting the mattress! I mean they were meeting for the first time after she thought he could have died saving her and he thought she’s gone for good somewhere in Qing. Surely they can talk about that first right… Maybe bring in some justification for the (I would believe) rather daring and probably socially unacceptable act during those ancient days of guy and gal making out before marriage let alone King and Slave Consummating!! Especially from JOJ’s perspective since she’s the lady and I’d imagine in conservative olden society what she did was a BIG NO-NO! I’m not saying I don’t want it to happen, but maybe with a bit of justification like err… oh! Maybe she could have thought to herself just before the deed “this man almost gave up his life to save me, surely I can give him mah bardeh (‘body’)….” LOLZ!! Cheesy or corny?

    Ok i know you guys are thinking Thanks goodness I’m not a Kdrama producer. Anyways, I still love love love the show!! Keep it up you’all!!

    • JOJ is already a court lady at the moment. And as we know, all court ladies are King’ women and he can have them anytime if he wants. So I think they both and other people in that era regard this consummation as normal.

  15. Oh boy!! This drama is doing all sorts of things to my heart. From the get-go, before it started airing, I knew this was the one out of the three that I would be checking out first. I never once thought it would actually be good before it aired. Only after the extended preview, it really peaked my interest. Now that we are here at ep 10 – and wow.

    OTP owns my heart for now. Sigh… I have 10 tissue boxes. it should be enough.

  16. I love that Ok Jung finally stands up and says out loud what she wants, that she only wants LS.
    Pissed off Ok Jung me likey! In this episode we begin to see the born of femme fatale. We already knew she has a strong determination and big ambition. Now the whole thing is shaping up and I can’t wait to see her being all badass. Of course, I’m happy that In Hyun seems as badass as Ok Jung. Bring it on, women! And my oh my the consummation scene has me goosebumps all over my body. It’s just insanely beautiful and I can totally feel their chemistry oozing out the screen!

    • Yeah! @ Seoorung 서오릉 (meaning 5 western tombs) a UNESCO World Heritage site just outside of Seoul in Gyeonggi-do where some of the Joseon Kings and Queens and concubines are buried. Lady Choi’s tomb, (Dong Yi) is not here. But King Sukjong, Queen Inhyeon, and Jang Hee Bin’s tombs.
      Jang Hee Bin tomb is that behind the tomb is a large rock and through the rock a pine tree has broken through it to grow. There is speculation that this reveals that her ki (energy) was and still is very strong. (the grave was moved here in 1969) Some Korean websites such as this one report that because Jang Hee Bin was such a strong woman there is a belief that if young single women who want a boyfriend go and pay a tribute to Jang Hee Bin at her tomb then they will soon find love. I don’t know if this really works but I suppose it’s worth a try.
      LOL! Shall we go there??????

  17. omoooo!!! thnk u!!! u r thee GREATEST!!!! I just love how this drama unfolds and at the perfect pace!!! @ this point Idk y there is even choi sukbin!!! lets just end it with JOJ having her baby boy!! lol!!!!! can’t wait for next week!!!! 🙂

  18. Thanks for the fast recap Ms K, I have the exact same worry….the future entrance of second male lead and choi sukbin feel like will ruin the current magnificent flow and chemistry of this drama…..the characters showing now are well written to be able to sustain story telling until EP10, right? * worries *

    P.S. PC viewers are missing out some great stuff here.

  19. awesome recap! I wasn’t expecting it today but tomorrow and damn you’re really good. JOJ –I’m lovin’ it.

  20. I too Love Love you Ms Koala^-*:)) m very grateful to you for making my Mon n Tue so interesting by reading your superfast n AWESOME!!! Recap*-*. I enjoyed tis drama sooo much n JOJ is my bestest m loving it every time when I watched ok jung n lee soon together*-* wat a great chemistry! ! My best regards to you n thanks again 4 yr recap:)))

  21. I am so in love with this drama!!! 😀 😀 😀 It’s hitting all the right notes. THANKS for the recaps, Koala. These and the previews tide me over until I can watch the subbed episodes each week.

  22. Thank you for the super fast recap Koala! You must have stayed up to finish, not that I can blame you since this episode was simply mindblowing!

    I love the characters, all of them, from the scheming uncle, annoying DQ, QIH, all of them and this drama is making me nuts.

    Oh drama, bring it on!Surprise me!

  23. wuahhh
    i love them all
    Love th progress of this drama…
    But i wonder is it enough for 24 episode? and Chi Soo join yet….
    thank you koala

  24. koala has a very good recap. You were able to see the depth of this drama. I am not a fan of historical dramas of Korea but this JOJ has changed my perception. Kudos to the men and women behind this drama for coming with this brilliant story that will hook the audience. The actors were squeezed to bring out their best giving justice to the story. This is really something to watch for.

  25. DP-gun feels more like the 2nd male lead than CS-orabeoni for now. We’re not even half way thru the 24 episodes and the OTP has already consummated their love. I think this marks the end of the drama’s first arc. Next couple of episodes shd show OJ being made the concubine (with uncle’s help & queen IH’s “support”), which marks the start of the drama’s second arc, with the introduction of new characters like CS-orabeoni and CSB at some point to shake things up (it’s not a drama if everyday is blissfull and lovey-dovey palace living right… tho that’s what we shippers want… but a good drama is one that takes viewers thru the emotional roller coaster with the OTP that hurts so good). One thing that really bugs me is, based on the complete character description, it looks like DP-gun will be the one tasked to deliver the poison to OJ under the King’s command, which probably means she won’t get to die in the King’s arms like queen IK for which she was so envious about… sigh… and if the drama is true to the novel’s last 2 sentences, the King will forever be so lonely with no one to go to for true comfort and genuine consolation anymore because OJ is no more of this world… double sigh…

  26. Could somebody tell me if the king loved JOJ so much, why then he took Dong Yi as another concubine ? Was it because the king is just a man who can’t resist the temptation of women or was it another political reason behind it? Thanks !

    • Maybe he was tired of the political factions. The queen has her faction, JOJ has her faction, maybe he wanted someone who didn’t have backing?

  27. Awesome!! Absolutely awesome! Thank u so much for the recaps.
    U’r right. I love pissed off Ok Jung too. She looked so bad assed and determined when she made her decision to team up with Jang Hyun. KTH is doing a very convincing portrayal. And Jang Hyun….i really love Sung Dong Il. The way JH’s face lit up when he realised the game is on.
    Truthfully, i dread the appearance of Dong Yi. I feel that she will deal a big blow to LS and OJ’s relationship unless LS married DY just to spite In Hyun. I hope the writers vome up with a good explanation.
    Oh….and i love ur screencap of the Dowager and Great Dowager; scream-fest. Epicdom. XD

  28. I still don’t understand how Jang Hyun will be father-in-law to the king if Ok Jung is the king’s consort. How does that work? Is it a cultural thing where an uncle or family head is like a father and so becomes a father-in-law?

    • In my culture, when a girl doesn’t have a father anymore, her older uncle will automatically become the “representative” of her father. Anyways, as far as I remember, OJ’s father on episode 2 asked Jang Hyun to keep OJ in his family so that she wouldn’t live in suffer. I presume, it means he wants Jang Hyun to take OJ as his “step daughter”.

      • Adopted daughter, not step-daughter. 🙂 Step would be a wife’s child from another man.

        Thank you so much for answering me. Okay, I see now.

  29. here is my thought about the bed scene…

    a big irony that Inhyun was dressed as a Queen in a wonsam that was handmade by Okjung. While Okjung stole away her supposed to be husband on their wedding night. it’s like Okjung tried to say this to Inhyun: “you can have all the glory of being the legal wife, but your man’s heart belongs to me.”

    • It’s not wedding night. It’s still the ritual wedding messenger where the king comes to the soon-to-be bride’s house to give his message that she’s selected as his queen.

  30. I wonder if the fact that Lee Soon’s mother made herself mortally ill saying a difficult prayer for his health and will affect how he views InHyun later? I imagine he would see InHyun, his mother’s favorite, with more kindness later, since no matter what their conflicts in life, people tend to remember departed parents with affection.

  31. you are amazing!
    thank you!!!!!
    I LOVE JOJ, i cannot stop praising this drama kekeke.
    their bed scene as off the off, kekke King Suk Jong definitely took the lead in that, I am also very happy to see that they’re in love with each other as adults and not because “we liked each other then young” and I am glad they’ve both realized it as well.
    This drama is really sad, because everything is coming into place in history and with JOJ finally taking the intiative to walk towards Suk Jong for the first time…
    this OTP will be the end for me~

  32. Everything is so interesting for me.. I feel sad for the King not having his power at all… and yes the other question is where is Jae Hee?? all i see is his name and picture in the cast credentials but in the movie??? Prince Dongpyung has my full sympathy

  33. Thank you so much Koala we have the same thing in mind!! :)) I also read all the comments above. Hihihi. I agree with fangirl98 IT’S HITTING ALL THE RIGHT NOTES!! hehe I’m going crazy over this drama. I love the characters. Especially Lee Soon (his killer smile & looks) & Ok Jung (very beautiful).. Can’t wait until Monday.. ♥ ♥ ♥

  34. Thanks for the recaps!
    I really enjoyed the last two eps watching the chess pieces moved about the board in a logical manner. As you said, for a saguek, this one is surprisingly NOT boring.

    I do wonder why they keep pointing out the obvious as far as concubines. I guess they are trying to make palatable to the modern audience? The fact is that concubines were accepted without fanfare. All the maids are the King’s women. Official titles were set in place just for them. The power struggle, I suppose, is what sets JOJ apart from any young girl in the palace who has seen the King’s pj’s. Still…
    Can’t wait to see what gets stirred up next!

  35. I’m usually a sucker for romantic lovey-dovey scenes, but LS and JOJ do nothing for me. I don’t feel emotionally attached nor do I specifically root for them. So far, I am much more interested in seeing how Inhyun and Lee Soon would work.

    Both Lee Soon and JOJ were annoying the heck out of me during eps 9 and 10. Lee Soon for being so obsessed with JOJ (the part when he ditched the Royal wedding, ran off to have sex with her.. indeed a chickflick novel) and JOJ for being so mary-sue. But then BAM, the ending of episode 10, has totally pulled me back into the story. JOJ is finally going to turn into a bitch! The show is finally beginning.

    • It’s not wedding night. It’s still the ritual wedding messenger where the king comes to the soon-to-be bride’s house to give his message that she’s selected as his queen.

  36. Prince Dongpyeong is Ok Jung’s hero in this episode by giving her the royal protection so she can come back to the palace when the king calls her. He abandons his own feeling for Ok Jung. And about their first night, somehow this reminds me of Princess Man. In Princess Man, after the guy escaped from the death and met her, the emotion was so overwhelmed and they slept together. I think this also applies to Lee Soon with situation that’s almost similar, near brush with death.

  37. Hi Ockoala,

    Perhaps this is a dull question. Is this drama’s story going to keep to the history or is it going to be a pure fiction? I like Ok Jung here a lot that I am not sure if I want to see her turn into what was written in the history.

  38. As for Dong Yi / Choi Suk Bin, I really don’t think LS will truly love her. Earlier in the series and in this episode, he said that all women are political tools and Ok Jung is the only exception. He’s completely in love with her, and no other girl has ever even come close to making him feel that way. I have faith that he’ll be using CSB for some sort of political gain or to distract the ministers from JOJ.

  39. Omg! This drama is not making me sleep. This is all I think about. This is my drama crack! I’m going mental. I’ve literally watched each and every episode 5 friggin’ times!!! It’s ridiculous. Where is the preview for episode 11?!?!?! Pls tell me. I am so anxious already! Btw thanks koala for the recaps. You’re helping me with my addiction… Maybe feeding… It’s all good

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