
King Flower Episode 17 Recap — 46 Comments

  1. Have you watched the latest preview Koala? It’s worse than the preview at the end of ep 17! Haha (one can only laugh!).

    But, but…. the reason for this post is that I’ve started following the Baidu bar for this just today and someone posted a photo they saw on Da Mouth’s FB of Terry in groom gear, (and it appears to be different to the gear he wore when Terry and LY got engaged). Anyway, everyone still thinks it’s the scriptwriters’ way of further torturing us and Terry haha, but there’s hope!

    • Don’t be fooled. I’m not going to believe Terry will get the girl unless I see it when the drama ends otherwise stupid Da Hua can always choose turd bucket Guan Jun at the last minute.

      • So true! But it’s hard not to get excited as a Terry-shipper! :p Darn SETTV!

    • Stupid SETTV ploy. I refuse to play their games. If she is at a wedding then it’s definitely GJ how the heck could she possibly be marrying Terry? At this stage? The pic was cute though.

      • That means there is going to be a Da Hua dream sequence where she is going to struggle to choose between the two. So I don’t believe it will be an actual wedding for Da Hua.

  2. Like I said before, I hope that in their wedding day a flower pot hits her on the head before she sais “I DO” and realizes that the one she loves is TERRY!!! Leaving GJ at the alter and running to Terry and apologies for being stupid and not realizing that its him she loves! ok I can dream right!!? ugh
    PS Thank you Ockoala for the recap again!!

  3. thank you so much! *TEARS MY HAIR OUT* – precisely! ikr! YES! i’m still wishing the producers won’t be so stubborn and let the rightful thing takes its course and make Terry-Da Hua happy in the end.

  4. Sigh I think it’s inevitable Terry is going to get his heart broken the second time T.T Argh I am giving up hope on Da Hua sorting out her feelings sensibly. But I had to say the backhug scene is freaking cute.. Da Hua and Terry reciting the red wine speech together and in sync.. that is really adorable!

  5. you’re so on point that we don’t love terry because he’s RICH we love him because he always wants the best for da hua, he’s mature, considerate and respectful of her wishes!!

  6. UGH I can’t even and don’t even ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’ve been re-watching this drama so many times in the last 2 days and just… I don’t know how I’ll feel if Da Hua really did end up with Guan Jun. It’s ridiculous.

    There was this one moment in the previous episodes ( I don’t remember which one) where Terry got hurt due to that protesting incident and people were throwing eggs at him and Dahua. Dahua was treating his wound and Da Hua said something along the lines that he should let her handle those type of protesting situations as she was used to it in the market. And Terry says, “Do you think I’d let a girl handle such a situation on my behalf?” AND THAT FRUSTRATES ME cos think back to the first episode where Guan Jun were being chased by those men and he ran to their grocery store and he went back, started eating and just let Da Hua handle those men! JUST RIDICULOUS. I don’t want to try and put Terry in a pedestal but it’s not hard to when Guan Jun’s character is like that.

    Would Guan Jun honestly realize Da Hua was impersonating Liang Yian if not for the secretary telling him about the similar bracelet? Or even the fact that Da Hua had to point out how she has been good to him before he found out his identity?

    UGH. It makes me mad how insecure Guan Jun is and how he wants to keep Da Hua by his side because he likes “the good old days” or the fact that Da Hua is the only one who sees him as this perfect man where he knows all too well how he isn’t. Da Hua keeps his pride and ego together.

    I hate how he keeps mentioning how he likes their life back then and even said “That’s the reason why I like you” when Da Hua said she can go back to the old Jin Da Hua again. REALLY. If Da Hua changes or just even the fact that she widens her perspective (as her dad says) does that mean that he won’t like her? Is that why he’s trying hard to put her back as the old Jin Da Hua again cos of the sense of security she gives him and not necessarily out of love?

    UGH. I’m still holding to a glimmer of hope that all this Da Hua-Terry scenes are actually planned and they will end up together and not as ratings bait. Also holding to the slight optimistic view that Da Hua actually sees Terry as a man (foot scene) and are awkward and confused with him because she’s greatly affected by him.

    If this drama is scheduled to end up in the mid-20 episodes, Da Hua-Guan Jun ending up together would be just ridiculous when there’s really no even basis of their relationship and that all through this time, all we’ve witnessed is Terry’s struggles. UGH. There goes my essay comment.

  7. omg if da hua’s gonna end up with guan jun they just should end the drama right here cause she’s already back at her home and can live happily ever after with her guan jun… I feel like now they’re just creating unnecessary conflict to pave way for the guan jun-da hua couple e.g. guan jun feeling they don’t have a ‘future’ together and they’ll argue back and forth and eventually da hua will be like “I don’t care about a future the only one i like is you blahblah”

    Terry and da hua ALREADY have so many obstacles/conflict to overcome, I feel like the directors are just forcing us da hua and guan jun down our throats -_____-

    • I don’t know, sigh. Its hard I’m sure to tell the male lead to step aside, but if any drama called for it, this would be that drama.

  8. My goodness I am so happy I am not watching this except for ep 16.

    Even reading the recaps are painful. I feel such pain for Terry.
    Far out, seriously, can’t the Taiwanese fans personally go to the set and form a protest in front of the writer or something?

    I would die if they write a character like Terry and give the girl to the self absorbed idiot.

    Look this is when I want a Kdrama time lapse and Terry go away and end up with a girl that actually appreciates him Da Hua doesn’t seem to.

    • I said it before, bring in a Ringer and give Terry his deserved happy ending. It doesn’t need to be with Da Hua.

  9. Terry is indeed too wonderful for words.
    I am trying to be optimistic. The fact that Terry is the fist man to touch her feet…..maybe that’s a sign! Also when they mentioned that Terry is very popular with women……I am glad DH is aware of that.

    • The drama gives all the romantic moments to Terry, but I don’t want to hope they understand it and gives him a happy ending.

  10. Thanks for the recap!

    I just sobbed and sobbed at Terry – Little Match Boy – imagining, then losing DH over and over.
    Outloud crying.

    I physically feel sick thinking that GJ would get the girl.
    Every feeling revolts.

    It wouldn’t be tragic, like some of my other least favorite endings, but it would be a tragedy for fans and for people in love.

  11. Why does settv insist on making their dramas so long. They are romcoms and don’t need to be! It drags things out and ruins the pacing. If’d Terry doesn’t get the girl this drama was a waste of my time:(

  12. “I hope Guan Jun changes into a treoll and moves under a bridge.” This was one of many sentences in this post that made me laugh out loud. Should we get t-shirts made? Chris Wu is so delectably delicious as Terry that is the writers had not made Guan Jun so obnoxously self-centered, I might feel sorry for him. They make Terry more perfect with each episode. When i think he cannot possibly get better, he does.

    But what is going on with everyone else? It seems like it has only been four days and everyone (but the media) is already over the girl switch thing.

  13. I will help you beat Guan Jun up. I am so emotionally invested in Terry…UGH. I have a strong feeling the writers will make Terry tells Da Hua, I understand your one sided love, go be with Guan Jun, except…they do not work for each other right now. They have so much growing up to do if they even want to make it to the aisle. Those pics of the wedding scene must be in her dream because I do not see her and Guan Jun getting married within 5-8 episodes.

    • Also. Who the hell is Terry supposed to end up with if Da Hua ends up with Guan Jun? I will not accept Terry being by himself at the end of this drama haha. He can’t lose 2 great loves and at the end come to terms with his life. I can’t accept that. At least most dramas have someone waiting in the wings for the second male lead…Xiao Fei? PFFFFFFT. T_T

      • In the opening credits, and especially in the first episode, Kai Le is made out to be deeply in love with Terry and waiting in the wings for him. But that went nowhere – Kai Le is all cold businesswoman (or maybe that is all the actress can portray) who actually spies on Terry for President Du; NOT that actions of a woman deeply in love. That story arc has gone up in smoke, literally leaving Terry with no one but Da Hua, poor sod. I so want to give that girl a swift kick in the pants.

      • @skelly

        I only started watching halfway in so I didn’t know 🙂

        So if the drama decides to somehow find a way to rectify that I will still be annoyed. The only person in this drama that works for him is Da Hua. I can somehow see how Xiao Fei can be fixed for Guan Jun. That’s the only plausible solution. Otherwise everyone needs to be sacked! And I wish everyone would petition! There’s still time…I can’t because I don’t live in Taiwan haha.

      • At this point right now, I wouldn’t even mind Terry with Kai Le, his secretary. At least she obviously cares about him and would appreciate him, unlike Da Hua who is a thicker than a nuclear bunker door.

        Terry is just too good for Da Hua and her idiotic family, all of whom want her to stay the same country girl as she has always been.

    • I don’t want Terry with Kai Le. I want him to go find the better girl out there for him other than stupid Da Hua.

      • If only Annie Chen or Cheryl Yang could drop by Sheng Da and take Terry out for a business lunch. And DH finally realizing what she had. I am really upset with her for being so dense.

  14. Thanks for continuing to write on this drama. Love your Terry header !
    I hate that Terry is being used to raise ratings. How many times does he have to fall and how many times does he have to be under the rain?? Poor dear! Piggy-back scene was nice though. And I thought piggy-back ride (and broken heels) are reserved KDrama staple.
    I think I will camp on your page before watching further.
    May the trolls come and get the Jin family !!

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