
Written Previews for Episode 5 and 6 of Two Weeks — 11 Comments

  1. With how the track is moving,apart from giving me a heart thumps, looks like a dead giveaway. I am having strange apprehensions about tae san.
    I hope they make him go all revengy soon that will be awesome .

  2. Another actress that plays best mom ever incredibly well is Kim Hae Sook, who recently played Hye Sung’s mom in Voice.

    I hadn’t thought of it before, but Seung Woo and Jae Kyung could totally get a love-line too, although i highly doubt it. I hope show doesn’t feel the need to focus too much on the romance considering show’s got some great things going on without it — and 2 weeks is too short of a time span for that.

      • I’m with you – this is one drama that can only benefit from NO ROMANCE (and suffer from it).

        Let’s stay focused on the chase and angst and father-daughter love.

        Plus, it’s two weeks… so staying grounded in reality would be much preferable as well.

    • I just read, that RSY’s agency Will Entertainment twitterd this pic and hinted at a possible love line of those two.

      Whatever it will be, I’ll follow this brilliant show to the (hopefully not bitter) end.

  3. Just boarded the ship of Two Weeks; and I’m loving it. Don’t care about the romance, just this opportunity for redemption for the main hero. Child actress really awesome.

  4. I’m confused by Jae Kyung’s sexual orientation though- it seemed like they hinted at something more than platonic with Mi Sook? Mostly that bra scene – I don’t think you buy bras for your friend, then sob over them. Mind, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it and if anything it’s a brave direction to take her character, but it makes me really doubt a romance with Seung Woo.

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