
Marry Him If You Dare Introduces Jung Yong Hwa and His Network President Halmoni — 27 Comments

      • No, i watched bts video and his other interviews videos and i think he is very lively person in real life. But the moment he starts acting for drama, he becomes expressionless.
        Its quite a phenomenon if you think of it because actors are usually other way around. They are reserved in real life and expressive on screen.

      • Man of Still. I don’t know how he does it, it’s like the serene face of a monk, deep in contemplation. It’s like a still pond with a single maple leaf dangling up above, and we wait for the inevitable drop of the leaf, but it does not come.

    • I don’t even know how he does it! I went to the bathroom and tried to keep my face in a frozen mask and I couldn’t because I just want to crack up and twitch. Yet he manages to do so in still after still – the completely blank face. Let’s hope the posters turn out much better because he was clearly animated in the BTS poster shoot.

      I actually just noticed something funny – the pictures with him and halmoni and the ones released with him and Yoon Eun Hye drinking at the convenience store, you can splice either YEH or halmoni in either set and Yong Hwa looks exactly the same in the scenes. A calm, gentle, state of zen being.

    • I wish he would pick a different character type. Why does he keep doing the strong and silent type of roles. Or maybe it’s FNC trying to push for that image but all CNBlue fans will know that’s going to fail since Yonghwa is far from silent. They should give him a role closer to his own personality. He didn’t do too badly in AGD when he cameoed.

      • agree!!! something with a funny character that is closest to his personality. can he kill someone here so he will look different?? LOL

      • LOL! Or how about channeling a little bit of Anthony in King of Dramas kekeke. Yell at directors telling them they are crap. Anything but strong and silent.

  1. Hmmm the BTS looks more promising than the stills. I think Yonghwa is more comfortable with Han Chae Ah because she only shot to fame recently whereas Yoon Eun Hye has been around for longer and is on a different level. anyway Yonghwa and Han Chae Ah are supposed to have a loveline so this is a good thing.

  2. I agree with momo. When Jung Yong Hwa is acting as a version of himself (cameo/variety) he has a charisma and a sense of naturalness about him that always seems to dissipate whenever he tries to act. And its not the Taecyon problem, where you see him thinking through the emotions, because as the viewer we don’t even see Jung Yong Hwa’s thinking process, just the zen garden state.

  3. I love this boy’s personality off-cam and I really respect him as a musician but oh man…he’s always zoning out when he’s supposed to be “acting”. Here’s to hoping the he will improve in this drama.

  4. He’s just as “acting” in the BTS tho. The stills were probably taken separately with a photographer going “1,2,3” and aren’t caps of the TV shots. We’ll be watching a moving picture, so after seeing his naturally animated interaction with the camera and costars in the BTS, I don’t get why there’s this fuss about the stills?…

    • Yup..u r right..i see lots of comments regarding still on many upcoming dramas.why people care so much about still.still is just still..just wait the drama itself. Then u can judge the base on the acting wise.

  5. My first thought was, “Wow, that’s a lot of cleavage for a network president/halmoni to be sporting…” . I didn’t even recognize that it was Go Doo Shim, she looks so different here.

    I’m crossing my fingers (but not holding my horses) re: JYH’s performance in this. I really want him to do well, cuz he seems like such a likable guy. He def. looks more relaxed around HCA.

    To PDnim: Animate him if you dare!

  6. It will be funny if Halmoni and old Mirae can be friend, or maybe even frienemy. That will be hilarious to watch.
    Also let’s just hope YH in motion will be better than YH in still. I see a glimmer of hope in the BTS.

  7. Daww he’s so adorable in his bts
    As usual he’s so lively with lovable personality
    If only park seju can be the kind of man like yonghwa
    To me it seems that yonghwa has good chemistry with both ladies,that’s a positive sign for the birth of otp

  8. I’m totally shipping him with HCA now, please make them an otp in the show!! I’m so over pointless love triangles/squares in dramas.

  9. I’m really curious about the first episode. I hope that the character of Yonghwa will be not too serious, cold and quiet like the last. I want to see him in another kind of character. He’s so funny and charismatic in the real life.

  10. 🙂 either way I am looking forward to it. This is getting everyone to talk about about it so I suppose that is a good thing.

    I am waiting to see the first episode. I want this to be good!!!

  11. I did a double take when I realized that was Soon Shin’s Mom…the difference a hairstyle and outfit can make…and she’s supposed to be a Grandma now too…man…these ranges are crazy indeed

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