
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 5 Baby Recap — 36 Comments

    • I was thinking the same. Why did he downgrade in school years when Koreans are usually 1-2 years older than their birth year. He should have also been in high school in the US.

      • I don’t think he wants anyone to know he was going to college in the US. Anyway he was only auditing the classes, I don’t think he was enrolled. He was supposed to be playing over there, not studying.

      • it’s not impossible. it looks like he went to ESL type of classes. they were studying about ‘words’ and composition. It’s pretty normal for ESL classes to be taught at University classrooms.

    • Sometimes instead of AP classes, upperclassmen in American HS take college classes at local university. This option was available at both the HS I attended.

  1. Thanks for the quick recap.
    I agree with you that this drama has too many characters but somehow it is not bothering me that much, yet.
    With the new broadcasting regulation of max. 60 minutes per episode, i hope the unnecessary scenes(like family scenes with YD,Rachel and their parents Or Bona’s scenes) will be cut down.

  2. Thank you for this fast recap, Koala!!
    As much as I look forward to watching the interaction develop between Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang, with some Chan Young on the side, I’ve grown weary of all the dragged out scenarios featuring the rest of those dysfunctional characters. For me, too much episodic time has been invested in trying to get us to feel something for that unsympathetic lot,there’s just too many of them. I don’t mind Young Do and Won for the conflicts to be resolved, but c’mon, it’s not a good sign when I’m compelled to fast forward through the rest of those extraneous filler scenes.

  3. In a way I don’t agree with Ms Koala that it’s going too slow of a pace. I find that it’s good that they’re taking their time to develop the main characters and also it makes sense to show how and why Eun Sang would go to the same school as the riches. I think it’s a build up to the main storyline. Fingers crossed that Episode 6 will be going forward a bit. Still enjoying the drama very much.

  4. I feel like I’m watching game of thrones theres so many characters ha! It would have been better to slowly introduce them rather then introducing them all at once in the first episodes but I’m hoping episode 6 is where it will really get started now that everythings moved into place, fingers crossed I need some good drama Eun Sang!!!!!

  5. I agree ES+KT development is a bit slow but at least it makes sense which is more than I can say for some other kdramas.

    Also, I really, really don’t like the Empire High uniform. ES looked waaaaaay better in her normal school uniform.

  6. what’s up with his clothes.. lol.. from looking cool and young in t-shirt in US.. now it’s flowery sweater?? maybe his Mom bought his clothes in Korea.. ya.. let’s think that way.

  7. Is it just me or does the actress who plays Hyun Joo look more like PSH? I think she would have made a more convincing sister, looks wise.

    • Her story line is also similar to Eun Sang in that, she was supported by the Kim family. Big brother Won is attracted to Hyun Joo and Tan with Eun Sang. Maybe she will be sympathetic to Eun Sang down the line; furthermore, she might be a catalyst in bringing Won to Tan’s side.

      • I thought I was teh only one who moticed that. I they’re more alike when they’re acting, same facial expressions esp their eyes. They would really pass as sisters.

  8. Was hoping this episode would get me hooked after watching the trailer a couple of days back but still it doesn’t. I don’t connect and I don’t feel any narrative. We are in episode 5 for cheesesake, show move it up.
    generally speaking it’s like we are still at the introductory pace, the setting of the mood which by all means and account would have been acceptable had it not been ep5. I’m still in for Tan and Eunsang, and I still adore Chanyong and dad, and definitely curious with Kim Won, but everyone else can just disappear as far as I am concerned. The fillers is starting to bug me, definite mood killer. they need to cut down the parents scene except ChanYoung dad’s which is definitely an interesting character on his own. We don’t need to know that Tan inherited his stalker tendency from Dad, nor need to know that mom is a ball of nothing, or YoungDo and Rachel’s parents is in the business of business marriage.

    another beef I have with heir is that there are so many scenes, NO narrative, yes we get it. Tan is a exiled prince who loves hyung, wary of dad, tolerant of birth mom, polite to official mom, assbutt returning king in school, disinterested fiancee, jerk boyfriend, school bully and Stalker to ES. I think Ep1 and 2 has already covered that, why do we need to go to all that again?
    I love you Lee Min Ho, and you are doing good as Tan but really, its really starting to bug me.
    I love Kim Eun Sook, But really? come on, I really love love love You. But really. this slow? you still have the fast talking but the pace is lagging a few years behind. Let’s get a move on please.
    Anyway we are at school so I guess, since almost all characters are in one place we can cover everyone now?

    EP 6, I am really putting all my hope in you now.

  9. I am still watching though. The pace of this episode was too slow for me,
    I only watched scenes of the OTP, and the one Hyun Joo/Won scene.
    Am I the only person that wants more scenes of Hyun Joo and Won? At least Won is nice around her, and not being a total **s like when he’s with Tan.

  10. I really did feel ES’s utter embarrassment of poorness when she realized how much Tan knew. And Tan answers all her questions knowing the ocean that separated them when he was in the US is small compared to that of their economic stations in SK.

    Why don’t they ditch everyone and go live in t-shirts in Malibu?

    As the students were appearing in the halls at Empire High, I was calculating how much all the uniforms were worth.

    Tan’s clothes? What? They are trying to make him a sleeker Jun-pyo, but still it is clothes even someone like LMH shouldn’t wear. Did you see that slippery shiny sweatshirt? Hand-stitched like Joo Won’s track suits the EH uniforms?

    • LOL on the track suits. KES continues to plug her other characters in this drama (Isn’t she known for that?). I kept on thinking what in the world did they put on LMH? He dressed fine in Cali, he even put on a great suit but when he arrived in SK they had him dressing up like Joo Won printed sweaters and shiny tracks.

    • PSH is not the best actress but I like that scene when Tan finally revealed who he is. Her confusion to her understanding to her devastation was acted just right. I love that scene in that its somehow equivalent when Tan realized who she really is and how different their station in life are, but hers was multiples a few times higher in mind.
      I mean, it would have been a little better had her mom worked as a maid but not under Tan’s family but the sad and cruel truth is now that they are back at Seoul, the time she spent with TAN is really like a midsummer nights dream. But now under his family that might give them sustenance with life yet still baldly and in your face push them to the bottom of the economic ladder, its really worst case scenario ever. Like a dream turned to nightmare.

      Regarding Tan’s clothes, let’s hope its just jet lag that muddled his brain. Cause I agree what happened to the clothes he was wearing in Cali, was it somehow deported back? I don’t care if they are importedly hand stitched from france or or hand woven from spain or courtesans had designed it, its such a sore to see. It’s putting my migraine a little higher than usual.

      • I just love how her face transitioned in that scene. The scene itself was choreographed beautifully. It tore me apart

  11. The pace is sure slow. It is episode 5 and the mood is still in the character development stage. The adults are all despicable and should just be edited out. The chairman spies on his sons and had Eun Sang transfer to Empire High so he can control her. Tan’s mom does not mind selling her soul to the devil, therefore, she had her son adopted by the 2nd wife to pimp him out. Rachael’s mom and Young Do’s dad both abuse their kids (Emotionally for Rachael/Physically for Young Do). And what’s with Chan Young’s dad. He may be a good father and may be nice to Won and Tan (don’t know if that is going to last) but can’t he find a woman of his own? He has to pine for someone who is already taken; granted he may have history with Rachael’s mom but couldn’t he find prettier much nicer lady? Gee this was ep 5 for me. If not for the cute moments of Kim Tan and Eun Sang and my curiosity as to how Young Do and Eun Sang interact, I would have skipped watching. Oh Bo NA with that voice like nails on a blackboard, ugh! Next episode please…

  12. I have been trying to watch this drama due the huge cast involved but what i find really hard to stomach is why lee minho accepted this show to play a teenager. Its such a huge backstep to his career as since BOF he has graduated to play more indepth roles like City Hunter and have stepped up to become a bonafide star after that. Why he chose to replay a character similar to the show that has made him at a ripe old age of 28 baffles me. Its such a casting boo boo that i am not surprised with the shows weak ratings in korea. In a world where his dongsengs in the business Joo Won just tackled and smashed through GOOD DOCTOR, to LJS doing IHYV to such aplomp and Kim Beom graduating to do GIFTED HANDS. This all feels too odd. hopefully theres a time jump in HEIRS to justify putting him in this role. Like when Bae Yong Joon did Winter Sonata at 28. He said the most awkward part was playing the teenage years.

    • I have to agree with you about comment of Lee Min Ho . Besides, I just eager for watching drama due to the cast idol and beautiful girls . But after 5 eps , I see it seems to BOF . Young Do like Go Jun Pyo , Kim Tan like Ji Hoo. Some small thing change , but it doesn’t matter . And I hope to see Park Shin Hye will be different to this role , I see her the same as her last character . Poor girl have rich prince , oh just dreaming , she debut for more 10 years and I’m not surprised that she didn’t receive any big award for her career , just some awards for netizen vote . That’s not good for her when she get older .

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