
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 13 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. god i hate young do and i find it sick how girls are like “omg hes so cute and he needs to end up with eun sang. i mean he throws her up against the wall and tortures her, obviously that means he deserves her.” nothing says love like a person emotionally and physically abusing you. just reading his scenes makes my blood boil. hes a manipulative ass who needs extensive therapy. Tan has his moments also where he is too rough for my liking but he is nowhere near the yuck levels that young do is. really hate how in korean dramas liking someone means you have the right to touch and kiss and grab a woman whenever you want. and that those kinds of things are swoon worthy. they arent. its gross. women arent objects for men to play with.

    • Can’t agree with u more @Losky YD almost abuses her and girls are like” ohhh look how he pinned her to the wall that so Hot”like *seriously*
      What the guy does just irritates me to high heaven and I just want to slap him,if he want ES to like him he should start acting less than a jeck.

      • Oh please!! The truth is I couldn’t care less for either ship. But let’s call a spade, a spade. Young Do pinning Eun Sang aggressively to the wall, is no different to Kim Tan’s, aggressive first kiss, that was completely done out selfishness, and need to assert dominance over this submissive and passive heroine we are all supposed to root for. In any case, they are both dangerous in their own way, both controlling men with serious potential capacity for abuse. The difference is one attempts to express his deep love for said heroine by openly and forcefully exerting his presence, with the expectation of being the centre of attention, and having his needs anticipated; while the other who has her affections, uses this as a tactic of confusion, distortion and lies to project an image of himself as good, which is done subtly in the way the script writer has written the character. Furthermore, he is consumed with the belief in having special rights without responsibilities and justifying unreasonable expectations for their “undying love” relationship. Of the two, which is the lesser of the two evils…I would have to say the former, at least his character is unfailing and may be redeemed completely (K-Drama after all), whereas the latter will continue to be his ‘cutesy’ self, never once the writer acknowledging that his calculating ways is a serious problem. Of course, the writer thinks the audience will be stupid enough to digest this. Sadly, the majority will, and has already done so.

    • Agree. In reality, a guy that acts like Young Do abusing women is probably heading down the road to rape. I don’t think he can be redeemed by beating daddy at Tae Kwon Do. But, hey…this is a KDrama, and he’ll probably give the bride away.

    • Some Young-do supporters say that he’s amazing because the show itself presents him as a deranged jerk, so kdramalaws say he will find the light and be redeemed thanks to luv (I’m not so sure, but who knows, at least he’s constantly reprimanded). On the other hand, Tan is shown as this pure ray of sunshine who should make us all swoon when he’s actually quite the abusive manipulator who has absolutely no respect for anyone but himself – and this is a real problem because he’ll probably never change or admit his behaviour as problematic. In the end, it’s a matter of honesty in their characterization and potential in their journey.

      (not talking about fangirls who choose their leading men based purely on looks)

      I hate them both almost equally, though, Eun-sang should run away fast before that toxic environment kills her soul.

      • I totally agree with you in that Tan is also a toxic person that is always raging and threatening to kill people, my biggest problem with him has been that he’s very controlling of Eunsang and very violent yet people seem to gloss over it because he’s the lead and he’s doing it out of love. I don’t justify Youngdo’s ways but at least he’s rather aware that his ways are self destructive while in the case of KT I don’t see it happening.

  2. Hi Ockoala, you’re seriously fast. Thank you for the recap.

    I loved this episode to bits. So many cute scenes, especially Tan and Eun Sang.
    The best scene for me was the moments between Won and Tan. Won actually looked brotherly for once. I squealed like crazy. Even though Young Do is a brick, you can see tiny bits of kindness in him.
    All in all I Love watching this drama.

  3. Can’t wait to watch. Thanks for the recap. I must be the only one who likes bad boys like Young Do. I find Brian Bois-Gilbert so much sexier and more interesting than vanilla Ivanhoe. Not wonderful boyfriend material coz they’re too psychotic but really fascinating characters.

  4. LOL, just tweeted the same.
    1st ep I really enjoyed and had fun. LMH finally showed some signs of living and acting.., still PSH kills with her lack of energy.

  5. Too many things to comment. But it’s the first time in the whole drama where the scenes made sense. And they had impact.

    But the funny parts, oh my, they were funny. MS looked possessed taking the photos. And Kim Tan with hyung was so touching.

    Lee Min Ho has been hit a lot huh in this drama?

  6. Loved the car scene when he said he beat people up with spoons I laughed so hard and that was totally my favorite scene in city hunter =)))

  7. Firstly, I’d like to say I love how fast your recaps are! It makes me so happy I can discuss the episode as soon as I watch it.

    This is the first episode where I didn’t absolutely hate everything Young Do did because he was genuinely vulnerable at the coffee shop. He was a lost and lonely kid begging for a friend. And then he totally erased any ounce of sympathy I had for him when he threw Eun Sang against the wall in the broadcasting room -.-

    And I LOVED Eun Sang and her growth in this episode. She is the best when she is strong and willing to speak her mind, not getting thrown and bounced around between Tan and Young Do. I love that she stepped up and took ownership of her feelings and I almost melted into a puddle of happiness when she hugged Tan FIRST when she saw him crying.

    I’m all things Tan so I can overlook his behavior sometimes since he’s earnest in his love for Eun Sang. But when he does things like ordering Eun Sang to go to the broadcasting room and commanding, “Go straight,” I cringe at his alpha male dominance.

    Other than that though this episode was amazing and it made me so glad I stuck with the drama for this long. Can’t wait till tomorrow!

  8. The picture!!
    That had me laughing out loud the first time because I expected a photocopy, then again when I realized WHO drew it, and then imangining how seriously intense YD must have looked when explaining to the dude behind the desk to NOT let this person in the hotel.
    He couldn’t just show him photo?!

    Still laughing.

    You know, maybe if someone had explained the WHOLE story to Tan about the battle for the company, just MAYBE he would have helped them out. Maybe the truth can help, too? Geeze, why keep him in the dark?

  9. I have stopped watching Heirs. I think..I will watch after it ended. Sometime..I just can’t stand Eun Sang..and also because I found PSH to be very lackluster in this drama. I love her better in FBND.

  10. I prefer my sweet and gentle guys from Answer 1994, yes thank you.

    I tried, but heirs is just bad, everytime their fans say ”the best episode to date!” I go and watch it to see what is good and I can see is LMH bad acting and violent main and second guy, wtf? And people think it is charming, give me shivers.

    Someone told me in Korea if a husband is beating his wife on public nobody stops it or calls help, because it isn’t that uncommon for having abusing husband there, wow. I just can’t.

    My biggest problem is that I read Heirs is being watched by teens until people in their 30’s that is… scary tbh.

  11. Read the recap before watching. Started refreshing all day until finally it’s posted! One of the best episode thus far. Can’t wait for more.

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