
In A Good Way Episode 3 Recap — 31 Comments

  1. I was squealing throughout this whole episode. I love Liu Chuan’s subtle charisma (yes, blush-worthy indeed), Jia En’s spirit, and Ren Wie’s determination. I am looking forward to seeing the characters grow and the relationships developed. Thanks for recapping and letting me fangirl here 🙂

  2. Aw! This is getting so cute! Slice of life dramas are always my favorite…especially when the romance is so realistic. 🙂 Thanks for the recaps!

  3. HAHA, I loved the chicken drumstick part! I legitimately felt so bad for Renwei that I didn’t even think he was being dumb for issuing the challenge. I was afraid it would cause needless tension, but thank goodness it was the complete opposite.

    Yay, time jump~

  4. This show sounds really good and I have been meaning to watch a new TWdrama for a while. It kinda reminds me of Skip Beat in the sense she fallowed her friend to the city. The only thing I am concerned about is how long it will be because at the end of Jan I am going out of the country to area without internet for a few months so I don’t to start watching now if I cann’t finish before then.

    Can someone please tell me how many episodes it is schedule for? And what days it comes out on?

  5. Thank you for the recap! Ditto on the blushing. I finally got Lui Chan’s name. I kept referring him as the basketball player… teehee. Love this drama.

  6. LOVING this so far! It’s definitely got a different vibe from all of the dramas I’ve ever seen. Now if they can keep this pace up.

    Also, maybe it’s just the screen shot, but I actually prefer Jia En’s hair short. I guess for time jump purposes? But in less than 1 year her hair grew THAT much? I’d like to know what she uses for shampoo/conditioning/treatments! lol

  7. AH!!! thank you for the recap!! I had a feeling you were going to put up ep 3 today in order to recap it live tomorrow. I loved this episode and cannot wait for the fourth one tomorrow. The show reminds me of Answer Me 1997 with its nostalgic school setting, but it also has a different charm to it than the mystery Answer Me always keeps in the back of your head.

  8. With the Reply series, while I do enjoy and love it, I tend to be more focus on the mystery game of who’s the husband, that I don’t enjoy the process as much. Not till the end of the the reply 1997 did i enjoy the character interactions. Reply 1994 is still causing shipping woes for me (it is still super fun to watch of course). Especially since the show obviously is trying so hard to trick us with stand ins and present time teasing, that it looses that nostalgia of the 90s.

    That why I really like IAGW as a real representation of youth and adulthood.. As Liu Chuan mentioned, it is about the process. This drama brings more nostalgia for me because it is slow paced, yet not boring. A true slice of life. I enjoyed every character interactions. And I am glad Jia En decided on her own conviction to get into school on her own, because we know she can do it, but she has to know herself. I am really enjoying her growth and can’t wait to see more. And of course the slow development of romance is very true and feels real. Ughhh I am just sad that it comes out once a week 🙁

  9. Jia En deciding to study on her own and the time jump were good twists.. .she didn’t want to cling to Liu Chuan either so she went too far i the other direction cutting off most contact but it’s okay since it’s all part of growth

    • I agree! I thought the show handled Jia En’s frustrating transference of dependence to Liu Chuan very well; they had the bike race that taught both Jia En and Ren Wei some lessons, and brought the guys closer together as well.

      As much as I appreciate the look back on music, it’s a pity the era is too early for Mayday. My favourite Mayday songs are their early Taiwanese songs, the latest albums don’t have the same feel.

  10. Me Me ME!!! I kept rewatching the Wu Bai Concert/Motorbike date for countlesss times and that’s the reason we need HD version video because LQ videos won’t do that scene any justice. No dialogue is needed for that scene, just from them looking at each other makes me squee like a rabid fangirl….

    The time jump is totally unexpected to me but appropriate and I think it’s a good one because Liu Chuan and Jia En know each other for 1 year+ but their relationship is still quite slow-moving and feels natural. This 1 year time jump is essential to Jia En’s growth and to include her into CDU.

    IAGW Discussion Thread @ Soompi:
    (Join me for discussion please T_T, the thread is so dead…)

  11. That ride… the best part ever…
    The 3 Musketeers showing with the washboards was not a bad scene either :–)
    Jia Eun’s pushing Liu Chuan away and the time jump was unexpected and good.

  12. I like Jia En’s commentary, how eventually you realized things and events have shaped your life, that it might have been another way. Her refreshed reflection on herself years later makes people sigh with her. Youth is a storm, takes you by surprise, you’re frantically flailing your arms thinking you’re dealing with it then it ends before you know it. You realized you could have done better, but there’s no way you could have known then.

  13. Oh Koala (and other show fans), the semester is not even over yet, and you have suckered me in. This seems like exactly what I need, so I will be marathoning all three episodes that have been subbed this weekend after chaperoning a student trip to New York City and grading term paper proposals. Who needs sleep when you have that excellent motorcycle ride to watch and rewatch? Once I am caught up, I will start joining in the squeefest.

    Pearl, are you watching this? I have not heard from you in ages.

  14. thank you so much koala for recapping this! i’m glad i checked this drama out. it’s really an underrated gem. love the male lead, Li Chuan!!! i want one 2!!!!

  15. Gosh. I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one rewinding like crazy over the concert date. I was squealing like nobody’s business. Every glance and touch was electric. I particularly love how they always have these awkward silences where they avert their eyes. I can’t explain it other than that it feels so bloody sweet.

    I kind of like the time jump and I love that Jia En makes a conscious effort not to depend on Liu Chuan. Gawd knows how much I’ve been re watching all three episodes while waiting for tonight’s. Sigh.

  16. So happy that this drama is getting more recogination!!:D

    Loving this drama so much!!! In a Good Way is really jjang and fangirling over Liu Chuan!!

  17. YES, YES! Thanks for the recap. I like it, I do!

    Loved the concert date. Loved how LC waited and waited for JE to ask him to the concert, but she just didn’t think of it, dummy! So he had to ask himself out. The anticipation in those moments perfect.

    The concert illusion was great. It was fabulous hearing Wu Bai’s voice and seeing LC sing along in the crowd. It felt authentic. I guess that is what I like – nothing feels like !College! Look! 1995! It’s natural and the music sets the tone perfectly.

    My fav character is LC, of course, but Jay Shih is killing this as Ren Wei. All the conflict with liking JE as a little sister, but wanting to be independent of her, wanting R-E-S-P-E-C-T, loving Snow White but having less than no clue on how to woo her. His blaming JE for all the bad things in his life since she showed up was typical and whiney, but I understood his complaints. He was totally out of line, of course, and I like that JE set him straight by not taking his shiz. After all that, I still like him and I am rooting for him to grow up.

    Best part of the time jump? We get to see Kirsten Ren’s real hair!!

  18. oh koala. i’m not sure what i look forward to more – new episodes of IAGW or your recaps/thoughts of said episodes. thanks so much for introducing this drama to us, and for your amazing recaps and thoughts!

  19. gosh! i just read from one of the comments here that this drama airs one episode per week! so it’s a good thing i’m only getting addicted to this now, with 15 episodes already out and subbed and ready to be watched. though i have a feeling i’m gonna be doing some serious marathoning and end up finishing everything in a week, and then pulling out my hair in frustration waiting for next friday.

    but really, i never expected to be this much smitten over the show. i watched episode 1 last week, but it’s only after episode 3 that i just can’t seem to stop thinking about the characters. i like JE, she’s got lots to learn to be truly independent, but i like that she’s reflecting a lot and doesn’t let herself get pulled down by self-pity when things aren’t going favorably for her. i have a love-hate relationship with RW, heh. i can’t seem to decide whether to call him reckless or tenacious. i guess he’s both. but i like that the drama doesn’t make him into a one-dimensional second lead. his angst are very believable, a provincial boy longing to make a name for himself in the big city. i mean, what’s wrong with that, right? but he certainly has a lot to learn about maturity and loyalty and i hope we’ll get to see that towards the end. by the way, special mention to his sidekicks a di and zai zai. those two are hilarious, a di unwittingly so.

    i like how the three musketeers are not haughty hotshots. yes they’re good looking and they get all the attention.. but they are no F4. i’ve yet to see them actually throwing their weight around in order to have their way. what’s surprising is that they are actually reasonable people. and i don’t get to see that often in dramas. even bai xue is not the typical pretty but bitchy second lead. (or am i speaking too soon?)

    and how much do i love liu chan? he’s like this perfectly nice, cute guy that we all hoped to meet when we were younger right? at times he seemed a bit too perfect. but who cares? i’ll take perfection any day. though like koala, i’m excited to see how the drama peel down his layers and show me what makes him tick.

    i actually spoiled myself a bit by reading the episode 16 preview. and judging by it, it looks like it’s gonna be a slow ride to watch liu chan and jie en fall in love. but i’m actually excited to know what takes place in between. if it involves more chances to grow for all characters, more camaraderie involving three musketeers and iron men, and of course the little sweet moments between LC and JE, then i’m so in. wish i can stop myself though, from marathoning everything. *crossing my fingers*

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