
The Tight-knit Cast of Office Girls Reunites for a Reunion Dinner — 19 Comments

  1. So funny to hear this because I just spent the whole afternoon yesterday (instead of studying Korean or doing course design for the upcoming semester) rereading Office Girl recaps and making cookies! I love this show and the Roy Ariel pairing. I even watched In Between with Janel Tsai because I ended up liking her character in this drama (even though I wanted James and her to go away so I could spend more time with my OTP watching them watch movies:). Always good to know that the people in a drama still have good feelings about it when we still have good feelings about.

      • Yup, I did mean Alice, but I think I would watch Roy paired up with anyone. I am still waiting for my Roy, Chris Wu, Joseph Chang roadtrip rom-com where they meet triplets and fall in love (with a different one a piece) without knowing and being conflicted over true love vs. bromance. Is anybody with me?

      • I really liked that show. It did get a bit draggy near the end, but so many shows do. Still, I loved the way they fall in love. And the sidekick guy/photographer guy is the same actor that plays the professor in In a Good Way. I did not recognize him at first because he is so serious in IAGW.

        I had been trying to watch it for ahile, but it did not seem to get the buzz. I finally found the whole show subbed in English on dramafire.

  2. Ahhh, I loved Office Girls!!
    It definitely suffered from its share of draggy plotlines, but it never lost its heart, ever.
    Prior to watching OG I had only seen Roy in one other rather lackluster role (in Woody Sambo, if anyone cares to know), and d’omg this drama totally revamped the sullen impression I had of him. His performance here was perfect, hitting all the comedic notes without missing a beat and bringing to life what in the hands of a less-skilled actor would’ve been a generic rich-kid character.
    OG is also the only drama I’ve seen Alice in. Gaaah, I lub her understated performance as well as the unexpectedly lovely rapport between the polar opposites that are Shen Xingren and Qin Ziqi.
    I knew Fated to Love You and Autumn’s Concerto were ranked first and second respectively in ratings, but I didn’t know that OG was third! I hadn’t realized OG was that big of a sleeper hit, but it’s totally deserving of the standing in my book.
    Yay for the reunion dinner! They all look grrreat. (;

  3. Have you seen the new headers someone posted in the comments of your headers section? They’re beautiful In A Good Way Headers!

  4. Office Girls is the latest SETTV idol drama I enjoyed! I seriously have no idea what’s going with all the mediocre TW idol dramas these days… I miss the old times when there were so many great TW dramas! =(

  5. I loved OG. I loved the eye contact and facial expressions between Roy and Alice. Loved the scene when she is bandaging his arm after the fall off the roof.

  6. Your headline tricked me! I thought is was going to be “Reunites for A DRAMA.”

    Now that my heart has gone back to normal…Awwww…Sweet. That show was magic. Everyone made it work, but, of course Alice and Roy were the great center to the ensemble.

    He is so watchable in these stories, but MR taught us it takes two to tango. Since Megan didn’t appear to want to be in the same room as her co-star, it had to have made filming difficult all around.

    Are there any wise actresses out there that won’t fall for his shenanigans and who don’t have friends who did and who can make that spark happen on screen? No?
    I guess he is this generation’s Warren Beatty-style womanizer. It’s not like it’s a secret. Don’t fall for him!!!

    • Megan didn’t get along with Roy?? I thought Roy was the one not getting along with his costars, you can see it when he’s posing with Alice or Megan.

  7. Aw… It’s always nice to see Roy. My mom was just mentioning about him last night and questioned what happen to Roy Qiu. He hasn’t had any new dramas since MR.

  8. I think Roy may be in TW drama for a while. After the situation with Popular actress Tang Yan in China, his popularity was badly affected by the break up. You are right about girls who are brave to date him has to be prepared for the consequence. Rainie, Joe, Tang Yan are a number of celebs he dated and dumped.

    • from the look of it, Roy lacks the PR skills to make it big in PRC. The ladies and actresses there are not to be trivialized with. Either you don’t get involved with any of them or you get serious and publicize the relationship and get the blessings of fans there. look at Nicky Wu, Mark Chao, Hawick Lau etc… how the local media support them for taking their ladies seriously.
      Wallace Wu has been keeping a low profile for a while and still doing well. But his recent moves could make or break him. Sigh!!!

  9. has roy lose weight or what happened to his mouth. it’s getting flatter. could it be due to pushing the upper teeth too far in? He looked much better last time with a bit of “bug teeth” and his mouth was fuller then. Now his mouth is too flat and thin and his smile is not so “unique” anymore.. hope he do something about it.

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